4.1.5. Sharing

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4.1.5. Sharing

Maps created with Google Fusion Tables can be shared with others for a number of different purposes. For example, a collaborative data table or a number of columns can be shared among collaborators so that they can access and update them. It is also possible to confer the right to use the table for viewing purposes only. In the most flexible case, the map is open to everyone on the web and it is possible that other people can embed the map in their websites as well.

The sharing can be done following a few simple steps:

Figure: 15

Figure: 16

It is also worth mentioning that anyone with access to the table / map can download the map data as a number of different file formats and then modify and/or customize it for his/her purpose. Thus the sharing of tables / maps helps to reuse map data. The map created in this example is publicly available here.

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