5. Comparison

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5. Comparison

There is often a trade-off between the features of a software tool for computer mapping of language data and the ease of using it. In that sense it is difficult to judge the quality of a tool. The worst kind of map is the one that the analyst cannot create and thus cannot use to look at or show information. The best sort of map is the one that the analyst can create and use, whether the maps are low-tech creations or layered graphic images in a commercial GIS (cf. Kretzschmar 2013:68).

For the following comparison first a number of desirable features of such mapping tools is collected from different sources. Afterwards the experiences of mapping with Google Fusion Tables and LL-MAP are summarized from the perspective of those features. "ianswer4u"  describes a software quality triangle containing a huge number of quality aspects of a good software tool in general. It provides a number of key features of ESRI production mapping tools for data loading, data editing, quality control, data maintenance, and cartographic production. ESRI presents a set of features of the widely used mapping tool ArcGIS. Since the present webpage intends to focus on mapping tools from the perspective of their user-friendliness Wallen's (2010) list of 10 characteristics that generally make a software tool user-friendly is considered. Above all, a number of desirable features of mapping tools can be extracted from the article by Kretzschmar.

Clearly, this webpage cannot address the complete set of quality characteristics of a software tool in general. However, based on those sources a set of twelve characteristics or features are compiled, and afterwards it is investigated whether those features and characteristics are supported by the two example tools and to which extent.

5.1. Ease of Learning

5.2. Cost and Licensing

5.3. Data Production and Management

5.4. Dependency on Other Tools

5.5. Standardization and User Community

5.6. Readiness to Use

5.7. Customization

5.8. Interactivity

5.9. Performing Spatial Analysis

5.10. Extensibility

5.11. Portability

5.12. Sharing, Collaboration and Security

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