Publikationen Lehrstuhl für Soziologie, insb. Sozialstrukturanalyse
Kristen, C., & Wittenberg, E. (2024). Gesundheit spielt auch für die Integration eine Schlüsselrolle: Interview. DIW-Wochenbericht, 12, 208.
Schmaus, M., Olczyk, M., Neumeyer, S., & Will, G. (2024). High realistic aspirations: Do normative pressures overthrow rational calculations?; Applying the model of frame selection to the educational aspirations of immigrant and majority students in Germany. Rationality and Society, 36(1).
Bartig, S., Beese, F., Wachtler, B., Grabka, M. M., Mercuri, E., Schmid, L., Schmid-Küpke, N. K., Schranz, M., Goßner, L., Niehues, W., Zinn, S., Poethko-Müller, C., Schaade, L., Hövener, C., Gößwald, A., & Hoebel, J. (2023). Socioeconomic Differences in SARS-CoV-2 Infection and Vaccination in Germany: A Seroepidemiological Study After One Year of COVID-19 Vaccination Campaign. International Journal of Public Health, 68.
Jaschke, P., Kosyakova, Y., Kuche, C., Walther, L., Jacobsen, J., Ta, T. M. T., Hahn, E., Hans, S., Bajbouj, M., & Goßner, L. (2023). Mental health and well-being in the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic among different population subgroups: evidence from representative longitudinal data in Germany. BMJ Open, 13(6), 1–14.
Koschollek, C., Bartig, S., Müters, S., Goßner, L., Bug, M., Goerigk, L., Hövener, C., & Kajikhina, K. (2023). Menschen mit Migrationsgeschichte in der COVID-19-Pandemie: Zusammenhänge zwischen der Lebenszufriedenheit und indirekten sozioökonomischen Pandemiefolgen. Bundesgesundheitsblatt, Gesundheitsforschung, Gesundheitsschutz, 66, 901–910.
Lorenz, G., Kogan, I., Gentrup, S., & Kristen, C. (2023). Non-native Accents among School Beginners and Teacher Expectations for Future Student Achievements. Sociology of Education, 97(1), 76–96.
Breznau, N., Rinke, E. M., Wuttke, A., Nguyen, H. H. V., Adem, M., Adriaans, J., Alvarez-Benjumea, A., Andersen, H. K., Forster, A., Schieferdecker, D., Benoit, V., Berthold, A., Gnambs, T., Jungkunz, S., Schmidt, R., & Seuring, J. (2022). Observing many researchers using the same data and hypothesis reveals a hidden universe of uncertainty. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 119(44, e2203150119), 1–8.
Bürmann, M., Jacobsen, J., Kristen, C., Kühne, S., & Tsolak, D. (2022). Did Immigrants Perceive More Job Insecurity during the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic?: Evidence from German Panel Data. Social Sciences, 11(5, 224), 1–23.
Goßner, L., Laible, M.-C., & Kosyakova, Y. (2022). Resilient or Vulnerable?: Effects of the COVID-19 Crisis on the Mental Health of Refugees in Germany. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(12, 7409), 1–20.
Gërxhani, K., & Kosyakova, Y. (2022). The effect of co-ethnic social capital on immigrants’ labor market integration: a natural experiment. Comparative Migration Studies, 10, 1–20.
Kosyakova, Y., & Kogan, I. (2022). Labor market situation of refugees in Europe: The role of individual and contextual factors [Review of Labor market situation of refugees in Europe: The role of individual and contextual factors]. Frontiers in Political Science, 4(977764), 1–14. Frontiers Media.
Kosyakova, Y., & Kulic, N. (2022). Kinship, inter- and intraethnic social networks and refugees’ division of housework. Journal of Family Research, 34(2), 802–822.
Neumeyer, S., Olczyk, M., Schmaus, M., & Will, G. (2022). Reducing or Widening the Gap? How the Educational Aspirations and Expectations of Turkish and Majority Families Develop During Lower Secondary Education in Germany. KZfSS Kölner Zeitschrift Für Soziologie Und Sozialpsychologie, 74(2), 259–285.
