Publikationen und Arbeitspapiere am Lehrstuhl für Finanzwissenschaft


Working Paper/Work in Progress

Schmitt, S.Y. (2025), Investments in environmental quality under limited attention, BERG - Working Paper Series No. 202.

Rozzi, R. and S. Y. Schmitt (2024), Vertical product differentiation, prominence, and costly search, BERG - Working Paper Series No. 190.

Schmitt, S.Y. (2022), Competition with limited attention to quality differences, BERG - Working Paper Series No. 184.

Schmitt, S.Y.; Herold, F. (2016), Economic Models of Limited Attention - a Survey.

Schmitt, S.Y. (2016), Rational Allocation of Attention in Decision-Making, BERG - Working Paper Series No. 114.

González-Días, J.; Herold, F.; Domínguez, D. (2016), Strategic Sequential Voting, BERG - Working Paper Series No. 113.

Herold, F.; Netzer, N., Second-best Probability Weighting, pdf(235.9 KB, 29 Seiten).


Peer-reviewed publications

Schmitt, S.Y.; Bruckner, D. (2023): "Unaware consumers and disclosure of deficiencies," Games and Economic Behavior, 142:1018-1042.

Herold, F.; Netzer, N. (2023): "Second-best probability weighting," Games and Economic Behavior, 138:112-125.

Saur, M.P.; Schlatterer, M.G.; Schmitt, S.Y. (2022): "Limited perception and price discrimination in a model of horizontal product differentiation," Games and Economic Behavior, 134: 151-168.

Schmitt, S. Y.; Schlatterer M. G. (2021): "Poverty and limited attention," Economics and Human Biology, 41.

Herold, F.; Kuzmics, C. (2020): "The evolution of taking roles," Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 174: 38-63.

Herold, F. (2012): "Carrot or Stick: The Evolution of Reciprocal Preferences in a Haystack Model," American Economic Review, 102(2):914-940.

Fuchs, K.; Herold, F. (2011): "The Costs and Benefits of a Separation of Powers - an incomplete contracts approach," American Law and Economics Review, 13(1):131-167.

Herold, F. (2010): "Contractual Incompleteness as a Signal of Trust," Games and Economic Behavior, 68(1): 180-191.

Herold, F.; Kuzmics, C. (2009): "Evolutionary stability of discrimination under observability," Games and Economic Behavior. 67(2): 542-551.


Other publications

Zehmer, K. (2012), Eine Analyse neuerer Ansätze zur Begrenzung der Kreditaufnahme öffentlicher Haushalte, Public Economic Series Vol. 22. BERG Verlag Bamberg.

Jilke, J. (2010), The Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base - Efficiency Aspects of Apportionment, in: D. Meyer, A. Hashorva, A. Bexheti, H.-D. Wenzel (Eds.). Development and Economic Policy. Ninth European Doctoral Seminar (EDS9). Public Economic Series Vol. 20, BERG Verlag Bamberg, 2010, pp. 95-119.

Zehmer, K. (2010), Limiting Public Debt - An Economic Analysis, in: D. Meyer, A. Hashorva, A. Bexheti, H.-D. Wenzel (Eds.). Development and Economic Policy. Ninth European Doctoral Seminar (EDS9). Public Economic Series Vol. 20, BERG Verlag Bamberg, 2010, pp. 327-339.

Jilke, J. (2009), Corporate Taxation in the European Union - Obstacles and Perspectives, in: A. Bexheti, T. Kola, S. Kreso, D. Meyer, H.-D. Wenzel (Eds.). Government and Private Sector in Transition Economies, 08th European Doctoral Seminar (EDS8). Public Economic Series Vol. 18. BERG Verlag Bamberg. 2009. pp. 259-282.

Wenzel, H.-D.; Jilke, J. (2009), Der Europäische Gerichtshof EuGH als Bremsklotz einer effizienten und koordinierten Unternehmensbesteuerung in Europa?, BERG Verlag Bamberg, 2009, Working Paper Series, No. 66.

Zehmer, K. (2009), All that Glitters is not Gold (The German Golden Rule and Possible Reform Proposals), in: A. Bexheti, T. Kola, S. Kreso, D. Meyer, H.-D. Wenzel (Eds.). Government and Private Sector in Transition Economies, Eigth European Doctoral Seminar (EDS8). Public Economic Series Vol. 18. BERG Verlag Bamberg. 2009. pp. 153-165.

Jilke, J. (2008), Corporate Taxation in the European Union - Perspectives for existing and future Member States, in: International Conference - Economic & Social Challenges and Problems 2008, Volume I, AlbPaper, Tirana, 2008, pp. 285-304.

Jilke, J. (2008), Die deutsche Unternehmenssteuerreform 2008 – Eine Analyse der allokationstheoretischen Wirkungen. Unveröffentlichte Diplomarbeit.

Zehmer, K. (2008), Sustainable Fiscal Policy, in: International Conference - Economic & Social Challenges and Problems 2008, Volume I, AlbPaper, Tirana, 2008, pp. 305-317.

Zehmer, K. (2007), The Sustainalbilty of Fiscal Policy: Public Investment Policy and Sustainability, in: D. Meyer, S. Haderi, A. Bexheti, H.-D. Wenzel (Eds.). Transformation in the Light of Theory and Globalization, Seventh European Doctoral Seminar (EDS7). Public Economic Series Vol. 15. BERG Verlag Bamberg. 2008. pp. 59-76.

Zehmer, K. (2006), Fiskalföderalismus bei asymmetrischer Information. Unveröffentlichte Diplomarbeit.