BERG - Working Paper Series


203) Jan Schulz and Jan David Weber, Power Laws in Socio-Economics, 978-3-949224-24-9 [pdf(2.8 MB)]

202) Stefanie Y. Schmitt, Investments in environmental quality under limited attention, 978-3-949224-23-2 [pdf(913.8 KB)]

201) Arne Lauber, Christoph March and Marco Sahm, Round-Robin Tournaments in the Lab: Lottery Contests vs. All-Pay Auctions, 978-3-949224-22-5 [pdf(2.4 MB)]

200) Sarah Mignot, Coevolution of stock prices and their perceived fundamental value, 978-3-949224-21-8 [pdf(1.5 MB)]


199) Maybrit Wächter, Christian R. Proaño and Juan Carlos Peña, How Fitting is “one-size-fits-all”? Revisiting the Dynamic Effects of ECB’s Interest Policy on Euro Area Countries, 978-3-949224-20-1 [pdf(2.7 MB)]

198) Lasare Samartzidis, Philipp Mundt and Jan Schulz, Input specificity and labor’s bargaining power: A production tree approach to functional income distribution, 978-3-949224-19-5 [pdf(4.9 MB)]

197) Dominik Bruckner and Marco Sahm, Party Politics: A Contest Perspective, 978-3-949224-18-8 [pdf(643.1 KB)]

196) Ivan Savin, Philipp Mundt and Margherita Bellanca, The paradox of climate policy diffusion, 978-3-949224-17-1 [pdf(2.6 MB)]

195) Leonhard Ipsen and Jan Schulz, The (Dis-)Equalizing Effects of Production Networks, 978-3-949224-16-4 [pdf(792.8 KB)]

194) Jan Schulz, Caleb Agoha, Anna Gebhard, Bettina Gregg and Daniel M. Mayerhoffer, Excessive White Male Privilege Biases the Measurement of Intersectional Wage Discrimination, 978-3-949224-15-7 [pdf(1.2 MB)]

193) Fabian Dietz and Marco Sahm, Fairness in Round-Robin Tournaments with Four Players and Endogenous Sequences, 978-3-949224-14-0 [pdf(660.9 KB)]

192) Sarah Mignot, Paolo Pellizzari and Frank Westerhoff, Fake News and Asset Price Dynamics, 978-3-949224-13-3 [pdf(1.1 MB)]

191) Florian Herold and Christoph Kuzmics, Farkas' Lemma and Complete Indifference, 978-3-949224-12-6 [pdf(449.4 KB)]

190) Roberto Rozzi and Stefanie Y. Schmitt, Vertical product differentiation, prominence, and costly search, 978-3-949224-11-9 [pdf(753.7 KB)]


189) Sarah Mignot and Frank Westerhoff, Explaining the stylized facts of foreign exchange markets with a simple agent-based version of Paul de Grauwe’s chaotic exchange rate model, 978-3-949224-10-2 [pdf(1.1 MB)]

188) Leonhard Ipsen, Armin Aminian and Jan Schulz, Stress-testing Inflation Exposure: Systemically Significant Prices and Asymmetric Shock Propagation in the EU28, 978-3-949224-09-6 [pdf(2.7 MB)]

187) Sarah Mignot, Fabio Tramontana and Frank Westerhoff, Complex dynamics in a nonlinear duopoly model with heuristic expectation formation and learning behaviour, 978-3-949224-08-9 [pdf(2.1 MB)]

186) Daniel M. Mayerhoffer and Jan Schulz, Social Segregation, Misperceptions,
and Emergent Cyclical Choice Patterns, 978-3-949224-07-2 [pdf(1.1 MB)]

185)  Fabio E.G. Röhrer, Christian Proaño and Lebogang Mateane, The Impact of Macroeconomic Activity and Yield Valuation on Mergers and Acquisitions in Europe, 978-3-949224-06-5 [pdf(331.6 KB)]


184)  Stefanie Y. Schmitt, Competition with limited attention to quality differences, 978-3-949224-05-8 [pdf(710.4 KB)]

183)  Stefan Dürmeier, A Model of Quantitative Easing at the Zero Lower Bound, 978-3-949224-04-1 [pdf(1.4 MB)]

182)  Roberto Dieci, Sarah Mignot, Noemi Schmitt und Frank Westerhoff, Production delays, supply distortions and endogenous price dynamics, 978-3-949224-03-4 [pdf(1.0 MB)]

181)  Alexander Hempfing und Philipp Mundt, Tie formation in global production chains, 978-3-949224-02-7 [pdf(1.1 MB)]

180)  Thomas Daske und Christoph March, Efficient Incentives with Social Preferences, 978-3-949224-01-0 [pdf(526.5 KB)]

179)  Philipp Mundt und Ivan Savin, Drivers of productivity change in global value chains: reallocation vs. innovation, 978-3-949224-00-3 [pdf(479.1 KB)]

178)  Stefanie Y. Schmitt und Dominik Bruckner, Unaware consumers and disclosure of deficiencies, 978-3-943153-99-6 [pdf(834.7 KB, 40 Seiten)]

177) Roberto Dieci, Noemi Schmitt und Frank Westerhoff, Boom-bust cycles and asset market participation waves: momentum, value, risk and herding, 978-3-943153-98-9 [pdf(9.7 MB, 48 Seiten)]