Olbrich, L., Kosyakova, Y., & Sakshaug, J. (2022). The reliability of adult self-reported height: The role of interviewers. Economics and Human Biology, 45(101118), 1–14.
Ambrosetti, E., Dietrich, H., Kosyakova, Y., & Patzina, A. (2021). The impact of pre- and postarrival mechanisms on self-rated health and life satisfaction among refugees in Germany. Frontiers in Sociology, 6.
Damelang, A., & Kosyakova, Y. (2021). To work or to study?: Postmigration educational investments of adult refugees in Germany – Evidence from a choice experiment. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 73(June).
Dochow, S., & Neumeyer, S. (2021). An investigation of the causal effect of educational expectations on school performance: Behavioral consequences, time-stable confounding, or reciprocal causality?. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 71, 100579.
Edele, A., Kristen, C., Stanat, P., & Will, G. (2021). The education of recently arrived refugees in Germany: Conditions, processes, and outcomes. Journal for Educational Research Online, 13(1), 5–15.
Grasso, M., Klicperová-Baker, M., Koos, S., Kosyakova, Y., Petrillo, A., & Vlase, I. (2021). The impact of the coronavirus crisis on European societies: What have we learnt and where do we go from here? – Introduction to the COVID volume. European Societies, 23(S1), S2–S32.
Jaschke, P., & Kosyakova, Y. (2021). Does Facilitated and Early Access to the Healthcare System Improve Refugees’ Health Outcomes?: Evidence from a Natural Experiment in Germany. International Migration Review, 55(3), 812–842.
Kosyakova, Y. (2021). Auswirkungen der Maßnahmen zur Eindämmung der Corona-Pandemie auf die Arbeitsmarktintegration von geflüchteten Frauen (IQ Working Paper 2).
Kosyakova, Y., & Bills, D. B. (2021). Formal adult education and socioeconomic inequality: Second chances or Matthew Effects?. Social Compass, 15(9).
Kosyakova, Y., Kristen, C., & Spörlein, C. (2021). The dynamics of recent refugees’ language acquisition: How do their pathways compare to those of other new immigrants?. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 48(5), 989–1012.
Kosyakova, Y., Olbrich, L., Sakshaug, J. W., & Schwanhäuser, S. (2021). Positive Learning or Deviant Interviewing?: Mechanisms of Experience on Interviewer Behavior. Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology, 10(2), 249–275.
Kosyakova, Y., Salikutluk, Z., Trübswetter, P., & Gundacker, L. (2021). Arbeitsmarktintegration in Deutschland: Geflüchtete Frauen müssen viele Hindernisse überwinden.
Kristen, C., & Seuring, J. (2021). Destination-language acquisition of recently arrived immigrants: Do refugees differ from other immigrants?. Journal for Educational Research Online, 13(1), 128–156.
Schmaus, M. (2021). Disproportionate identification of special needs for ethnic and language minority students in England: Patterns and explanations. British Journal of Sociology of Education.
Schmaus, M., & Kristen, C. (2021). Foreign Accents in the Early Hiring Process: A Field Experiment on Accent-Related Ethnic Discrimination in Germany. International Migration Review, 56(2), 155–163.
Schmidt, R., Kristen, C., & Mühlau, P. (2021). Educational selectivity and immigrants’ labor market performance in Europe. European Sociological Review, 1–17.
Brücker, H., Kosyakova, Y., & Vallizadeh, E. (2020). Has there been a “refugee crisis”?: New insights on the recent refugee arrivals in Germany and their integration prospects. Soziale Welt, 71(1–2), 25–54.
Damelang, A., & Kosyakova, Y. (2020). To work or to study?: Postmigration educational investments of adult refugees in Germany – evidence from a choice experiment (IAB Discussion Paper 31).
Esser, H., & Seuring, J. (2020). Kognitive Homogenisierung, schulische Leistungen und soziale Bildungsungleichheit. Zeitschrift für Soziologie, 49(5–6), 277–301.
Gentrup, S., Lorenz, G., Kristen, C., & Kogan, I. (2020). Self-fulfilling prophecies in the classroom: Teacher expectations, teacher feedback and student achievement. Learning and Instruction, 66, 101296.
