How to import a dataset

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In order to import data into UCINET we must first configure our data in an adjacency matrix (commonly used data format for representing relational data) in Excel:        


This matrix represents a communication network among eight individuals. A “0” indicates that individual i indicated that he/she does not speak with individual j. The numbers 1-3 represent increasing levels of communication frequency.        

In order to import the data into UCINET, you must now open the DL editor:        

Select “Full matrix” as format, copy the data in the excel file and paste it into the DL Editor (in order to paste go to Edit > Paste)

Click on the “Grid resize” button to get rid of all the empty cells and label your matrix by entering the title in the respective field at the bottom.

Now save matrix as a UCINET dataset by going to File > Save UCINET dataset

Your data has now been successfully imported. In order to view your data click on the Display data set icon and select the respective file:

The following window will occur:


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