Impressions of the first WERA-IRN Conference "Extended Education from an International Comparative Point of View"
Keynote Lecture 1 "Comparison of extended education and research in this field in Germany and in Sweden"
Prof. Dr. Ludwig Stecher and Prof. Dr. Anna Klerfelt
Keynote Lecture 2 "Comparison of extended education and research in this field in Taiwan and in Switzerland"
Prof. Dr. Marianne Schüpbach
Dr. Denise Huang
Keynote Lecture 3 "Comparison of extended education and research in this field in South Korea and Japan"
Prof. Dr. Sang Hoon Bae and Prof. Dr. Fuyuko Kanefuji
Keynote Lecture 4 "Extended education from an international comparative point of view: What are the next steps for research and practice?"
Prof. Dr. Deborah Vandell
Keynote Lecture 5 "Adolescents' extra-curricular activities, well-being and educational outcomes: Comparative findings from PISA 2015"
Prof. Dr. Eckhard Klieme
Panel discussion: Extended Education: Initiate international comparative research
The panelists from left to right: Prof. Dr. Marianne Schüpbach, Dr. Denise Huang, Prof. Dr. Sang Hoon Bae, Prof. Dr. Deborah Vandell, Prof. Dr. Gil Noam, Prof. Dr. Fuyuko Kanefuji, Prof. Dr. Eckhard Klieme
The host of the discussion, Prof. Dr. Ludwig Stecher