PD Dr. Christoph March

Sprechstunde: nach Vereinbarung
Curriculum Vitae
Akademische Tätigkeiten
seit 12/2021
Privatdozent, Professur für VWL, insb. Wirtschaftstheorie, Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg
seit 02/2016
Research Network Affiliate,CESifo München
Lehrbeauftragter, Professur für VWL, insb. Wirtschaftstheorie, Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg
Assistant Professor (is a Akademischer Rat a.Z.), Lehrstuhl für Volkswirtschaftslehre (Prof. Dr. Robert K. Frhr. von Weizsäcker), Technische Universität München
Post-Doktorand, Paris School of Economics
Doktorand, IMPRS "Uncertainty", Max-Planck-Institut für Ökonomik, Jena
Habilitation zum Dr. rer. oec. habil. an der Technischen Universität München
Promotion zum Dr. rer. oec. an der Technischen Universität Berlin
Diplom in Wirtschaftsmathematik, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
Abitur, Königin-Luise-Gymnasium, Erfurt
Articles in Refereed Journals
- Efficient Incentives with Social Preferences (with Thomas Daske), Theoretical Economics, forthcoming.
- The Perks of Being in the Smaller Team: Incentives in Overlapping Contests (with Marco Sahm), Review of Economic Design, June 2023.
- Optimal and Fair Prizing in Sequential Round-Robin Tournaments: Experimental Evidence (with Arne Lauber and Marco Sahm), Games and Economic Behavior, Vol. 141, 30-51, September 2023.
- Technological Sovereignty as Ability, Not Autarky (with Ina Schieferdecker), International Studies Review, Vol. 25 (2), viad12, June 2023.
- Strategic interactions between humans and artificial intelligence: Lessons from experiments with computer players, Journal of Economic Psychology, Vol. 87, December 2021.
- Parochial altruism and the absence of the group size paradox in inter-group conflicts (with Marco Sahm), Economics Bulletin, Vol. 41, 361-373, 2021.
- Altruistic Observational Learning (with Anthony Ziegelmeyer), Journal of Economic Theory, Vol. 190, November 2020.
- Coordinating Intergenerational Redistribution and the Repayment of Public Debt (with Robert K. von Weizsäcker), Social Choice and Welfare, 55, 301-323, February 2020.
- Contests as Selection Mechanism: The Impact of Risk Aversion (with Marco Sahm), Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 150, 114-131, June 2018.
- Asymmetric Discouragement in Asymmetric Contests (with Marco Sahm), Economics Letters 151, 23-27, February 2017.
- "Do We Follow Others when We Should? A Simple Test of Rational Expectations": Comment (with Anthony Ziegelmeyer and Sebastian Krügel), American Economic Review 103 (6), 2633-2642, October 2013.
Further Publications
- Digitale Innovationen und Technologiesouveränität, (mit Ina Schieferdecker), Wirtschaftsdienst, 100, 30-35, April 2020.
Working Papers
- Excessive Herding in the Laboratory: The Role of Intuitive Judgments (with Anthony Ziegelmeyer), CESifo Working Paper No. 6855, January 2018. [previously circulated as "Even Experts Follow Large Herds: Naive Herding in the Laboratory"]
- Pay Few Subjects but Pay Them Well: Cost-Effectiveness of Random Incentive Systems (with Anthony Ziegelmeyer, Ben Greiner, and René Cyranek), CESifo Working Paper No. 5988, July 2016. [previously circulated as "Monetary Incentives in Large-Scale Experiments"]
- Adaptive Social Learning, CESifo Working Paper No. 5783, February 2016.
- Do We Follow Private Information when We Should? Laboratory Evidence on Naive Herding(with Sebastian Krügel, and Anthony Ziegelmeyer), May 2013.
- Behavioral Social Learning (with Anthony Ziegelmeyer), Jena Economic Research Papers No. 2009-105, December 2009.
Presentations at Conferences
- Economic Science Association, World Meeting, Lyon (France), June 2023
- Econometric Society, European Meeting (joint with EEA), Milano (Italy), August 2022
- CESifo Area Conference on Economics of Digitization, Munich (Germany), November 2020
- Verein für Socialpolitik, Annual Meeting, September 2019.
- Econometric Society, European Meeting (joint with EEA), Geneva (Switzerland), August 2016
- GAMES 2016, Maastricht (Netherlands), July 2016
- IMEBESS, Rome (Italy), April 2016
- CESifo Area Conference on Applied Microeconomics, Munich (Germany), March 2016
- Econometric Society, European Winter Meeting, Milan (Italy), December 2015
- Economic Science Association, European Meeting, Heidelberg (Germany), September 2015
- European Economic Association, Annual Congress, Mannheim (Germany), August 2015
- Thurgau Experimental Economics Meeting, Kreuzlingen (CH), April 2015
- CESifo Area Conference on Applied Microeconomics, Munich (Germany), March 2015
(CESifo Distinguished Affiliate Prize Candidate) - Stony Brook Game Theory Festival, Stony Brook (U.S.), July 2011
- ESA World Meeting, Copenhagen (Denmark), July 2010
- BGSE Summer School, Bonn (Germany), July 2009
Invited Talks
- University of Crete (Greece), February 2023 (Webinar)
- Humboldt University Berlin (Germany), February 2015
- University of Bamberg (Germany), July 2014
- DICE, Heinrich Heine University Duesseldorf (Germany), May 2012
- Boston University (U.S.), July 2011
- DIW Berlin (Germany), September 2010
- Games and Contracts (Vorlesung, Master): SS 18, SS 20, SS 22, SS 23
- Behavioral Game Theory (Vorlesung, Master): SS 19
- Economic Behavior and Digitalization (Seminar, Master): WS 19/20, WS 20/21, WS 21/22, WS 22/23