176) Arne Lauber, Christoph March und Marco Sahm, Optimal and Fair Prizing in Sequential Round-Robin Tournaments: Experimental Evidence, 978-3-943153-97-2 [pdf](1.3 MB)

175) Marco Sahm, Optimal Accuracy of Unbiased Tullock Contests with Two Heterogeneous Players, 978-3-943153-96-5 [pdf(420.0 KB)]


174) Roberto Dieci, Sarah Mignot and Frank Westerhoff, Production delays, technology choice and cyclical cobweb dynamics, 978-3-943153-95-8 [pdf(586.2 KB, 29 Seiten)]

173) Jan Schulz and Daniel M. Mayerhoffer, A Network Approach to Consumption, 978-3-943153-94-1 [pdf(575.6 KB, 34 Seiten)]

172) María Daniela Araujo P. and Johanna Sophie Quis, Parents Can Tell! Evidence on Classroom Quality Differences in German Primary Schools, 978-3-943153-92-7 [pdf(1.2 MB, 60 Seiten)]

171) Zahra Kamal, Gender Separation and Academic Achievement in Higher Education; Evidence from a Natural Experiment in Iran, 978-3-943153-92-7 [pdf(2.3 MB, 36 Seiten)]

170) Philipp Mundt, Uwe Cantner, Hiroyasu Inoue, Ivan Savin and Simone Vannuccini, Market Selection in Global Value Chains, 978-3-943153-91-0 [pdf(934.7 KB, 28 Seiten)]

169) Sarah Mignot, Fabio Tramontana and Frank Westerhoff, Speculative asset price dynamics and wealth taxes, 978-3-943153-90-3 [pdf(704.4 KB, 40 Seiten)]

168) Joep Lustenhouwer, Tomasz Makarewicz, Juan Carlos Peña and Christian R. Proaño, Are Some People More Equal than Others? Experimental Evidence on Group Identity and Income Inequality, 978-3-943153-89-7 [pdf(942.1 KB)]


167) Nadja Bömmel and Guido Heineck, Revisiting the Causal Effect of Education on Political Participation and Interest, 978-3-943153-88-0 [pdf(571.7 KB)]

166) Jan Schulz and Mishael Milaković, How Wealthy Are the Rich?, 978-3-943153-87-3 [pdf(617.7 KB)]

165) María Daniela Araujo P., Guido Heineck and Yyannú Cruz-Aguayo, Does Test-Based Teacher Recruitment Work in the Developing World? Experimental Evidence from Ecuador, 978-3-943153-86-6 [pdf(808.9 KB, 53 Seiten)]

164) Andrea Gurgone and Giulia Iori, Macroprudential capital buffers in heterogeneous banking networks: Insights from an ABM with liquidity crises, 978-3-943153-85-9 [pdf(3.7 MB, 44 Seiten)], updated version(5.7 MB, 48 Seiten)(August 2021)

163) Tim Hagenhoff and Joep Lustenhouwer, The role of stickiness, extrapolation and past consensus forecasts in macroeconomic expectations, 978-3-943153-84-2 [pdf(654.1 KB, 42 Seiten)]

162) Philipp Mundt, Simone Alfarano and Mishael Milakovic, Survival and the ergodicity of corporate profitability, 978-3-943153-83-5 [In 2021 updated version:pdf(1.0 MB)]

161) Christian R. Proaño and Benjamin Lojak, Monetary Policy with a State-Dependent Inflation Target in a Behavioral Two-Country Monetary Union Model, 978-3-943153-82-8 [pdf(813.3 KB)]

160) Noemi Schmitt, Ivonne Schwartz and Frank Westerhoff, Heterogeneous speculators and stock market dynamics: a simple agent-based computational model, 978-3-943153-81-1 [pdf(574.2 KB)]

159) Stefanie Y. Schmitt and Markus G. Schlatterer, Poverty and Limited Attention, 978-3-943153-80-4 [pdf(447.9 KB)]

158) Naira Kotb and Christian R. Proaño, Capital-Constrained Loan Creation, Stock Markets and Monetary Policy in a Behavioral New Keynesian Model, 978-3-943153-79-8 [pdf(567.6 KB)]

157) Christian R. Proaño, Juan Carlos Peña and Thomas Saalfeld, Inequality, Macroeconomic Performance and Political Polarization: A Panel Analysis of 20 Advanced Democracies, 978-3-943153-78-1 [pdf(648.9 KB)]

156) Carolin Martin, Noemi Schmitt and Frank Westerhoff, Heterogeneous expectations, housing bubbles and tax policy, 978-3-943153-77-4 [pdf(466.3 KB)]


155) Christoph March and Marco Sahm, The Perks of Being in the Smaller Team: Incentives in Overlapping Contests, 978-3-943153-76-7 [pdf(450.3 KB, 28 Seiten)]

154) Christoph March, The Behavioral Economics of Artificial Intelligence: Lessons from Experiments with Computer Players, 978-3-943153-75-0 [pdf(408.7 KB, 44 Seiten)]

153) Benjamin Lojak, Tomasz Makarewicz and Christian R. Proaño, Low Interest Rates, Bank’s Search-for-Yield Behavior and Financial Portfolio Management, 978-3-943153-74-3 [pdf(692.7 KB)]

