4.1. Google Fusion Tables

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4.1. Google Fusion Tables

Google Fusion Tables is an experimental data visualization web application from Google Research aiming at gathering, visualizing, and sharing large data tables. It supports importing data tables in a number of easy-to-prepare formats that are discussed in section 4.1.1, with the possibility of creating new data tables from scratch. A large data table can be filtered in order to create smaller data tables for particular features. Moreover, two or more data tables can be merged together into a single table.

Google Fusion Tables supports creating charts, maps, network graphs, and custom layouts in order to visualize the data in a user-friendly manner. All the data tables created using Google Fusion Tables are automatically saved in Google Drive under the user's account. Therefore, they can be easily accessed and updated as necessary. Sharing such tables with others is quite flexible, because accesses can be permitted both for the public and for particular Google users. The application attracts attention for the purpose of mapping language data because it includes the support of Google Maps. Therefore, it enables the mapping of data, e.g. a language feature, based on geographic locations.

4.1.1. Supported Geographic Data and File Types

4.1.2. Creation of Data Tables

4.1.3. Creating the Map

4.1.4. Visualization

4.1.5. Sharing

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