LL-MAP: Language and Location- Map Accessibility Project

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4.2. LL-Map: Language and Location-Map Accessibility Project

LL-MAP is a digital mapping project that integrates language data and information from the physical and social sciences (LL-MAP, Homepage). The most important part of the project is a language subsystem, which relates geographical information on the area in which a language is or used to be spoken to data on resources relevant to the language. The LL-MAP system is available as a web service and therefore, it encourages collaboration between linguists, historians, archaeologists, ethnographers, and geneticists, as they explore and share the relationship between language and cultural adaptation and change. Users can browse over 700 existing maps, search for maps for particular language features and locations, and above all they can create maps from their own language data. The project is focused on mapping language features based on geographic location. It supports the visualization of geographic data as points, lines, and polygons. Moreover, language information can be mapped in multiple layers. Moreover, such maps can be shared on-line among LL-MAP users.

The following example explores the mapping technique and a number of features offered by LL-MAP. To allow comparison to Google Fusion Tables, the same example language data is used as in section 4.1.

4.2.1. Supported Geographic Data and File Types

4.2.2. Creation of Data Tables

4.2.3. Creating the Map

4.2.4. Visualization

4.2.5. Sharing

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