152) Yoshiyuki Arata and Philipp Mundt, Topology and formation of production input interlinkages: evidence from Japanese microdata, 978-3-943153-73-6 [pdf(6.2 MB, 32 Seiten)]

151) Noemi Schmitt and Frank Westerhoff, Trend followers, contrarians and fundamentalists: explaining the dynamics of financial markets, 978-3-943153-72-9 [pdf(864.9 KB, 28 Seiten)]

150) Maria Daniela Araujo P. , Measuring the Effect of Competitive Teacher Recruitment on Student Achievement: Evidence from Ecuador, 978-3-943153-71-2 [pdf(641.6 KB, 50 Seiten)]

149) Christian R. Proaño , Juan Carlos Peña and Thomas Saalfeld, Inequality, Macroeconomic Performance and Political Polarization: An Empirical Analysis, 978-3-943153-70-5 [pdf(1.1 MB, 50 Seiten)]

148) Christian R. Proaño and Benjamin Lojak, Animal Spirits, Risk Premia and Monetary Policy at the Zero Lower Bound, 978-3-943153-69-9 [pdf(484.5 KB, 30 Seiten)]

147) Philipp Mundt, Simone Alfarano und Mishael Milakovic, Exploiting ergodicity in forecasts of corporate profitability, 978-3-943153-68-2 [pdf(898.9 KB, 46 Seiten)]

146) Ilfan Oh, Autonomy of Profit Rate Distribution and Its Dynamics from Firm Size Measures: A Statistical Equilibrium Approach, 978-3-943153-65-1 [pdf(788.2 KB, 113 Seiten)]

145) Philipp Mundt and Ilfan Oh, Asymmetric competition, risk, and return distribution, 978-3-943153-66-8 [pdf(439.3 KB, 16 Seiten)]

144) Tim Hagenhoff and Joep Lustenhouwer, The Rationality Bias, 978-3-943153-65-1 [pdf(467.6 KB, 44 Seiten)]

143) Marc Saur, Markus Schlatterer and Stefanie Schmitt, Horizontal product differentiation with limited attentive consumers, 978-3-943153-64-4 [pdf(537.1 KB, 46 Seiten)]

142) Carolin Martin, Noemi Schmitt and Frank Westerhoff, Housing markets, expectation formation and interest rates, 978-3-943153-63-7 [pdf(4.5 MB, 48 Seiten)]

141) Tomasz Makarewicz, Traders, forecasters and financial instability: A model of individual learning of anchor-and-adjustment heuristics, 978-3-943153-62-0 [pdf(624.6 KB, 56 Seiten)]


140) Johanna Sophie Quis, Anika Bela and Guido Heineck, Preschoolers’ self-regulation, skill differentials, and early educational outcomes, 978-3-943153-61-3 [pdf(441.5 KB, 32 Seiten)]

139) Tim Hagenhoff, An aggregate welfare optimizing interest rate rule under heterogeneous expectations, 978-3-943153-60-6 [pdf(442.1 KB, 46 Seiten)], updated version (April 2021): Optimal monetary policy, heterogeneous expectations and consumption dispersion [pdf(372.2 KB)]

138) Joep Lustenhouwer, Fiscal Stimulus in an Expectation Driven Liquidity Trap, 978-3-943153-59-0 [pdf(511.1 KB, 59 Seiten)]

137) Steffen Ahrens, Joep Lustenhouwer and Michele Tettamanzi, The Stabilizing Role of Forward Guidance: A Macro Experiment, 978-3-943153-58-3 [pdf(686.1 KB, 48 Seiten)]

136) Roberto Dieci, Noemi Schmitt and Frank Westerhoff, Steady states, stability and bifurcations in multi-asset market models, 978-3-943153-57-6 [pdf(472.8 KB, 34 Seiten)]

135) Carolin Martin and Frank Westerhoff, Regulating speculative housing markets via public housing construction programs: Insights from a heterogeneous agent model, 978-3-943153-56-9 [pdf(498.6 KB, 38 Seiten)]

134) Noemi Schmitt, Heterogeneous expectations and asset price dynamics, 978-3-943153-55-2 [pdf(1.3 MB, 38 Seiten)]

133) Roberto Dieci, Noemi Schmitt and Frank Westerhoff, Interactions between stock, bond and housing markets, 978-3-943153-54-5. [pdf(490.0 KB, 44 Seiten)]


132) Cars Hommes, Joep Lustenhouwer and Kostas Mavromatis, Fiscal Consolidations and Heterogeneous Expectations, 978-3-943153-53-8. [pdf(904.2 KB, 66 Seiten)]

131) Cars Hommes and Joep Lustenhouwer, Managing Unanchored, Heterogeneous Expectations and Liquidity Traps, 978-3-943153-52-1. [pdf(1.8 MB, 52 Seiten)]

130) Joep Lustenhouwer and Kostas Mavromatis, Fiscal Consolidations and Finite Planning Horizons, 978-3-943153-51-4. [pdf(679.8 KB, 62 Seiten)]

129) Christoph Laica, Arne Lauber and Marco Sahm, Sequential Round-Robin Tournaments
with Multiple Prizes, 978-3-943153-50-7. [pdf(2.0 MB, 36 Seiten)]

128) Ivonne Blaurock, Noemi Schmitt and Frank Westerhoff, Market entry waves and volatility outbursts in stock markets, 978-3-943153-48-4. [pdf(1.1 MB, 38 Seiten)]

