4.1.1. Supported Geographic Data and File Types

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4.1.1. Supported Geographic Data and File Types

A geographic location can be specified with descriptive text, e.g. "Bamberg" or "Bamberg, Germany" or an address "Lange Strasse 27, Bamberg, Germany". Such location data can be defined as a point, a line, or a polygon. Google Fusion Tables supports visualizing geographic data for all those three formats.

A point can be defined as a geo-coordinate expressed as a pair of latitude and longitude. Such points can be specified in Fusion Tables in one column, where latitude and longitude (in decimal degrees) are separated by a space, or in two columns, or as a placemark with a point. It is also possible to specify a point as descriptive text and then Google Fusion Tables attempts to geocode the text into a latitude and longitude pair. Such geographic points can be specified in a number of file types, e.g. Comma-Separated Text (.csv), Spreadsheets (.xls, .xlsx, .ods and Google spreadsheets), Tab-Separated Values (.tsv) and Keyhole Markup Language (.kml).

A line consists of a list of points. A line can be specified using the KML (.kml file) ‘LineString’ element. A polygon or shape specifies an enclosed area. Such polygons can be described in .kml files using the KML ‘Polygon’ element.

For this webpage, geographic locations are specified as points. Such points are defined as descriptive text in Excel Spreadsheets, as .xls files. Two separate .xls files are created; the first one defines geographic location vs. the pronunciation of the initial consonant of who across UK, and the second file describes the desired icon vs. the pronunciation.

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