Research Skills

Workshop: "Introduction to Git for Social Scientists - Enhancing Reproducibility, Visibility, and Team Collaboration" (wird verschoben)

Workshop: "Introduction to Git for Social Scientists - Enhancing Reproducibility, Visibility, and Team Collaboration" (wird verschoben)

This workshop is organised by BAGSS.

Course Outline:

In this beginner's Git workshop, discover the essentials of version control crucial for social scientists. No prior experience is needed; we start with basics, covering principles, installing Git, and fundamental commands. Gain hands-on experience in tracking changes for enhanced reproducibility. Learn effective code communication for collaboration and set up your profile homepage for increased visibility.
Key Features:

  • Beginner-friendly Git introduction
  • Create a Git profile/homepage
  • Optimize collaborative workflows
  • Practical exercises, and comprehensive materials for efficient learning.

Tailored for beginners, this workshop provides a robust foundation in collaborative research. Ideal for Stata, R, and Python users at all levels.

Date & time: wird verschoben

Location: BAGSS, Feldkirchenstraße 21, 96050 Bamberg, Room FG1/00.06

Instructor: Dr Diana Schacht, German Youth Institute

Dr Diana D. Schacht is a senior quantitative researcher at the German Youth Institute (DJI) Munich, specializing in early education quality, migration and integration research, and survey methodologies, including strategies to reduce or correct for survey bias. Dr Schacht has extensive experience collaborating on various surveys in large teams.

Course units: 8

Registration: Please register via this form by April 1st, 2024.