4.2.5. Sharing

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4.2.5. Sharing

Maps created using the LL-MAP application can be shared among LL-MAP users. Sharing is facilitated by the two map viewer options, namely ‘Email this map collection to a friend’ (letterbox icon) and ‘Get a permanent link to this map’ (link / chain icon). Indicative text on the tool tip provides hints about the function of each of the options.

Figure: 25

In this work a permanent link to the map is obtained by clicking on the link icon.

Figure: 26

The permanent link can be copied and shared to be accessed on-line from anywhere, provided the user is logged in to the LL-MAP web server. The sharing option via Email is also investigated.

Figure: 27

The map created in this example is accessible here. The map can be printed by anyone who can access it. However, no option is found for downloading the map data and reusing it. It is worth mentioning that difficulties were faced in accessing the shared map, sometimes because of a server error and sometimes showing an inappropriate error message that the user must be logged in.

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