Research Skills

Multilevel Modeling (07.-11.04. 2025, 9.30-13.00 Uhr)

Course outline

Multilevel data structures are all over the social sciences: observations within municipalities, cantons, districts, or countries. Students within schools. Patients within hospitals. Multiple observations taken from the same person or any other unit of analysis. In quantitative studies, relevant predictors appear on all these levels of analysis. But how do we deal with them?

The course is designed to provide scholars with a basic understanding of multilevel (a.k.a. Hierar-chical linear or mixed effects) regression models designed to solve these problems. Special attention is given to the translation of theoretical expectations into statistical models, the interpretation of results in multilevel analyses, and the general use and misuse of multilevel models in the social sciences. While the course is predominantly designed to give you the knowledge of multilevel regres-sion modeling, it does also arm you with the basic tools to run multilevel models in R. (I also have Stata code for most of the models presented thanks to a former teaching assistant, but I am not a Stata user so there you are on your own.) Applications will include models with continuous and limited dependent variables in hierarchical, longitudinal, and cross-classified nesting situations and, if time allows, multilevel structural equation models. The goal of the course is to offer a basic intro-duction and the foundation for participants to start using and critically assessing multilevel models and also have the ability to independently discover and master advanced multilevel statistical topics. Upon completion, the participants will have a basic conceptual understanding of multilevel modeling and its statistical foundations. Participants will be able to critically assess the appropriateness of such techniques in their own and other people’s research and conduct multilevel modeling them-selves to the highest academic standards.

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Levente Littvay is a Research Professor at HUN-REN Centre for Social Sciences and Senior Research Fellow at the Democracy Institute of Central European University, where he also was (Full) Professor of Political Science and taught graduate courses in research design, applied statistics, electoral politics, voting behavior, political psychology, and American politics and was the inaugural and only two-time recipient of the university's Teaching Award. He received his MA and PhD in Political Science and an MS in Survey Research and Methodology from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, taught numerous research methods workshops globally, and is the founder and Academic Coordinator of MethodsNET, a Presidium member of the Hungarian Political Science Association, and head of Team Survey in Team Populism. He was a member of the European Social Survey’s Round 10 democracy and COVID-19 module questionnaire design teams and Co-Principal Investigator for the Comparative Study of Election Sys-tems for Hungary and Tunisia. His awards include the European University Institute’s Fernand Braudel Senior Research Fellowship, and the 2022 Giovanni Sartori Prize for best paper in the Italian Political Science Review, and the Morton Deutsch Award for the best 2017 article in Social Justice Research. His books include Multilevel Structural Equation Modeling with Bruno Castanho Silva and Constantin Manuel Bosancianu in SAGE’s QASS (little green book) series, which was also published in Mandarin Chinese.


A solid foundation in linear regression. (Knowing what to click in SPSS and how to copy and paste the table does not constitute a solid foundation. Knowing the assumptions of regression models like homoskedasticity and no autocorrelation does.)

Date & Time:07 - 11 April 2025, 9.30 - 11.00 a.m. & 11.30 a.m. - 1.00 p.m.

Place: FG1/FMA, Feldkirchenstraße 21, 96052 Bamberg

Registration (by Tuesday, 04.03.2025 at the latest)courses.bagss(at)

Case-Based Research Design (07.04-11.04.2025, 9.30-13.00 Uhr)

Course outline

This five-day course provides a hands-on introduction to case-based designs, enabling participants to use them in their own research. The course is designed to be relevant for participants from a range of different social science disciplines. A constant theme throughout the course will be on debating the strengths and limitations of different case-based methods, illustrating the types and scopes of inferences that are possible, and how they differ from what variance-based methods enable.

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will first introduce the foundations of case-based designs in terms of taking cases as the analytical point of departure. The course will distinguish between comparative and within-case designs.

deals with concepts and theories in case-based designs. After discussing how concept structure is dealt with, we will explore different types of theoretical relationships that are assessed using case-based designs, including necessary and sufficiency, as well as theories of causal processes (aka mechanisms).

unpacks different tools for comparative analysis, including more simple comparisons using tools such as Mill’s methods, and most-similar and most-different systems designs. Participants will also be introduced to the basics of Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA).

deals with within-case analysis, focusing in particular on process-tracing methods. Using a published example, we will discuss how theories about causal processes can be developed and what elements they should include, as well as how process tracing works with empirical evidence.

presents the most central case selection principles, including typicality, deviant cases, and theoretical likelihood (most- and least-likely cases). We will then discuss how cross-case comparisons and within-case tracing can be combined in practice.


