Scheithauer G, Hellmann S.: Analysis and Documentation of Knowledge-Intensive Processes.
In: Rosa M. and Soffer P., eds. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing (LNBIP), vol. 132, Springer; 2013.
König, K., Scheithauer G.: Auswahlkriterien für Prozessautomatisierungskandidaten – Eine strukturierte Literaturanalyse.
BISE-Workshop im Rahmen der MKWI 2012. Braunschweig, Germany.
Scheithauer G., Voigt, K., Winkler, M., Bicer, V. and Strunk, A.: Integrated Service Engineering workbench: service engineering for digital ecosystems
Int. J. Electronic Business, Vol. 9, Nos. 5/6, pp.392–413, 2011
Scheithauer G.; Hardegen B.: Requirements Engineering for SOA Services with BPMN 2.0 – From Analysis to Specification.
In: Dijkman R, Hofstetter J, Koehler J, eds. 3rd Int. Workshop on the Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN). Luzern, Schweiz: Springer; 2011.
Scheithauer G., Wirtz G.; Towards a Common Conceptual Service Description Language: A Service Property Analysis for the Internet of Services
Proceedings of eChallenges e-2011 Conference, Florence, Italy, 2011.
Scheithauer G.: A Service Description Method for Service Ecosystems – Meta Models, Modeling Notations, and Model Transformations
Dissertation, University of Bamberg, 2011
Scheithauer G.; with Kett, H.; Weiner, N.; Finzen, J.; Renner, T.; Weisbecker, A.; Klepke, S. & Augustin, S.: Integrated Service Engineering (ISE) Framework - Development of Business Services for Ecosystems in the Internet of Services
Spath, D. & Raffler, H. (Ed.), Fraunhofer Verlag, 2011
Bicer V., Bogert S., Winkler M., Scheithauer G., Voigt K., Cardoso J., and Aitenbichler E.: Modeling Services using ISE Framework: Foundations and Extensions
In ‘Modern Software Engineering Concepts and Practices: Advanced Approaches’ A. H. Dogru and V. Bicer, Eds. IGI Global, 2010, ch. 6
Hu H., Scheithauer G., Wirtz G.; ISE - Integrated Service Engineering: Applying an Architecture for Model to Model Transformations
Proc. SEKE'10, the 2010 International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 1.-3. July 2010, Redwood City, CA (USA)
Scheithauer G., Kett H., Kaiser J., Hackner S., Hu H., Wirtz G.; Business Modeling for Service Engineering: A Case Study in the IT Outsourcing Domain
Proc. 7th Enterprise Engineering Track at ACM SAC 2010 - the 25th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 22.-26.3.2010, Crans-Montana, Sierre (Switzerland)
Scheithauer G., Wirtz G.; Business Modeling for Service Descriptions: A Meta Model and a UML Profile
Proc. APCCM 2010, 7th Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling 18.-21. January 2010, Brisbane (Australia)
Scheithauer G., Voigt K., Bicer V., Heinrich M., Strunk A. and Winkler, M. Integrated Service Engineering Workbench: Service Engineering for Digital Ecosystems
in 'Proceedings of the International ACM Conference on Management of Emergent Digital Ecosystems (MEDES)', 27-30 October 2009, Lyon (France), pp. 446-449
Kett H.; Scheithauer G., Weiner N. & Weisbecker A., Integrated Service Engineering (ISE) for Service Ecosystems: An Interdisciplinary
Methodology for the Internet of Services
Proceedings of eChallenges e-2009 Conference, 21.-23. October 2009, Istanbul (Turkey)
Scheithauer G., Voigt K., Bicer V., Heinrich M., Strunk A. & Winkler M., ISE Workbench: Integrated Service Engineering
BPM 2009 Demo Track, 8 - 10 Sept, 2009, Ulm (Germany)
Scheithauer G., Augustin S., Wirtz G.; Business Modeling for Service Engineering: Toward an integrated Procedure Model
Proc. SEKE'09, the 2009 International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 1.- 3. July 2009, Boston, MA (USA)
Scheithauer G., Business Service Description Methodology for Service Ecosystems
Proceedings of the CAiSE-DC'09 16th Doctoral Consortium held in conjunction with CAiSE'09 Conference Amsterdam, (The Netherlands), June 9-10, 2009, Vol. 479
Scheithauer G., Augustin S., Wirtz G.; Service Value Properties for Service Ecosystems: A Reference Model and a Modeling Guideline
Proceedings of the 5th Enterprise & Organizational Modeling And Simulation Workshop (EOMAS), 2009, CEUR-WS, Vol. 458
Scheithauer G., Augustin S., Wirtz G.; Describing Services for Service Ecosystems
Proc. ESBE'08, the International Workshop on Enabling Service Business Ecosystems, 1. December 2008, Sydney (Australia)
Winkler, M., Cardoso, J., Scheithauer G.; Challenges of Business Service Monitoring in the Internet of Services
in The Tenth International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications Services (iiWAS'2008), Austrian Computer Society, November, 24 - 26, 2008, pp 613-616
Kett, H.; Voigt, K.; Scheithauer G. & Cardoso, J.:Service Engineering for Business Service Ecosystems
in Walter Ganz; Florian Kicherer & Alexander Schletz, ed.,'Proceedings of the XVIII. International RESER Conference', 25.-26. September 2008, Stuttgart, Germany.
Scheithauer G.: Process-oriented Requirement Modeling for the Internet of Services.
Proc. of the 1st Internet of Services Doctoral Symposium 2008 (I-ESA), Berlin, Germany, March 25, 2008, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, ISSN 1613-0073, Download
Scheithauer G., Wirtz G., Case Study Applying Business Process Management Systems
Proc. SEKE´08, the 2008 International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 1.-3. July 2008, Redwood City, CA (USA)
Scheithauer G., Wirtz G., Toklu C., Bridging the semantic gap between process documentation and process execution
Proc. SEKE´08, the 2008 International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 1.-3. July 2008, Redwood City, CA (USA)
Scheithauer G., Winkler, M., : A Service Description Framework for Service Ecosystems
Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg, Bamberger Beiträge zur Wirtschaftsinformatik und Angewandten Informatik 78, Oktober 2008
Scheithauer G., Wirtz G., Applying Business Process Management Systems - A Case Study
Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg, Bamberger Beiträge zur Wirtschaftsinformatik und Angewandten Informatik 76, Juni 2008
Fischer M., Grünert A., Hudert S., König St., Lenskaya K., Scheithauer G., Kaffille S., Wirtz G., Decentralized Reputation Management for cooperating Software Agents in open Multi-Agent Systems
Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg, Bamberger Beiträge zur Wirtschaftsinformatik und Angewandten Informatik 67, April 2006.