
Wir sind die NMUN-Delegation 2021/2022 und freuen uns darauf, die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate in New York City zu vertreten. 

Anna G. Brodmann

Studies: B.A.German & Political Science; Teaching Degree with Politics, German and Psychology

Organizational team: Head Delegate

Committee: The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

Motivation: I want to learn how to use soft skills and asking nicely to change the hard facts and ruthless threats of the international system. 

Life Motto: “It’s a serious thing just to be alive on this fresh morning in the broken world.” Mary Oliver

Lorenz Kilian Hegeler

Studies: M.A. Religious Literacy/ Interreligious Studies

Organizational Team: Finance delegate 

Committee: The United Nations General Assembly Second Committee (GA2)

Motivation:I find the diplomatic world to be very intriguing. I am especially interested in finding out how one can openly express political points and work for their implementation without affronting people with other opinions. How can one encourage dialogue and cooperation and avert withdrawal of the counterpart? To get closer to answers I joined the NMUN program.

Life Motto: 

Non coerceri maximo, contineri minimo, divinum est. – Ignatius of Loyola


Quirin Heimler

Studies: M.A. Political Science

Organizational Team: Sponsoring Team

Committee: United Nations General Assembly First Committee (GA1) 

Motivation: What motivated me to participate in this project was the opportunity to gain insights on matters barely dealt with in the domestic context, and in the process to perceive global issues from another, distinct angle.

Life Motto: You step onto the road, and if you don´t keep your feet, there´s no knowing where you might be swept off to.

Sophia Nagengast

Studies:  B.A. Political Science 

Organizational Team: Public Relations Team

Committee: The United Nations General Assembly First Committee (GA1)

Motivation: NMUN is a unique chance to learn about the United Nations not only in theory but also in practice. Furthermore, I am looking forward to getting to know how diplomacy works and meeting all the other participating students. I am very curious about learning many new things and also I am sure we will have much fun together!

Life Motto: As long as you live, keep learning how to live. (Seneca)

Julia Okker

Studies: M.Sc. Business Administration

Organizational Team: Sponsoring Team 

Committee: The United Nations General Assembly Second Committee (GA2) 

Motivation: For me, NMUN is not only a way to gain insights on how international organizations like the UN work, but also a possibility to broaden my mind, experience real negotiation situations and a chance to grow (personally and within a team) by stepping out of my comfort zone. 

Life Motto:

We don’t grow when things are easy,

we grow when we face challenges.

Patrick Lippert

Studies: M. Sc. European Economic Studies

Organizational Team: Social Media Team

Committee: The United Nations General Assembly Third Committee (GA3) 

Motivation: It has been my lifelong dream to become an ambassador. That is why NMUN is undoubtedly the best choice to discover what happens behind the curtain of a global organization – the huge apparatus United Nations – and to gain first-hand experiences on how to be a diplomat. Additionally, we are living in a globalized world today that is utterly intertwined and needs our all efforts to overcome obstacles and to improve our living standards. Hence, diplomacy in the international context is key.

Life Motto: You only live once

Maria Ragni

Studies: M.A. Educational Science  

Organizational Team: Social Media Team

Committee: The United Nations General Assembly Third Committee (GA3)

Motivation: Working together with people from different study fields and learning about diplomatic work.

Life Motto: Gratitude brings the good into focus!

Josephine Elisabeth Eymann

Studies: B. Sc. Psychology 

Organizational Team: Press Team 

Committee: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)

Motivation: learn more about international relations while challenging myself and spending time with cool people


Life Motto: Strange friends make the best stories.

Christopher Groß

Studies: English and American Studies, Psychology with a school-based focus

Organizational Team: Public Relations Team

Committee: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)

Motivation: NMUN gives each participant a marvellous opportunity to experience international politics. Furthermore, simulating other countries’ positions on global issues is an activity not only broadening one’s mind but also connected with considerable enjoyment.

Life Motto: Mayonnaise IS an instrument.

Lysander Buntfuß

Studies: B.Sc. Information Systems

Organizational Team: Sponsoring Team

Committee: Security Council (SC)

Motivation: Learning about other countries and cultures as well as getting to know other people and their views is of utmost importance for a working globalisation and society. NMUN gives me the chance to expand my world view and to be part in a process which works towards a united world.

Life Motto:

Lorenz Karl Sommer

Studies: M. Sc. Political Science

Organizational Team:Final Report Team

Committee: Security Council (SC)

Motivation: To get to know the dynamics within the United Nations. Not just the formalities – these can be looked up easily – but the dynamics that occur when formally equal delegations negotiate, especially regarding topics when there is little common ground. Also, I’d like to know if and how smaller states can leverage the formal equality in (most of) the committees to reach their diplomatic goals, when in any other setting they’d be outflanked by bigger states.


Tamara Natalie Büttner

Studies: B. Sc. European Economic Studies

Organizational Team: Public Relations Team

Committee: United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA)

Motivation: I joined NMUN to understand international politics in a hands on way and to improve my soft and speaking skills, while also meeting new people with similar interests from all walks of life.

Life Motto: You can´t expect a different outcome when you keep doing the same shit.

Tinos Silverio Matanga

Studies: PhD Candidate in the Department of New Testament Studies  

Organizational Team: Sponsoring Team 

Committee: United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA)

Motivation: -

Life Motto: Andros means courage! 

Anna Leah Zier

Studies: M.Sc. Survey Statistic

Organizational Team: Final Report Team

Committee: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

Motivation: My motivation to join the NMUN delegation was led by my interest towards other cultures. I would like to understand how difficult decisions can be made and cooperation between deviating opinions can be formed.

Life Motto: Success does not equal perfection, it’s about pulling through the made mistakes to gain real growth

Alisa Matthies

Studies: B.A. Political Science and English Studies

Organizational Team: Social Media Team

Committee: United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA)

Motivation: Being an organization that consists of almost every country in this world, and that aims to achieve international peace and security, the UN is inherently fascinating in its possibilities. I’m interested to learn more about the organization, about its possibilities, its limitations and its future.

Life Motto: Oh, but my darling, what if you fly? – Erin Hanson

Hannah Vierbücher

Studies: Teacher’s degree for Secondary School (English/History/Politics)

Organizational team: Sponsoring Team 

Committee: United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA)

Motivation: Getting to know more about the UN as an international institution while working together in a team with like-minded people.

Life motto: Everything that is meant for you will find you.