Intelligente Agenten/Intelligent Agents (SS 2012)
General Information
- For a general course description please read the corresponding pages from the WIAI module guide.
- You find administrative information at UnivIS.
- Participants should sign up for the course in the virtual campus.
- Recommended for bachelor students in the 4th semester.
Achtung: Erste Vorlesung am Montag, 16.4. 12 -14-Uhr, F384, anstelle der Übung.
Es finden in der ersten Semesterwoche 2 Vorlesungen statt!
Recommended Reading / Links
Recommended textbook:
- M. Ghallab, D. Nau, and P. Traverso. Automated Planning: Theory and Practice. Morgann Kaufmann, 2004.
General text books on AI:
- Stuart Russel and Peter Norvig (2003). Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach (Second Edition). Prentice Hall. The mostly used text book in the field.
- A comparison of AI textbooks by Stuart Russel.
- Raymond Kurzweil (1992). The Age of Intelligent Machines. MIT Press.
This is not a scientific text book but a most motivating, comprehensive book for a broad readership.
Some Links:
- Homepages of AAAI
- Homepage of GI Fachbereich 1 - Künstliche Intelligenz
- How many AI people does it take to change a lightbulb?
- ICAPS with Planning Competition
- Tools for Learning AI: AISpace
Lecture Notes
- Introduction [pdf]
- Introduction to Planning [pdf]
- Representations for Problems [chapter02.pdf]
- State-Space Planning (STRIPS) [chapter04.pdf] [additional information]
- Complexity of Classical Planning [pdf] and [chapter03.pdf]
- Deductive Planning: FOL [pdf]
- Deductive Planning: Resolution, PROLOG, Situation Calculus [pdf]
- Human Problem Solving and Planning [pdf]
- Planning as Search: Heuristics [pdf]
- Heuristic Search Planning [pdf] [chapter09.pdf]
- Planning Graph Techniques [chapter06kuter.pdf]
- Introduction to Multi-Agent-Systems [pdf]
- Multi-Agent Planning [pdf]
Further Topics: Planning and Learning, Robot Planning, SAT-Planning, Planning with Time
Course Archive
[WS 04/05] [WS 05/06] [WS 06/07] [SS 08] [SS 09] [SS10] [SS11]