Gërxhani, K., & Kosyakova, Y. (2020). The Effect of Social Networks on Migrants’ Labor Market Integration: A Natural Experiment (IAB Discussion Paper 3).
Kosyakova, Y., & Brenzel, H. (2020). The role of length of asylum procedure and legal status in the labour market integration of refugees in Germany. Soziale Welt, 71(1–2), 123–159.
Kosyakova, Y., & Brücker, H. (2020). Seeking Asylum in Germany: Do Human and Social Capital Determine the Outcome of Asylum Procedures?. European Sociological Review, 36(5), 663–683.
Kristen, C., & Spieß, C. K. (2020). Fünf Jahre danach: Eine Zwischenbilanz zur Integration von Geflüchteten. DIW Wochenbericht, 87(34), 559–561.
Kristen, C., Spörlein, C., Schmidt, R., & Welker, J. (2020). Mehrheit der Geflüchteten hat höhere Bildung im Vergleich zur Herkunftsgesellschaft. DIW-Wochenbericht, 34, 563–570.
Miyamoto, A., Seuring, J., & Kristen, C. (2020). Immigrant students’ achievements in light of their educational aspirations and academic motivation. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 46(7), 1348–1370.
Sakshaug, J. W., Beste, J., Coban, M., Fendel, T., Haas, G.-C., Hülle, S., Kosyakova, Y., König, C., Kreuter, F., Küfner, B., Müller, B., Osiander, C., Schwanhäuser, S., Stephan, G., Vallizadeh, E., Volkert, M., Wenzig, C., Westermeier, C., Zabel, C., & Zins, S. (2020). Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Labor Market Surveys at the German Institute for Employment Research. Survey Research Methods, 14(2), 229–233.
Schmaus, M. (2020). Ethnic Differences in Labour Market Outcomes: The Role of Language-Based Discrimination. European Sociological Review, 36(1), 82–103.
Schmaus, M. N. (2020). Language-based discrimination and its role for ethnic inequalities in the educational system and the labor market [Otto-Friedrich-Universität].
Schwanhäuser, S., Sakshaug, J., Kosyakova, Y., & Kreuter, F. (2020). Statistical Identification of Fraudulent Interviews in Surveys: Improving Interviewer Controls. In K. Olson, J. D. Smyth, J. Dykema, A. L. Holbrook, F. Kreuter, & B. West (Eds.), Interviewer Effects from a Total Survey Error Perspective (1st ed.). CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group.
Seuring, J., Rjosk, C., & Stanat, P. (2020). Ethnic classroom composition and minority language use among classmates: Do peers matter for students’ language achievement?. European Sociological Review, 36(6), 920–936.
Spörlein, C., Kristen, C., Schmidt, R., & Welker, J. (2020). Selectivity profiles of recently arrived refugees and labour migrants in Germany. Soziale Welt, 71(1–2), 54–89.
Kristen, C. (2019). Language assimilation and the education of immigrant students. In R. Becker (Ed.), Research handbook on the sociology of education (pp. 519–534). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Kristen, C., Seuring, J., & Stanat, P. (2019). Muster und Bedingungen des Erwerbs und Erhalts herkunftssprachlicher Kompetenzen. Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft, 22(1), 143–167.
Spörlein, C., & Kristen, C. (2019b). Why we should care about regional origins: Educational selectivity among refugees and labor migrants in Western Europe. Frontiers in Sociology, 4.
Spörlein, C., & Kristen, C. (2019a). Educational selectivity and language acquisition among recently arrived immigrants. International Migration Review, 53(4), 1148–1170.
Spörlein, C., & Schlueter, E. (2019). Verschiedene Messinstrumente, übereinstimmende Ergebnisse? Die Konsequenzen unterschiedlicher ALLBUS-Fragevarianten für die Analyse interethnischer Kontakte. In O. Hochman, P. Sieger, & S. Schulz (Eds.), Einstellungen und Verhalten der deutschen Bevölkerung: Analysen mit dem ALLBUS (pp. 269–287). Springer VS.
