5.4. Dependency on Other Tools
Although it is often perceived as a benefit if a software tool can inter-operate with a number of other software tools, the dependency on other tools is not a desired feature. Both Fusion Tables and LL-MAP depend on other tools for the language data. Fortunately, Fusion Tables accepts data in as simple a format as plain text and therefore it is not a big shortcoming, especially for simple mapping as is the case with the above example. However, a more complex data format containing shapes instead of points may require more advanced and not so common tools.
LL-MAP also provides the opportunity to upload data as Excel spreadsheets. That is an easy option for mapping geographic points. However, attempting to use shape data requires the use of another tool, e.g. ArcGIS, to create them. It was not possible to sign-in successfully for the 30 days trial period of ArcGIS, which precluded the use of shape files as inputs in the present project.
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