Annotation of non-standard corpora: Prospects and challenges
International Workshop at the University of Bamberg, September 16th – 18th, 2019
Organizers: Stefan Hartmann, University of Bamberg
Eric Engel, University of Cologne
Fahime Same, University of Cologne
Recent years have seen an increasing interest in linguistic corpora that capture varieties of language use other than present-day standard(ized) written language. These include, for example, historical corpora, corpora of spoken language and co-speech gesture, chat corpora, learner corpora, or corpora of signed languages. This workshop aims at bringing together researchers working on the (manual or automatic) annotation of such non-standard corpora. In particular, we focus on the peculiarities of syntactic and semantic annotation, with the goal of discussing best-practice models in dealing with issues of normalization, uncertainty, and reusability in non-standard data.
Conference venue: Markusstraße 8a, Room MG1/02.05
Contact person: Stefan Hartmann, stefan1.hartmann(at)
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