Horr, A., Hunkler, C., & Kroneberg, C. (2018). Ethnic discrimination in the German housing market: A field experiment on the underlying mechanisms. Zeitschrift Für Soziologie, 47(2), 134–146.
Khadjavi, M., & Tjaden, J. D. (2018). Setting the bar - an experimental investigation of immigration requirements. Journal of Public Economics, 165, 160–169.
Lorenz, G. (2018). Selbsterfüllende Prophezeiungen in der Schule: Leistungserwartungen von Lehrkräften und Kompetenzen von Kindern mit Zuwanderungshintergrund [Springer VS].
Olczyk, M. (2018). Ethnische Einbettung und schulischer Erfolg: zur Bedeutung ethnisch segregierter Lebenswelten für den Bildungserwerb von Kindern mit Zuwanderungshintergrund [Springer VS].
Silberzahn, R., Uhlmann, E. L., Martin, D. P., Anselmi, P., Aust, F., Awtrey, E., Bahnik, S., Bai, F., Bannard, F., Bonnier, E., Carlsson, R., Cheung, F., Christensen, G., Clay, R., Craig, M. A., Dalla Rosa, A., Dam, L., Evans, M. H., Flores, I., … Nosek, B. A. (2018). Many analysts, one data set: Making transparent how variations in analytical choices affect results. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, 1(3), 299–317.
Spörlein, C. (2018). How educational systems structure ethnic inequality among young labour market participants in Europe: Occupational placement and variation in the occupational status distribution. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 55, 109–119.
Spörlein, C., & Schlüter, E. (2018a). Demonstrating how to best examine group-based segregation: A statistical and conceptual multilevel approach. Methods, Data, Analyses, 12(2), 211–231.
Spörlein, C., & Schlüter, E. (2018b). How education systems shape cross-national ethnic inequality in math competence scores: Moving beyond mean differences. PLOS ONE, 13, e0193738.
Tjaden, J. D., Schwemmer, C., & Khadjavi, M. (2018). Ride with me: Ethnic discrimination, social markets, and the sharing economy. European Sociological Review, 34(4), 418–432.
Fischer-Neumann, M. (2017). Social identities of immigrants: bridges or barriers for their attitudinal integration into politics in Germany?. opus.
Spörlein, C., Mouw, T., & Martinez-Schuldt, R. (2017). The interplay of spatial diffusion and marital assimilation of Mexicans in the United States, 1980–2011. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 43(3), 475–494.
Tjaden, J. D. (2017). Migrant background and access to vocational education in germany: Self-selection, discrimination, or both?. Zeitschrift Für Soziologie, 46(2), 107–123.
Tjaden, J. D., & Hunkler, C. (2017). The optimism trap: Migrants’ educational choices in stratified education systems. Social Science Research, 67, 213–228.
Tjaden, J. D., & Scharenberg, K. (2017). Ethnic choice effects at the transition into upper-secondary education in Switzerland. Acta Sociologica, 60(4), 309–324.
Diehl, C., Hunkler, C., & Kristen, C. (2016b). Ethnische Ungleichheiten im Bildungsverlauf: Mechanismen, Befunde, Debatten. Springer VS.
Diehl, C., Hunkler, C., & Kristen, C. (2016a). Ethnische Ungleichheiten im Bildungsverlauf: Eine Einführung. In C. Diehl, C. Hunkler, & C. Kristen (Eds.), Ethnische Ungleichheiten im Bildungsverlauf: Mechanismen, Befunde, Debatten (pp. 3–31). Springer VS.
Horr, A. (2016). Nachbarschaftseffekte. In C. Diehl, C. Hunkler, & C. Kristen (Eds.), Ethnische Ungleichheiten im Bildungsverlauf: Mechanismen, Befunde, Debatten (pp. 397–430). Springer VS.
Kristen, C. (2016). Migrationsspezifische Ungleichheiten im deutschen Hochschulbereich. In C. Diehl, C. Hunkler, & C. Kristen (Eds.), Ethnische Ungleichheit im Bildungsverlauf: Mechanismen, Befunde, Debatten (pp. 643–668). Springer VS.