127) Christoph March and Marco Sahm, Contests as Selection Mechanisms: The Impact of Risk Aversion, 978-3-943153-47-7. [pdf(1.3 MB, 70 Seiten)]

126) Christian Menden and Christian R. Proaño, Dissecting the Financial Cycle with Dynamic Factor Models, 978-3-943153-46-0. [pdf(1.7 MB, 45 Seiten)]

125) Peter Flaschel, Matthieu Charpe, Giorgos Galanis, Christian R. Proaño and Roberto Veneziani, Macroeconomic and Stock Market Interactions with Endogenous Aggregate Sentiment Dynamics, 978-3-943153-45-3. [pdf(7.1 MB, 38 Seiten)]

124) Lisa Planer-Friedrich and Marco Sahm, Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility, 978-3-943153-44-6. [pdf(357.8 KB, 33 Seiten)]

123) Johanna Sophie Quis and Simon Reif, Health Effects of Instruction Intensity - Evidence from a Natural Experiment in German High-Schools, 978-3-943153-43-9. [pdf(3.7 MB, 35 Seiten)]

122) Noemi Schmitt, Jan Tuinstra and Frank Westerhoff, Stability and welfare effects of profit taxes within an evolutionary market interaction model, 978-3-943153-42-2. [pdf(355.0 KB, 34 Seiten)]

121) Marco Sahm, Are Sequential Round-Robin Tournaments Discriminatory?, 978-3-943153-40-8. [pdf(246.0 KB, 31 Seiten)]

120) Marco Sahm, Risk Aversion and Prudence in Contests, 978-3-943153-39-2. [pdf(133.4 KB, 15 Seiten)]

119) Noemi Schmitt and Frank Westerhoff, On the bimodality of the distribution of the S&P 500’s distortion: empirical evidence and theoretical explanations, 978-3-943153-38-5. [pdf(468.2 KB, 51 Seiten)]


118) Marco Sahm, Advance-Purchase Financing of Projects with Few Buyers, 978-3-943153-37-8. [pdf(310.8 KB, 38 Seiten)]

117) Christoph March and Marco Sahm, Asymmetric Discouragement in Asymmetric Contests, 978-3-943153-36-1. [pdf(427.5 KB, 14 Seiten)]

116) Lisa Planer-Friedrich and Marco Sahm, Why Firms Should Care for All Consumers, 978-3-943153-35-4. [pdf(432.6 KB, 18 Seiten)]

115) Florian Herold and Christoph Kuzmics, The evolution of taking roles, 978-3-943153-34-7. [pdf(404.1 KB, 49 Seiten)]

114) Stefanie Yvonne Schmitt, Rational Allocation of Attention in Decision-Making, 978-3-943153-33-0. [pdf(506.2 KB, 47 Seiten)]

113) Julio González-Días, Florian Herold and Diego Domínguez, Strategic Sequential Voting, 978-3-943153-32-3. [pdf(545.0 KB, 41 Seiten)]

112) Benjamin Lojak, Sentiment-Driven Investment, Non-Linear Corporate Debt Dynamics and Co-Existing Business Cycle Regimes, 978-3-943153-31-6. [pdf(535.5 KB, 27 Seiten)]

111) Noemi Schmitt and Frank Westerhoff, Heterogeneity, spontaneous coordination and extreme events within large-scale and small-scale agent-based financial market models, 978-3-943153-30-9. [pdf(532.0 KB, 37 Seiten)]

110) Silke Anger and Daniel D. Schnitzlein, Cognitive Skills, Non-Cognitive Skills, and Family Background: Evidence from Sibling Correlations, 978-3-943153-29-3. [pdf(746.9 KB, 44 Seiten)]

109) Stefanie P. Herber and Michael Kalinowski, Non-take-up of Student Financial Aid: A Microsimulation for Germany, 978-3-943153-28-6. [pdf(779.0 KB, 62 Seiten)]

108) Jutta Viinikainen, Guido Heineck, Petri Böckerman, Mirka Hintsanen, Olli Raitakari and Jaakko Pehkonen, Born Entrepreneur? Adolescents’ Personality Characteristics and Self-Employment in Adulthood, 978-3-943153-27-9. [pdf(116.9 KB)]

107) Noemi Schmitt and Frank Westerhoff, Herding behavior and volatility clustering in Financial markets, 978-3-943153-26-2. [pdf(966.2 KB)]


106) Christian R. Proaño and Benjamin Lojak, Debt Stabilization and Macroeconomic Volatility in Monetary Unions under Heterogeneous Sovereign Risk Perceptions, 978-3-943153-24-8. [pdf(843.9 KB)]

105) Lena Dräger and Christian R. Proaño, Cross-Border Banking and Business Cycles in Asymmetric Currency Unions, 978-3-943153-23-1. [pdf(465.5 KB)]

104) Noemi Schmitt and Frank Westerhoff, Evolutionary competition and profit taxes: market stability versus tax burden, 978-3-943153-21-7. [pdf(5.4 MB)]

103) Noemi Schmitt, Jan Tuinstra and Frank Westerhoff, Side effects of nonlinear profit taxes in an evolutionary market entry model: abrupt changes, coexisting attractors and hysteresis problems, 978-3-943153-20-0. [pdf(2.7 MB)]