Derek Beach is a professor of Political Science at Aarhus University, Denmark, where he does research on research methodology and European integration. He has authored articles, chapters, and books on research methodology, policy evaluation, international negotiations, referendums, and European integration, and co-authored the book Process-tracing Methods: Foundations and Guidelines (2019, 2nd edition, University of Michigan Press). He has taught case study methods at numerous workshops and ph.d. level courses throughout the world, and conducted evaluations at the national and international level. He was an academic fellow at the World Bank’s Independent Evaluation Group in spring 2022 and is an academic coordinator of the Methods Excellence Network (MethodsNet).

Date & Time:07.04-11.04.2024,, 9.30 a.m.-1.00 p.m. 

Place: FG1/FMA, Feldkirchenstraße 21, 96052 Bamberg

Registrationn (by Tuesday, 04.03.2025 at the latest): courses.bagss(at)

Workshop: "Wie schreibe ich ein überzeugendes Exposé?" (27.06.2025, 9:00 bis 13:30 Uhr)

Workshop: "Wie schreibe ich ein überzeugendes Exposé?" (27.06.2025, 9:00 bis 13:30 Uhr)

Dieser Kurs wird in Zusammenarbeit mit dem LIfBi angeboten.


Die Erstellung eines Exposés (z.B. für eine Stipendienbewerbung) stellt Promovierende in der Anfangsphase oft vor herausfordernde Aufgaben: Wie kann ich erklären, was ich selbst noch erforschen will? Wie kann ich überzeugend darlegen, dass ich einen Weg zum Ziel „Dissertation“ kenne, der für mich selbst oft genug noch nicht klar erscheint?

In diesem Workshop wollen wir Antworten auf diese Fragen finden, indem wir uns bewusst machen, was das Ziel eines Exposés ist und wie dieses durch einen klaren Aufbau, spezifische sprachliche Mittel und die Erstellung eines überzeugenden Zeitplans erreicht werden kann.


  • Eingrenzung des Themas über den Arbeitstitel
  • Für wen schreibe ich das Exposé?
  • Aufbau und Struktur des Exposés
  • Umgang mit Unsicherheiten im Text
  • Sprachliche Tipps & Tricks
  • Zeitplanerstellung für das Exposé


Die Trainerin gibt kurze Inputs über das Ziel eines Exposés und wie die Teilnehmenden dieses durch eine sinnvolle Vorstrukturierung der fachlichen Inhalte und eine geeignete sprachliche Darstellung erreichen können. Diese Inhalte üben die Teilnehmenden in kurzen Aufgabensequenzen selbstständig ein. In der Arbeit in Kleingruppen wird das Gelernte auf die Promotionsvorhaben der Teilnehmenden übertragen.


  • Geeigneten Arbeitstitel formulieren
  • Das eigene Exposé überzeugend aufbauen und klar formulieren
  • Mit Unsicherheiten im Exposé souverän umgehen
  • Einen Zeitplan für das Dissertationsvorhaben erstellen

Maximale Teilnehmerzahl: 12 Personen

Zielgruppe: Promovierende und Master-Studierende mit der Absicht zu promovieren

Termin: 27.06.2025, 9:00 bis 13:30 Uhr (s.t.), inkl. 30 Minuten Pause

Arbeitseinheiten: 4

Ort: Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsverläufe (LIfBi), Wilhelmsplatz 3, Raum 02.20

Leitung: Alisa Müller, M.A.

Alisa Müller arbeitet in Nürnberg als Redaktionsleitung und seit zehn Jahren als freie Journalistin für verschiedene Printmedien. Sie hat in der slavischen Sprachwissenschaft an der Universität Bamberg promoviert.

Anmeldung: Bitte melden Sie sich bis zum 04.06.2025 über dieses Formular an.