(2025) international conference Re-Orientating Gender (Studies): Feminism, Queerness, Trans* in Cultural Studies Today
Annual conference of the German Association for the Study of British Cultures (Britcult), University of Bamberg, 20-22 November
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(2021) international conference Practices of Collaboration in Early Modern Theatre: Authors, Actors, Printers, Playhouses, and Their Texts (with Lena Steveker)
online, Université du Luxembourg, Luxemburg / Passau University, 02-04 December
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(2018) international symposium Buccaneers, Corsairs, Pirates and Privateers – Connecting the Early Modern Seas (with Marcus Hartner)
Bielefeld University, 13-14 April
download programme(946.6 KB)
(2013) conference section Not Shakespeare: New Approaches to Drama in the Seventeenth Century (with Lena Steveker and Angelika Zirker)
Anglistentag 2013, University of Konstanz, 18-21 September
(2010) international conferene Fashioning the Neo-Victorian: Iterations of the Nineteenth Century in Contemporary Literature and Culture (with Nadine Böhm and Anne Enderwitz)
FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, 08-10 April
download programme(57.3 KB)
(2024) Shakespeare Study Day: Romeo and Juliet (in cooperation with the German Shakespeare Association,
University of Bamberg, 25 October
(2021) interdisciplinary workshop Body Politics: Intersektionale Forschungsperspektiven auf den Körper (part of organisational team, with PD Dr. Victoria Gutsche, Prof. Dr. Annette Keilhauer, Prof. Dr. Antje Kley, Prof. Dr. Renate Liebold, Dr. Larissa Pfaller, Irmgard Steckdaub-Muller)
FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, 17-19 February
(2017) workshop for early career researchers: 11. Weiterbildungsseminar der Deutschen Gesellschaft für das Studium britischer Kulturen (with Doris Feldmann)
FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, 05-06 May
(winter term 2009/10) lecture series Phänomene der Fremdheit (with Simone Broders and Stephanie Waldow)
Interdisziplinäres Zentrum Literatur und Kultur der Gegenwart, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
(2004) workshop: Anglistische Lehre und/im Internet (6. Anglistik Didaktik Workshop, with Ina Habermann)
FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, 21-23 October