102) Mafaïzath A. Fatoke-Dato, Impact of income shock on children’s
schooling and labor in a West African country, 978-3-943153-19-4. [pdf(810.1 KB)]

101) Mafaïzath A. Fatoke-Dato, Impact of an educational demand-and supply policy on girls’ education in West Africa: Heterogeneity in income, school environment and ethnicity, 978-3-943153-18-7. [pdf(795.8 KB)]

100) Stefanie P. Herber, Johanna Sophie Quis, and Guido Heineck, Does the Transition into Daylight Saving Time Affect Students’ Performance?, 978-3-943153-17-0. [pdf(649.6 KB)]

99) Roberto Dieci and Frank Westerhoff, Heterogeneous expectations, boom-bust housing cycles, and supply conditions: a nonlinear dynamics approach, 978-3-943153-16-3. [pdf(502.1 KB)]

98.) Abdylmenaf Bexheti and Besime Mustafi, Impact of Public Funding of Education on Economic Growth in Macedonia, 978-3-943153-15-6. [pdf pdf(882.4 KB)]

97.) Dietmar Meyer and Adela Shera, Remittances’ Impact on the Labor Supply and on the Deficit of Current Account, 978-3-943153-14-9. [pdf pdf(489.1 KB)]

96.) Noemi Schmitt and Frank Westerhoff, Managing rational routes to randomness, 978-3-943153-13-2. [pdf pdf(464.5 KB)]

95.) Stefanie P. Herber, The Role of Information in the Application for Merit-Based Scholarships: Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment, 978-3-943153-12-5. [pdf pdf(563.8 KB)]

94.) Johanna Sophie Quis, Does higher learning intensity affect student well-being? Evidence from the National Educational Panel S978-3-943153-11-8. [pdf pdf(484.1 KB)]


93.) Guido Heineck, Love Thy Neighbor – Religion and Prosocial Behavior, 978-3-943153-10-1. [pdf(315.7 KB)]

92.) Philipp Mundt, Mishael Milakovic and Simone Alfarano, Gibrat’s Law Redux:
Think Profitability Instead of Growth, 978-3-943153-08-8. [pdf(1.0 MB)]


91.) Jan Tuinstra, Michael Wegener and Frank Westerhoff, Positive welfare effects of trade barriers in a dynamic equilibrium model, 978-3-943153-06-4. [pdf(4.1 MB)]

90.) Noemi Schmitt and Frank Westerhoff, Speculative behavior and the dynamics of interacting stock markets, 978-3-943153-05-7. [pdf(483.0 KB)]


89.) Fabio Tramontana, Frank Westerhoff and Laura Gardini, The bull and bear market model of Huang and Day: Some extensions and new results, 978-3-943153-03-3. [pdf(556.7 KB)]

88.) Frank Westerhoff and Reiner Franke, Agent-based models for economic policy design: two illustrative examples, 978-3-943153-02-6. [pdf(381.3 KB)]

87.) János Seregi, Zsuzsanna Lelovics and László Balogh, The social welfare function of forests in the light of the theory of public goods, 978-3-943153-01-9. [pdf(240.2 KB)]

86.) Manfred Antoni and Guido Heineck, Do literacy and numeracy pay off? On the relationship between basic skills and earnings, 978-3-943153-00-2. [pdf(394.3 KB)]

85.) Christoph Wunder and Guido Heineck, Working time preferences, hours mismatch and well-being of couples: Are there spillovers?, 978-3-931052-99-7. [pdf(382.4 KB)]


84.) Frank Westerhoff, Interactions between the real economy and the stock market, 978-3-931052-95-9. [pdf(219.6 KB)]

83.) Reiner Franke and Frank Westerhoff, Why a Simple Herding Model May Generate the Stylized Facts of Daily Returns: Explanation and Estimation, 978-3-931052-93-5. [pdf(322.6 KB)]

82.) Björn-Christopher Witte, Removing systematic patterns in returns in a financial market model by artificially intelligent traders, 978-3-931052-92-8. [pdf(598.0 KB)]

81.) Björn-Christopher Witte, Fund Managers - Why the Best Might be the Worst: On the Evolutionary Vigor of Risk-Seeking Behavior, 978-3-931052-91-1. [pdf(415.2 KB)]

80.) Christian Aßmann, Assessing the Effect of Current Account and Currency Crises on Economic Growth, 978-3-931052-90-4. [pdf(279.8 KB)]

79.) Roberto Dieci and Frank Westerhoff, On the inherent instability of international financial markets: natural nonlinear interactions between stock and foreign exchange markets, 978-3-931052-89-8. [pdf(378.4 KB)]

78.) Reiner Franke and Frank Westerhoff, Structural Stochastic Volatility in Asset Pricing Dynamics: Estimation and Model Contest, 978-3-931052-88-1. [pdf(3.5 MB)]

77.) Drini Imami, Endrit Lami and Holger Kächelein. Political cycles in income from privatization – The case of Albania, 978-3-931052-87-4. [pdf(274.9 KB)]


76.) Johannes Kalusche. Die Auswirkungen der Steuer- und Sozialreformen der Jahre 1999-2005 auf die automatischen Stabilisatoren Deutschlands, 978-3-931052-84-3. [pdf(321.5 KB)]

