Das Betreuer*innenteam 2021/2022

Auf dieser Seite stellen sich unsere Faculty Advisorin und die Tutor*innen vor. Sie haben in den vergangenen Jahren selbst bei NMUN mitgemacht und geben ihre Erfahrungen nun an die neue Delegation weiter. Mit viel Enthusiasmus bereiten sie uns wöchentlich auf unsere große Herausforderung: Die National Model United Nations (NMUN) Konferenz. 

Anna Winter

Studies: Political Science & General Linguistics

Function as a tutor: Tutor for the PR Team

Motivation: For me,NMUN was a very special time in my student life. I was introduced to the broad field of international relations and most importantly, I learnt the value of team spirit. Through my work as a tutor, I would like to enable following delegations to have the same experience.

Life Motto: Empower each other.


David Beck

Studies: M. Sc. Survey Statistics

Function as a tutor: Rules of Procedure Tutorial, Organizing MiniMUN

Motivation: Learning about international relations is (and I know this sounds like a cliché but is true nonetheless) is now more important than ever – given the global challenges we currently face.

Life Motto: The path is the destination.

Philip Lehmann

Function as a tutor: Advising this year´s tutor team and delegation for the challenges ahead.

Motivation: In my experience, NMUN offers - one of the few - unique opportunities to work in a multidisciplinary and multicultural team during one’s course of study at the university. Striving toward one common goal regardless of one’s background is key to making this world a better place. Every year I see the passion and effort every student puts into the NMUN project. The chance to support and prepare them to be better global citizens and see them develop through their participation at the NMUN conference are key drivers of motivation to me.

Life Motto: Stay hungry. Stay foolish. 

Xiaofan Mo

Studies:  English and American Studies

Function as a tutor:  UNESCO, Public Relations Team

Motivation:  Gender inequality reminds unsettled for thousands of years, and my empathy always goes to the women in need of help. Therefore, I strive to make myself competent enough to establish an organization against domestic abuse and offer comfort and support as much as possible for them.

Life Motto: Fair is foul, and foul is fair.  


Duc Anh Le

Studies: B.A. Political Science

Function as a tutor:  GA1 Committee, Sponsoring Team

Motivation: NMUN is for me more than just a project. It is a once-in-a-lifetime experience! As a tutor, I want to enable the new delegation to share this journey and grow together as a group. Our goal is to enable everyone to participate at NMUN no matter their financial situation. Therefore, we are making great efforts to find donations throughout the whole semester. As tutor of the sponsoring team, I assist the delegates with this important challenge and ensure our participation at the different conferences.

Life Motto: If plan A did not work – stay cool! The alphabet has 25 more letters!