Fachsprachliche Ausbildung Wirtschaftsenglisch und Ansprechpersonen

Ansprechperson für den Gesamtbereich Wirtschaftsenglisch ist der Koordinator für Wirtschaftsenglisch, Herr Christopher Jeffries.

Wirtschaftsenglisch Overview

Wirtschaftsenglisch modules are for students on EES, BWL and IBWL degree programmes.

  • Erasmus students are warmly welcomed too.

The modules engage with economic and business topics as a vehicle for developing language skills.

For the following, extra information can be found under “Important Information—click for more details”.

Wirtschaftsenglisch Modules (ab WS24-25)

The modules for Wirtschaftsenglisch have changed. From WS24/25:

  • students attend modules according to language ability.
  • modules are taken in an ascending order of language level
  • one module per semester can be taken
  • each module consists of two double lessons per week.

Placement Test

Any student wanting to take their first Wirtschaftsenglisch module is advised to take a placement test to help identify current language ability.

UnivIS & FlexNow Pool Registration / Allocation

Students use UnivIS to identify when Wirtschaftsenglisch modules are taught.

For Wirtschaftsenglisch modules, the FlexNow pool registration / allocation method is used.

Links for UnivIS & FlexNow

Wirtschaftsenglisch Modules (bis SS24)

If you have a partially completed Wirtschaftsenglisch (bis SS24) module:

  • Register using FlexNow for the course needed to complete the module.
  • These old courses are delivered via VC for self-directed learning along with regular contact hours with a Wirtschaftsenglisch lecturer.

Important Information—click for more details

Wirtschaftsenglisch Modules (ab WS24-25)

From WS24-25:

  • students attend modules according to language ability.
  • modules are taken in an ascending order of language level
  • one module per semester can be taken
  • each module consists of two double lessons per week.
  • there is an optional placement test for students taking their first Wirtschaftsenglisch module (see below)


Module levels and schedule

  • Wirtschaftsenglisch 1 - B1 level - every semester
  • Wirtschaftsenglisch 2 - B2 level - every semester
  • Wirtschaftsenglisch 3 - C1 level - SS 26, WS 27-28, SS 29
  • Wirtschaftsenglisch 4 - C1 level - SS 25, WS 26-27, SS 28
  • Wirtschaftsenglisch 5 - C1 level - WS 25-26, SS 27, WS 28-29 



Full module information can be found in the Sprachenzentrum Modulhandbook.

Which Module, When?

Master students

  • You are likely to use your final semester for the master dissertation.
  • You might be going abroad for a semester.
  • You might need to get 12 ECTS from Wirtschaftsenglisch modules.
  • You can only ever take one Wirtschaftsenglisch module per semester.

Due to the above conditions, dear master student, you are advised to take your first Wirtschaftsenglisch module in the first semester of your degree programme.

  • Use the placement test to identify which level module to begin with.
  • Remember, Wirtschaftsenglisch modules are taken in ascending language level order.
  • The C1 level modules can be taken in any order.


Bachelor students

  • You might need to get 12 ECTS from Wirtschaftsenglisch modules for your bachelor programme.
  • You might continue on to take a master programme at the University of Bamberg and need a further 12 ECTS from Wirtschaftsenglisch modules.
  • Wirtschaftsenglisch modules are taken in ascending language level order.

Due to the above conditions, dear bachelor student taking your first Wirtschaftsenglisch module, you should take:

  • Wirtschaftsenglisch 1 (for a B1 placement test result
  • Wirtschaftsenglisch 2 (for a B2 or C1 placement test result)

This approach ensures that you will be able to take 12 ECTS at bachelor level and still have 12 ECTS available at master level at the correct language level.


Placement Test

Are you taking your first Wirtschaftsenglisch module?

  • First read Whch module, when?
  • Then, come back and read about the placement test.


Any student wanting to take their first Wirtschaftsenglisch module is advised to take a placement test. 

  • the placement test has a diagnostic function only.
  • you do not need to prepare for the placement test.
  • the test has no connection to any of the Wirtschaftsenglisch module exams.

The Wirtschaftsenglisch Placement Test is held online in this VC (link to come):

  • test access begins: (TBA)
  • test access closes: (TBA)

The test has to be completed within 60 minutes and cannot be interrupted.


  • Navigate to the Placement Test VC (no password needed)
  • Take the placement test.

    Upon ending the test, you immediately receive your result, indicating your current language level.

  • In connection with the information in Whch module, when? use the test result as guidance for which Wirtschaftsenglisch module to take first.