75.) Simone Alfarano and Mishael Milaković. Identification of Interaction Effects in Survey Expectations: A Cautionary Note, 978-3-931052-83-6. [DownloadPDF(506.7 KB)]

74.) Pál Gervai, László Trautmann and Attila Wieszt. The mission and culture of the corporation, 978-3-931052-82-9. [DownloadPDF(202.0 KB)]

73.) A. Tushaj. Market concentration in the banking sector: Evidence from Albania, 978-3-931052-81-2. [DownloadPDF(371.2 KB)]

72.) A. Pfeffer. Staatliche Zinssubvention und Auslandsverschuldung: Eine Mittelwert-Varianz-Analyse am Beispiel Ungarn, 978-3-931052-80-5. [DownloadPDF(110.7 KB)]

71.) H. Kächelein, E. Lami and D. Imami. Elections Related Cycles in Publicly Supplied Goods in Albania, 978-3-931052-79-9. [pdf(148.7 KB)]

70.) A. Bexheti. Anti-Crisis Measures in the Republic of Macedonia and their Effects – Are they Sufficient?, 978-3-931052-78-2. [DownloadPDF(319.6 KB)]

69.) S. Gaber. Economic Implications from Deficit Finance, 978-3-931052-77-5. [DownloadPDF(86.2 KB)]


68.) M. Lines and F. Westerhoff. Effects of inflation expectations on macroeconomic dynamics: extrapolative versus regressive expectations, 978-3-931052-76-8. [DownloadPDF(1.3 MB)]

67.) G. Jenei. A Post-accession Crisis? Political Developments and Public Sector Modernization in Hungary, 978-3-931052-75-1. [DownloadPDF(151.8 KB)]

66.) H.-D. Wenzel and J. Jilke. Der Europäische Gerichtshof EuGH als Bremsklotz einer effizienten und koordinierten Unternehmensbesteuerung in Europa?, 978-3-931052-74-4. [DownloadPDF(747.4 KB)]

65.) P. Miklós-Somogyi and L. Balogh, The relationship between public balance and inflation in Europe (1999-2007), 978-931052-72-0. [DownloadPDF(235.5 KB)]

64.) B.-C. Witte, Temporal information gaps and market efficiency: a dynamic behavioral analysis, 978-3-931052-71-3. [DownloadPDF(567.5 KB)]

63.) C. Eckel, International Trade and Retailing, 978-3-931052-70-6. [Download(396.9 KB)PDF(396.9 KB)]

62.) F. Westerhoff, R. Dieci. A simple model of a speculative housing market, 978-3-931052-69-0. [DownloadPDF(1.1 MB, 36 Seiten)]

61.) F. Westerhoff. A simple agent-based financial market model: direct interactions and comparisons of trading profits, 978-3-931052-67-6. [DownloadPDF(899.0 KB, 34 Seiten)]


60.) H. Kächelein, D. Imami and E. Lami. A new view into Political Business Cycles: Household Expenditures in Albania, 978-3-931052-65-2. [DownloadPDF(277.2 KB, 20 Seiten)]

59.) F. Stübben. Europäische Energieversorgung: Status Quo und Perspektiven, 978-3-931052-63-8. [DownloadPDF(2.9 MB, 46 Seiten)]

58.) T. Kola and E. Liko. An Empirical Assessment of Alternative Exchange Rate Regimes in Medium Term in Albania, 978-3-931052-62-1. [DownloadPDF(496.0 KB, 28 Seiten)]


57.) H.-D. Wenzel (Hrsg.). Der Kaspische Raum: Ausgewählte Themen zu Politik und Wirtschaft, 978-3-931052-60-7. [DownloadPDF(3.0 MB, 148 Seiten)]


56.) M. Teig. Fiskalische Transparenz und ökonomische Entwicklung: Der Fall Bosnien-Herzegowina, 3-931052-54-0. [DownloadPDF(1.5 MB, 40 Seiten)]


55.) O. Azzam, S. Dhamo and T. Kola. Introducing National Health Accounts in Albania, 3-931052-52-4. [DownloadPDF(249.7 KB, 26 Seiten)]

54.) A. Malaj, F. Mema and S. Hida. Albania, Financial Management in the Education System: Higher Education, 3-931052-51-6. [DownloadPDF(314.8 KB, 24 Seiten)]

53.) F. Stübben, J. Lackenbauer und H.-D. Wenzel. Eine Dekade wirtschaftlicher Transformation in den Westbalkanstaaten: Ein Überblick, ISBN-Nr. 3-931052-50-8. [DownloadPDF(516.9 KB, 44 Seiten)]

52.) K. A. Hafner 2005. Agglomeration, Migration and Tax Competition, ISBN-Nr. 3-931052-49-4. [DownloadPDF(834.7 KB, 36 Seiten)]


51.) H. Kächelein 2004. Capital Tax Competition and Partial Cooperation: Welfare Enhancing or not?, ISBN 3-931052-48-6. [DownloadPDF(932.1 KB, 44 Seiten)]

50.) H.-D. Wenzel, J. Lackenbauer, and K. Brösamle 2004. Public Debt and the Future of the EU's Stability and Growth Pact, ISBN 3-931052-46-X. [DownloadPDF(581.1 KB, 52 Seiten)]

49.) E. Thiel 2004. European Integration of Albania: Economic Aspects, ISBN-Nr. 3-931052-45-1. [DownloadPDF(328.3 KB, 19 Seiten)]

