5 Example Sudy II: durative and punctual aspects of burn

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In contrast to the example study in section 4, the second case study will not explain the usage of historical literature databases in detail, but instead give an insight into the possibilities that such large historical corpora open up. In fact, it will try to look a bit more closely at an example of “variant inflection of past tense and past participle forms” that Schlüter analyses in section 4.2 of her chapter. As can be seen there, each of the verbs that can either take the regular –ed or the irregular –t inflection shows a different trend toward regularization or irregularization and must therefore be explored separately. This example study focuses on the verb burn and investigates the role of a language-internal factor, namely aspect.

5.1        Aspect

5.2        Distribution of burnt and burned

5.3        Correlation between aspect and verb inflection

5.4        Conclusion

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