Module Registration—UnivIS, FlexNow

Are you taking your first Wirtschaftsenglisch module?

  • First read Whch module, when?
  • Next read about the Placement Test.
  • Then come back here and read about module and exam registration



  • UnivIS is used for timetable planning.
  • FlexNow is used for registering to a module.
  • FlexNow is also used for exam registration.


Each Wirtschaftsenglisch module consists of two 90 minute lessons per week.

  • The lessons are set up in fixed pairings labelled A, B, C, etc.
  • Check UnivIS to find the day/times involved for each lesson pairing—use the links on this webpage
  • In FlexNow, only select lesson pairs for which you can actually attend both lessons involved

FlexNow Pool Registration

Registration to Wirtschaftsenglisch modules uses the FlexNow pool method:

  1. You make registration selections in FlexNow for the module you want to attend--observe the minimum number of selections needed (see below).
  2. On the Tuesday before the begin of the semester, FlexNow allocates you to one of your selections.

1. FlexNow Pool Selections

  • from : 26.03.2025 (10:00)
  • to : 21.04.2025 (23:59)

Per module you are registering for, you need to make a minimum number of selections in FlexNow, as follows:

  • Wirtschaftsenglisch 1—one or two selections (from A, B)
  • Wirtschaftsenglisch 2—two selections (from A, B, C, D, E)
  • Wirtschaftsenglisch 4—two selections (from A, B, C, D, E)
  • Wirtschaftsenglisch 5—not available this semester
  • Wirtschaftsenglisch 3—not available this semester


  • use UnivIS to help identify which selections to make.
  • you can only attend one module per semester.

2. FlexNow Allocation

On 22.04.2025, FlexNow will allocate you to one of your selections sending you an email with the details.

  • Occasionally, FlexNow will allocate you to the waiting list—simply follow the instructions you are sent.

Exam Registration—FlexNow

Exam Registration

Wirtschaftsenglisch exams are decentralised.

Use FlexNow for exam registration

  • The single exam registration in FlexNow registers you to both of the module exams.

Wirtschaftsenglisch exam registration

  • from : 23.04.2025 (10:00)
  • to : 18.05.2025 (23:59)

Wirtschaftsenglisch exam de-registration

  • from : 23.04.2025 (10:00)
  • to : 13.07.2025 (23:59)

Partially Completed Wirtschaftsenglisch (bis SS24) Module

Wirtschaftsenglisch (bis SS24) courses are only available to students who have partially completed a Wirtschaftsenglisch (bis SS24) module.


If you have a partially completed old Wirtschaftsenglisch (bis SS24) module, you are still able to complete it.

Register in FlexNow to the Wirtschaftsenglisch (bis SS24) course that you need to complete the module.

  • You receive course details in the first two weeks of May
    • VC details
    • lecturer contact schedule
    • exam date 

You learn in a self-directed manner, accessing course materials via the VC.

  • During the semester, there are scheduled contact hours where you can speak with a lecturer to clarify any questions that you have.

Register for the exam in FlexNow

  • The exam date will be set once participant numbers are known.
  • If FlexNow does not allow you to register to the exam, then once the course begins alert your lecturer.

Combination of Wirtschaftsenglisch (bis SS24) courses

Module Wirtschaftsenglisch 1 (bis SS24)

  • If you have only passed Business English I: Economics, then take Business English III: Management.
  • If you have only passed Business English III: Management, then take Business English I: Economics.

Module Wirtschaftsenglisch 2 (bis SS24)

  • If you have only passed Business English II: Finance, then take Business Englisch IV: Organsiational Behaviour.
  • If you have only passed Business Englisch IV: Organsiational Behaviour, then take Business Englisch II: Finance.

Module Wirtschaftsenglisch 3 (bis SS24)

  • If you have only passed Business English V: Cross-cultural Issues, then take Business Englisch VII: Legal Issues.
  • If you have only passed Business Englisch VII: Legal Issues, then take Business English V: Cross-cultural Issues.

Module Wirtschaftsenglisch 4 (bis SS24)

  • If you have only passed Business English VI: Public Speaking, then take Business English VIII: Managerial Issues.
  • If you have only passed Business English VIII: Managerial Issues, then take Business English VI: Public Speaking.

Vor- und Nachkorrekturen

Hier finden Sie einen Leitfaden zu Anträgen auf Vor- bzw. Nachkorrektur(332.7 KB, 2 Seiten) von zentral organisierten Prüfungen (Wirtschaftsfremdsprachen).