48.) Julia Bersch 2004. AK-Modell mit Staatsverschuldung und fester Defizitquote, ISBN-Nr. 3-931052-44-3. [DownloadPDF(445.6 KB, 36 Seiten)]

47.) Stefan Hopp 2004. J.-B. Say's 1803 Treatise and the Coordination of Economic Activity, ISBN-Nr. 3-931052-43-5. [DownloadPDF(575.9 KB, 23 Seiten)]


46.) Sibylle Wagener 2003. Fiskalischer Föderalismus. Theoretische Grundlagen und Studie Ungarns, ISBN-Nr. 3-931052-41-9 [DownloadPDF(748.7 KB, 156 Seiten) 0,75 MB]

45.) Holger Kächelein 2003. Fiscal Competition on the Local Level – May commuting be a source of fiscal crises?, ISBN-Nr. 3-931052-38-9. [DownloadPDF(344.9 KB, 35 Seiten)]

44.) Nicolas Henrik Schwarze 2003. Ein Modell für Finanzkrisen bei Moral Hazard und Überinvestition, ISBN-Nr. 3-931052-36-2. [DownloadPDF(241.2 KB, 39 Seiten)]

43.) Heinz-Dieter Wenzel und Stefan Hopp (Herausgeber) 2003. Seminar Volume of the Second European Doctoral Seminar (EDS), ISBN-Nr. 3-931052-35-4. [DownloadPDF(2.5 MB, 139 Seiten) 2,6 MB!]

42.) Borbála Szüle 2003. Inside financial conglomerates. Effects in the Hungarian pension fund market, ISBN-Nr. 3-931052-34-6. [DownloadPDF(266.5 KB, 18 Seiten)]

41.) Arben Malaj und Fatmir Mema 2003. Strategic Privatisation, its Achievements and Challenges, ISBN-Nr. 3-931052-33-8. [DownloadPDF(212.9 KB, 20 Seiten)]


40.) Tineke Haensgen 2002. Das Kyoto Protokoll: Eine ökonomische Analyse unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der flexiblen Mechanismen, ISBN-Nr. 3-931052-32-X. [DownloadPDF(1.4 MB, 168 Seiten) 1,4 MB! ]

39.) Irena Dh. Bogdani 2002. Public Expenditure Planning in Albania, ISBN-Nr. 3-931052-31-1. [DownloadPDF(311.3 KB, 20 Seiten)]


38.) Bernd Hayo und Matthias Wrede 2001. Fiscal Equalisation. Principles and an Application to the European Union, ISBN-Nr. 3-931052-24-9. [DownloadPDF(84.2 KB, 24 Seiten)]

37.) Jörg Lackenbauer und Heinz-Dieter Wenzel 2001. Zum Stand von Transformations- und EU-Beitrittsprozess in Mittel- und Osteuropa - eine komparative Analyse, ISBN-Nr. 3-931052-23-0. [DownloadPDF(257.0 KB, 18 Seiten)]

36.) Volker Treier 2001. Steuerwettbewerb in Mittel- und Osteuropa: Eine Einschätzung anhand der Messung effektiver Grenzsteuersätze, ISBN-Nr. 3-931052-22-2. [DownloadPDF(237.3 KB, 31 Seiten)]


35.) Michael Betten 2000. Houshold Size and Household Utility in Intertemporal Choice, ISBN-Nr. 3-931052-19-2.

34.) Heinz-Dieter Wenzel (Herausgeber) 2000. Aktuelle Fragen der Finanzwissenschaft,
ISBN-Nr. 3-931052-18-4.


33.) Matthias Wrede 1999. Mobility and Reliefs for Traveling Expenses to Work. BERG Working paper No. 33 Universität Bamberg (1999), ISBN-Nr. 3-931052-15-X. [DownloadPDF(80.2 KB, 19 Seiten)]

32.) Jana Kremer 1999. Arbeitslosigkeit und Steuerpolitik, ISBN-Nr. 3-931052-14-1. [DownloadPDF(279.5 KB, 42 Seiten)]

31.) Andreas Billmeier 1999, The Early Years of Inflation Targeting — Review and Outlook — , ISBN-Nr. 3-931052-12-5. [DownloadPDF(116.3 KB, 50 Seiten)]

30.) Matthias Wrede 1999, A Note on Reliefs for Traveling Expenses to Work, ISBN-Nr. 3-931052-11-7. [DownloadPDF(40.5 KB, 10 Seiten)]

29.) Volker Treier 1999, Unemployment in Reforming Countries: Causes, Fiscal Impacts and the Success of Transformation, ISBN-Nr. 3-931052-17-6. [DownloadPDF(599.1 KB, 26 Seiten)]

28.) Michael Nusser 1999, The Implications of Wage Structure Rigidity on Human Capital Accumulation, Economic Growth and Unemployment: A Schumpeterian Approach to Endogenous Growth Theory, ISBN-Nr. 3-931052-10-9. [DownloadPDF(109.0 KB, 29 Seiten)]


27.) Matthias Wrede 1998, Pareto Efficiency of the Pay-as-you-go Pension System in a Three-Period-OLG Model, ISBN-Nr. 3-931052-09-5. [DownloadPDF(80.2 KB, 20 Seiten)]

26.) Michael Nusser 1998, The Implications of Innovations and Wage Structure Rigidity on Economic Growth and Unemployment: A Schumpeterian Approach to Endogenous Growth Theory, ISBN-Nr. 3-931052-08-7. [DownloadPDF(65.9 KB, 15 Seiten)]

25.) Alfred Maußner 1998, Außengeld in berechenbaren Konjunkturmodellen, Modellstrukturen und numerische Eigenschaften, ISBN-Nr. 3-931052-07-9. [DownloadPDF(542.8 KB, 60 Seiten)]

24.) Matthias Wrede 1998, Global Environmental Problems and Actions Taken by Coalition, ISBN-Nr. 3-931052-05-2.