Kristen, C., Mühlau, P., & Schacht, D. (2016). Language acquisition of recently arrived immigrants in England, Germany, Ireland, and the Netherlands. Ethnicities, 16(2), 180–212.
Kristen, C., Olczyk, M., & Will, G. (2016). Identifying immigrants and their descendants in the National Educational Panel Study. In H.-P. Blossfeld, J. Von Maurice, M. Bayer, & J. Skopek (Eds.), Methodological Issues of Longitudinal Surveys: The Example of the National Educational Panel Study (pp. 195–211). Springer VS.
Lorenz, G., Gentrup, S., Kristen, C., Stanat, P., & Kogan, I. (2016). Stereotype bei Lehrkräften? Eine Untersuchung systematisch verzerrter Lehrererwartungen. Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, 68(1), 89–111.
Olczyk, M., Seuring, J., Will, G., & Zinn, S. (2016). Migranten und ihre Nachkommen im deutschen Bildungssystem: ein aktueller Überblick. In C. Diehl, C. Hunkler, & C. Kristen (Eds.), Ethnische Ungleichheit im Bildungsverlauf: Mechanismen, Befunde, Debatten (pp. 33–70). Springer VS.
Olczyk, M., Will, G., & Kristen, C. (2016). Immigrants in the NEPS: Identifying generation status and group of origin (NEPS Survey Paper 4).
Strobel, B. (2016a). Spracherhalt im Migrationskontext: Muster und Bedingungen des Sprachgebrauchs und seine Folgen für den Bildungserfolg. opus.
Strobel, B. (2016b). Does family language matter? The role of foreign language use and family social capital in the educational achievement of immigrant students in Germany. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 39(14), 2641–2663.
Strobel, B., & Seuring, J. (2016). Spracherhalt oder Sprachverlagerung? Erstsprachgebrauch und Zweitsprachkompetenzen bei Jugendlichen mit Migrationshintergrund. Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, 68(2), 309–339.
Will, G., Olczyk, M., & Kristen, C. (2016). NEPS-Datensatz (Nationales Bildungspanel). In H. U. Brinkmann & D. B. Maehler (Eds.), Methoden der Migrations- und Integrationsforschung: Ein interdisziplinärer Forschungsleitfaden (pp. 345–364). Springer VS.
Edele, A., Seuring, J., Kristen, C., & Stanat, P. (2015). Why bother with testing? The validity of immigrants’ self-assessment of language proficiency. Social Science Research, 52, 99–123.
Kristen, C., & Strobel, B. (2015). Erhalt der Herkunftssprache? - Muster des Sprachgebrauchs in Migrantenfamilien. Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft, 18(1), 125–142.
Spörlein, C. (2015). Destination choices of recent pan-American migrants: Opportunities, costs, and migrant selectivity. International Migration Review, 49(2), 523–552.
Fleischmann, F., & Kristen, C. (2014b). Gender Inequalities in the education of the second generation. In A. Heath & Y. Brinbaum (Eds.), Unequal Attainments: Ethnic educational inequalities in ten Western countries (pp. 193–244). Oxford Univ. Press.
Fleischmann, F., & Kristen, C. (2014a). Gender und ethnic inequalities across the educational career. In A. Heath & Y. Brinbaum (Eds.), Unequal attainments: Ethnic educational inequalities in ten Western countries (pp. 193–244). Oxford University Press.
Kristen, C. (2014). Migrationsspezifische Ungleichheiten im deutschen Hochschulbereich. Journal of Educational Research Online, 6(2), 113–134.
Kristen, C., & Fleischmann, F. (2014). Gender inequalities in the education of the second generation in Western countries. Sociology of Education, 87(3), 143–170.
Kristen, C., Shavit, Y., Chachashvili-Bolotin, S., Roth, T., & Adler, I. (2014). Achievement differences between immigrant and native fourth graders in germany and israel. In R. K. Silbereisen, Y. Shavit, & P. Titzmann (Eds.), The challenges of diaspora migration: Interdisciplinary perspectives on Israel and Germany (pp. 191–209). Ashgate.
Olczyk, M., Will, G., & Kristen, C. (2014b). Immigrants in the NEPS: Identifying generation status and group of origin (NEPS Working Papers/Survey Papers 41a).
