3. Geographical Information Systems for Mapping Language Data

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3. Geographical Information Systems for Mapping Language Data

A Geographic Information System, abbreviated as GIS, associates information with maps by means of a computer, using mapping tools. Hence, a GIS merges cartography, statistical analysis and computer science. In the case of mapping language data, it involves presenting language features on maps as a function of location and then performing analysis of the map for further studies. Computer support is considered as an essential part in doing so as the mapping and analysis are carried out by computer software, tools, and services.

3.1. Presenting Language Features on Maps

3.2. Analysis of Maps

3.2.1. Analysis of Geographical Patterns

3.2.2. Distances between Language Locations

3.3. Computer Support

3.3.1. Software and Tools

3.3.2. Web-based Techniques

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