23.) Niklas Oldiges 1998, Lohnt sich der Blick über den Atlantik? Neue Perspektiven für die aktuelle Reformdiskussion an deutschen Hochschulen, ISBN-Nr. 3-931052-04-4.


22.) Manfred Dauses, Arsène Verny, Jiri Zemánek 1997, Allgemeine Methodik der Rechtsangleichung an das EU-Recht am Beispiel der Tschechischen Republik, ISBN-Nr. 3-931052-01-X.

21.) M. Wrede 1997, Spillovers, Tax Competition, and Tax Earmarking, ISBN-Nr. 3-931052-00-1.

20.) M. Wrede 1997, Tax Competition and Federalism. The Underprovision of Local Public Goods, ISBN-Nr. 3-924165-99-8.

19.) M. Nusser 1997, Lohnstückkosten und internationale Wettbewerbsfähigkeit: Eine kritische Würdigung, ISBN-Nr. 3-924165-97-1.

18.) H.-D. Wenzel 1997, Turkmenistan: Die ökonomische Situation und Perspektiven wirtschaftlicher Entwicklung, ISBN-Nr. 3-924165-96-3.

17.) H.-D. Wenzel und B. Hayo 1997, Budget and Financial Planning in Germany, ISBN-Nr. 3-924165-95-5.


16.) M. Wrede 1996, Shared Tax Sources and Public Expenditures, ISBN-Nr. 3-924165-92-0.

15.) M. Wrede 1996, Öffentliche Verschuldung in einem föderalen Staat: Stabilität, Vertikale Zuweisungen und Verschuldungsgrenzen, ISBN-Nr. 3-924165-90-4.

14.) H.-D. Wenzel 1996, Wirtschaftliche Entwicklungsperspektiven Turkmenistans, ISBN-Nr. 3-924165-87-4.

13.) Natascha Kuhn 1996, Finanzausgleich in Estland: Analyse der bestehenden Struktur und Überlegungen für eine Reform, ISBN-Nr. 3-924165-88-2.

12.) Bernd Hayo und Heinz-Dieter Wenzel 1996, Are the Fiscal Flows of the European Union Budget Explainable by Distributional Criteria?, ISBN-Nr. 3-924165-89-0.


11.) Matthias Wrede 1995, Vertical and Horizontal Tax Competition: Will Uncoordinated Leviathans End Up on the Wrong Side of the Laffer Curve?, ISBN-Nr. 3-924165-85-8.

10.) Gerhard Illing 1995, Arbeitslosigkeit aus Sicht der neuen keynesianischen Makroökonomie, ISBN-Nr. 3-924165-83-1.

9.) H.-Dieter Wenzel (Hrsg.) 1995, Problems and Perspectives of the Transformation Process in Eastern Europe, ISBN-Nr. 3-924165-82-3.


8.) Michael Betten, Heinz-Dieter Wenzel und Matthias Wrede 1994, Why Income Taxation Need Not Harm Growth, ISBN-Nr. 3-924165-78-5.

7.) Bernd Hayo und Matthias Wrede 1994, Fiscal Policy in a Keynesian Model of a Closed Monetary Union, ISBN-Nr. 3-924165-77-7.

6.) Peter Meister und Heinz-Dieter Wenzel 1994, Budgetfinanzierung in einem föderalen System, ISBN-Nr. 3-924165-76-9.

5.) Bernd Hayo 1994, Testing Wagner´s Law for Germany from 1960 to 1993, ISBN-Nr. 3-924165-72-6.

4.) Gerhard Illing 1994, Indexierung der Staatsschuld und die Glaubwürdigkeit der Zentralbank in einer Währungsunion, ISBN-Nr. 3-924165-71-8.

3.) Mikko Puhakka 1994, Borrowing Constraints and the Limits of Fiscal Policies, ISBN-Nr. 3-924165-70-X.


2.) Matthias Wrede 1993, Steuerhinterziehung und endogenes Wachstum, ISBN-Nr. 3-924165-65-3.

1.) Mikko Puhakka und Jennifer P. Wissink 1993, Multiple Equilibria and Coordination Failure in Cournot Competition, ISBN-Nr. 3-924165-64-5.


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Jutta Lang (Sekretariat)

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Raum: F21/02.39
Briefe: D-96052 Bamberg
Pakete: Kapuzinerstraße 16, D-96047 Bamberg

Telefon: 0951/863-2548

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Dr. Felix Stübben

Feldkirchenstraße 21
Raum: F21/02.40
Briefe: D-96052 Bamberg
Pakete: Kapuzinerstraße 16, D-96047 Bamberg

Telefon: 0951/863-2687