Olczyk, M., Will, G., & Kristen, C. (2014a). Personen mit Zuwanderungshintergrund im NEPS: Zur Bestimmung von Generationenstatus und Herkunftsgruppe (NEPS Working Papers/Survey Papers 41b).
Schacht, D., Kristen, C., & Tucci, I. (2014). Interethnische Freundschaften in Deutschland. Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, 66(3), 445–458.
Spörlein, C., & van Tubergen, F. (2014). The occupational status of immigrants in Western and non-Western societies. International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 55(2), 119–143.
Spörlein, C., van Tubergen, F., & Schlueter, E. (2014). Ethnic intermarriage in longitudinal perspective: Testing structural and cultural explanations in the United States from 1880 to 2011. Social Science Research, 43, 1–15.
Kristen, C., & Olczyk, M. (2013). Ethnische Einbettung und Bildungserfolg. In R. Becker & A. Schulze (Eds.), Bildungskontexte: Strukturelle Voraussetzungen und Ursachen ungleicher Bildungschancen (pp. 353–403). Springer VS.
Kristen, C., & Dollmann, J. (2012). Migration und Schulerfolg: Zur Erklärung ungleicher Bildungsmuster. In M. Matzner (Ed.), Handbuch Migration und Bildung (pp. 102–117). Beltz.
Gresch, C., & Kristen, C. (2011). Staatsbürgerschaft oder Migrationshintergrund? Ein Vergleich unterschiedlicher Operationalisierungsweisen am Beispiel der Bildungsbeteiligung. Zeitschrift für Soziologie, 40(3), 208–227.
Kalter, F., Granato, N., & Kristen, C. (2011). Die strukturelle Assimilation der zweiten Migrantengeneration in Deutschland: Eine Zerlegung gegenwärtiger Trends. In R. Becker (Ed.), Integration durch Bildung: Bildungserwerb von jungen Migranten in Deutschland (pp. 257–289). Springer.
Kristen, C., Edele, A., Kalter, F., Kogan, I., Schulz, B., Stanat, P., & Will, G. (2011a). The education of migrants and their children across the life course. In H.-P. Blossfeld, H.-G. Roßbach, & J. von Maurice (Eds.), Education as a lifelong process: The German National Educational Panel Study (NEPS) (pp. 119–136).
Kristen, C., Edele, A., Kalter, F., Kogan, I., Schulz, B., Stanat, P., & Will, G. (2011b). The education of migrants and their children across the life course. Zeitschrift Für Erziehungswissenschaft, 14, 121–137.
Dollmann, J., & Kristen, C. (2010). Herkunftssprache als Ressource für den Schulerfolg? Das Beispiel türkischer Grundschulkinder. Zeitschrift für Pädagogik, 55, 123–146.
Kristen, C. (2010). Sekundäre Effekte der ethnischen Herkunft? Kinder aus türkischen Familien am ersten Bildungsübergang. In B. Becker & D. Reimer (Eds.), Vom Kindergarten bis zur Hochschule. Die Generierung von ethnischen und sozialen Disparitäten in der Bildungsbiographie (pp. 117–144). Springer.
Kristen, C., & Dollmann, J. (2009). Sekundäre Effekte der ethnischen Herkunft? Kinder aus türkischen Familien am ersten Bildungsübergang. Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft, 12, 205–229.
Kristen, C. (2008b). Schulische Leistungen von Kindern aus türkischen Familien am Ende der Grundschulzeit: Befunde aus der IGLU-Studie. Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, 48, 230–251.
Kristen, C. (2008a). Primary school choice and ethnic school segregation in German elementary schools. European Sociological Review, 24(4), 495–510.
Kristen, C., Reimer, D., & Kogan, I. (2008). Higher education entry of Turkish immigrant youth in Germany. International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 49(2–3), 127–151.
Heckmann, F., & Wolf, R. (Eds.). (2006). Immigrant integration and education: the role of state and civil society in Germany and U.S..
Kristen, C. (2005). School choice and ethnic school segregation. Primary school selection in Germany. Waxmann.