3.3 Introduction to social network methods by Robert Hanneman and Mark Riddle

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The Introduction to social network methods by Robert Hanneman and Mark Riddle is published in digital form at http://faculty.ucr.edu/~hanneman/.

It is set up in a way which enables the reader to quickly find what he or she is looking for without having to scroll through each of the roughly 320 pages individually. The book and the chapters are divided into chapters and content-segments respectively, which can be directly accessed via links provided in the corresponding tables of contents (cf. http://www.faculty.ucr.edu/~hanneman/nettext/). Furthermore, some chapters include summaries and a set of study questions, which enable the reader to deepen his/her understanding of the most important aspects discussed in each chapter.

“Working with Netdraw to visualize graphs” is an especially interesting chapter if a researcher decides to use the software package UCINET to analyse social structures (for more information see Section 5 of this webpage). Aside from some general information about relationship tie characteristics etc., the chapter provides how-to instructions for creating a sociogram.

All in all, this online resource provides an easy-to-read, elaborate introduction to social network analysis. To view the table of contents go to http://faculty.ucr.edu/~hanneman/nettext/index.html.

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