Ort: Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg

Gastvortrag: Visualisierung urbaner Daten

"Stadt im Blick: Visualisierungen urbaner Daten für Alle", Prof. Dr. Till Nagel, Hochschule Mannheim

Wann und wo: Mi., 19. Juni 2024, 12:15-13:00, WE5/04.014

Abstract: Traditionelle Visualisierungen urbaner Daten setzen auf Dashboards und Visualisierungssysteme, um Bereiche wie Klimaresilienz, Mobilitätstransparenz und Ressourceneffizienz zu unterstützen. Neben diesen etablierten Methoden gibt es neuartige Ansätze, die eine individuelle Erkundung von Daten ermöglichen – von Augmented-Reality-Apps bis hin zu physischen Installationen in öffentlichen Ausstellungen. In meinem Vortrag stelle ich eine Auswahl spannender Projekte vor, die durch menschenzentriertes Design und Co-Design-Prozesse entstanden sind. Diese Projekte sollen nicht nur inspirieren, sondern auch neue Perspektiven auf die Nutzung und Visualisierung urbaner Daten eröffnen.

Zur Person: Till Nagel is a Research Professor of Visual Analytics at the Mannheim University of Applied Sciences, where he heads the Human Data Interaction Lab, which investigates new ways of supporting different target groups with interactive data representations. He is a co-editor of the book Making with Data (2023), a member of the Center of Applied Research (BW-CAR) of the Doctoral Association of Universities of Applied Sciences in Baden-Württemberg, and an associated member of the Medical Faculty Mannheim of Heidelberg University. His interests are in information visualization, interaction design and data literacy. A major focus of his research is around the themes of urban data and mobility visualizations, and in the democratization of visualization methods.

Dr. Nagel has a background in media and computer science, and received his PhD at the Human Computer Interaction group at KU Leuven. He was a visiting scholar at the MIT Senseable City Lab in Boston and Singapore, a postdoctoral fellow at the FHP Urban Complexity Lab, and a guest professor at Burg Giebichenstein University of Arts and Design Halle. He served as General Chair of the IEEE VIS Arts Program (VISAP) 2018 and 2019, and on the VISAP Steering Committee from 2020-2024. His work has been exhibited at Venice Biennale of Architecture, Shanghai Design Exhibition, National Museum of Singapore, and featured in The Guardian, Esquire, Süddeutsche Zeitung, and many more.