Alumnae et Alumni

Ehemalige Habilitanden und Doktoranden:

Beimborn, Prof. Dr. Daniel

Dissertationsschrift: „Cooperative sourcing : simulation studies and empirical data on outsourcing coalitions in the banking industry“

Laumer, Prof. Dr. Sven

Dissertationsschrift: „Resistance to IT-induced Change : theoretical Foundation and Empirical Evidence“ 

Maier, Prof. Dr. Christian

Dissertationsschrift: „Technostress : theoretical foundation and empirical evidence“

Bergmann, Dr. Janina (geb. Kettenbohrer)

Dissertationsschrift: „The Human Side of Business Process Standardization : a Theoretical and Empirical Investigation of Employee Process Change Acceptance“

Chrennikow, Wladimir

Dürr, Sebastian

Hund, Dr. Axel

Dissertationsschrift:„Digital Innovation: Theoretical Foundation and Empirical Evidence“

Illek, Tina

Illig, Steffen

Joachim, Dr. Nils

Dissertationsschrift: „Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) : an Empirical Evaluation of Characteristics, Adoption Determinants, Governance Mechanisms, and Business Impact in the German Service Industry“

Kassner, Lilly

Pflügner, Dr. Katharina

Dissertationsschrift: „Healthy Workplace Technology Use: Understanding the Formation and Mitigation of Technostress

Meier, Marco

Moos, Dr. Bernhard

Dissertationsschrift: „What Makes Firms Innovative? : the Role of External Social Networks and Internal Knowledge Capabilities for Innovation Success“ 

Münstermann, Dr. Björn

Dissertationsschrift:„Business process standardization : a multi-methodological analysis of drivers and consequences“ 

Hotter, Nina

Reis, Dr. Lea

Dissertationsschrift: „The Dual Nature of Digital Technologies in Health System Overload“ 

Renner, Diana

Schilling, Dr. Andreas

Dissertationsschrift: „Developer Management in FLOSS Projects : Theoretical Concepts and Empirical Evidence“ 

Schlosser, Frank

Schäfferling, Dr. André

Dissertationsschrift: „Institutional Shareholders’ Investment Horizons and Corporate IT Capability : an Empirical Evaluation of the U.S. Equity Market“ 

Tan, Thomas

Valta, Maximilian

Wiesinger, Dr. Anna

Dissertationsschrift: „Achieving outsourcing success by effectively spanning the client-vendor boundary : case-study perspectives on social structures in outsourcing relationships“ 

Wild, Udo

Wirth, Dr. Jakob

Dissertationsschrift: „Information Privacy in the Digital Age : Theoretical Foundation and Empirical Evidence“ 

Wirtky, Thomas

Zolper, Dr. Katja (geb. Walentowitz)

Dissertationsschrift: „The business, IT interface: a major success factor for operational alignment : case study perspectives on social and organizational structures“ 

von Stetten, Alexander

Mattke, Dr. Jens

Dissertationsschrift:„E-Commerce in the Age of Blockchain and Digital Advertising“


Ehemalige Lehrbeauftrage:

Dr. Rumpf Marcus-Julian

Dr. Jochen Malinowski

Faisst, Dr. Wolfgang

Lemke, Richard

Sänger, David

Patel, Prof. Dinubhai