Ort: Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg

International Guest Lecture on Human Activity Tracking

International Guest Lecture on Human Activity Tracking

We cordally invite for an international guest lecture by Argha Sen on Dec 19th, 16 ct, in room WE5/01.004.

Title: "Tracking Human Activities in an Interactive Space: Unveiling the Potential of mmWave Sensing".


Imagine living in an intuitive, interactive space where interaction flows naturally, without the need for specific gestures, voice commands, or wearable devices. Such a smart space can seamlessly accommodate multiple users without compromising the quality of interaction for anyone. While this vision of effortless interaction with smart spaces is not new, it remains an aspirational goal. To bring this vision closer to reality, we are developing passive sensing systems, primarily using RF technologies like mmWave, to monitor humans, their environment, and the context of their interactions. We built platforms for continuous, multi-user activity monitoring at various scales—ranging from Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) and Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADLs) to exercises—leveraging this passive sensing architecture.

Argha Sen earned his B.Tech from NIT Durgapur in 2020 and is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering at IIT Kharagpur under the supervision of Dr. Sandip Chakraborty. His research interests include Millimeter Wave Sensing, FMCW Radars, Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). Argha has published papers in prestigious venues such as IPSN, IEEE PerCom, ACM IMWUT, Pervasive and Mobile Computing Journal, IEEE TNSM, EWSN,NeurIPS Datasets and Benchmarks Track and COMSNETS. He has also filed an Indian patent application in mmWave Sensing Technology. His work has been supported by multiple travel grants, including the ACM MobiSys Student Travel Grant, ACM IARCS Travel Grants and the COMSNETS LRN Travel Grant. He also visited Singapore Management University as a Visiting Postgraduate Research Student and worked under the supervision of Prof. Archan Misra for six months. Learn more about him through his website: https://arghasen10.github.io/.