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The GRAph Definition and Analysis Package (GRADAP) enables the researcher to define, manage and analyse different types of graphs. It "is an organized set of programs with a standard data file, providing flexible graph entry possibilities and large opportunities for different graph representations, graph management, and analysis” ( van de Wijgaart 1982: 32f.).

Googleing ‘GRADAP’ will yield only few desirable results. I could not find a homepage which provided a program download link and the only useful hits retrieved were two articles written in 1982 (cf. van de Wijgaart 1982, www.springerlink.com/content/q08769p4347704k0/fulltext.pdf; Sprenger and Stokman 1982, http://www.stokman.org/artikel/82Spre.GRADAP.COMP.pdf)  and a user’s manual in form of a book (cf. http://books.google.de/books/about/GRADAP.html?id=qchNGwAACAAJ&redir_esc=y) which was published in 1981. Therefore, it can be assumed that GRADAP is a software package used only rarely due to the fact that in comparison to other programs it is somewhat outdated.

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