Prof. Dr. Christoph Schlieder
KInf-SemInf-M: Semantic Information Processing
Lecturers and Schedule
- Prof. Dr. Christoph Schlieder
- Thuersday, 10-12 am
- WE5/04.004
- Olga Yanenko, M.Sc.
- Tuesday, 12-14 pm
- WE5/01.006
No Lectures:
- 30.10.2017
- 31.10.2017 Refoprmation Day
- 01.11.2017 All Saints´Day
- 24.12.-07.01.2018 Christmas break
Semantic information processing addresses problems in which software systems need to represent knowledge, not just data. Facts from different knowledge sources are combined and integrated by machine reasoning processes. The services of the Semantic Web provide a prominent example for applications that make extensive use of knowledge representation and reasoning. The lecture introduces into the computational methods and tools for semantic information processing which have been developed by Artificial Intelligence research. Topics covered include problem solving by heuristic search, constraint solving, search strategies for games, representations for domain-specific knowledge, reasoning with formal ontologies, technologies of the Semantic Web, machine learning and knowledge discovery. The design of intelligent agents and agent systems is adopted as unifying perspective for presenting the material. Applications from different fields such as geographic information systems, digital libraries, and social computing illustrate how the methods from semantic information processing are used to build intelligent assistant systems..
Furter Information: Modulhandbuch.
Lecture slides and information: Virtuellen Campus