Suggestions for Theses and Project Topics
For your quick reference, here is a selection of thesis topics and projects for BSc or MSc students which are currently on offer from the Informatics Theory Group. If you are a committed student with mathematical interests who would like to join in foundational research, then the following projects might be of interest to you. The language for all projects is German or English. The staff of the Theory Group are happy to provide more detailed information about the projects listed below.
The concrete definition of the work (scope and deliverables) will be done in consultation with the supervisor depending on your study level (BSc or MSc) and whether you are conducting a project or a thesis.
The following list reflects the research interests of the Theory Group. As such it is an indication only of what sort of projects could be accommodated. You are invited to negotiate other (also practical programming-oriented) topics within the following research areas with us.
- NEW: Studying the soundness of SHAP explanations of machine learning predictions,(78.8 KB)Co-supervised MSc thesis with internship at the University of Montpellier, France.
Area: Synchronous Reactive or Embedded Programming
- Clock-synchronised Shared Memory and automatic causality analysis for sequentially constructive synchronous programs using SPIN/Promela
- Synchronous Programming in Rust
- A System-C Library extension for synchronous programming (Esterel constructive circuits, SCCharts, Blech)
- Design of a simulator for sequentially constructive kernel language SCPL and a translation of the Blech real-time embedded programming language into SCPL.
- Development of a Cloud IDE for a synchronous programming language (e.g., Blech, Esterel, Lustre, ...) with graph visualisation using Theia & Sprotty
- Synchronous embedded programming of XDK Nodes for physiotherapeutic applications
- Synchronous Scheduling Policies in Java/Typescript - A Case Study in Concurrency (for Typescript, see e.g., Hiphop,;
- Monte Carlo Scheduling of Policy-constructive Synchronous Programming. A compiler-optimisation problem in CompPy.
. - Syntax Highlighting, Type Checking, Schedulability Analysis and Symbolic Simulator for Policy-synchronised shared memory programming using the Microsoft Language Server Protocol.
- Concurrent Programming via Synchronous Scheduling Policies in C++11/F#/Haskell/Go/Rust/Typescript or any other concurrent programming language.
- Static analysis of synchronous imperative code: Implementation of scheduling policies via dynamic priorities.
- Synchronous Policies as an Eclipse Compiler Plugin for the KIELER Model-based Design Suite (MSc thesis only)
- WCRT Timing Analysis for Synchronous Programs.
- Speed-independent hardware implementation of a sequentially constructive language (SCL) using Inertial Delays
- Implementation of synchronous real-time programs using Time-sensitive Networks (TSN)
Area: Functional Programming
- Impelementation of policy-interfaces for determininistic black-box procedures in synchronous programming language Blech (F# compiler)
- Design and Implementation of a library for deterministic shared memory multi-threading (F# or Haskell).
- Implementation and benchmarking of a clock calculus for synchronisation of the dataflow functional programming language Lustre (Haskell, SCADE).
- (M)ILP Design and implementation of a domain-specific library for dataflow process networks in Haskell, combining different models of synchronisation such as KPN (Kahn Process Networks), BDF (Boolean Dataflow), SDF (Synchronous Dataflow), HSDF (Homogeneous Synchronous Dataflow), CSDF (Cyclostatic Dataflow), DDF (Dynamic Dataflow) and SADF (Scenario-aware Dataflow).
- Implementation and benchmarking of synchronous control flow programs in a functional language (such as Haskell or F#)
- Implementation and benchmarking of deterministic shared data structures (IVar, MVar, LVars, ...) on multi-core processors
- Specification and automatic verification of synchronisation interface policies using refinement types in LiquidHaskell.
- Graphical simulation of a concurrent execution of λ-calculus with scheduling policies in the IO monad
- Simulation of the operational semantics of functional programming using diagrammatic graph rewriting tools, e.g. see the SPARTAN diagrammatic visualiser
Area: Distributed Algorithms
- Simulator for a concurrent process algebra with priorities (Concurrency Worksbench)
- Specification and Verification of Clock Synchronisation Protocols using the SPIN/Promela modelling language and temporal Logic modelchecker
- Fault-tolerant, Self-stabilising Synchronous Web Programming
- Development and Validation of Haskell API for Concurrent Programming of a Railway Control System (BiDiB library in C, Example Command line programs (REST server + client).
Area: Applications of Formal Logic
- Implementing an interactive theorem prover for constructive modal logic
- Modelling Degree Progamme Regulations in Descriprion Logic and Answer Set Programming
- Formal Modelling and Verification of Synchronisation Protocols for Deterministic Concurrency.
- Automatic translation of Fitch-style induction Proofs into natural language.
- Diagrammatic visualisation of the formal semantics of natural language (parsing and generation of LaTeX graphics).
- Implementation of the computational semantics of the modal lambda calculus Lambda-CK
- Implementation of Proof Tactics for Constructive General Multiple Winner Logic in a theorem prover such as ISABELLE
General Structure of Theses
The following is copied (and slightly modified) from the guidelines of the Computer Networks and Communication Systems Group at Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen:
Document Structure
The ratio between the main sections (3.-5. below) is 1/3 to 1/3 to 1/3!
1. Abstract / Kurzfassung: each about 1/2 page
- How to write an abstract
- Motivation (Why do we care?)
- Problem statement (What specific problem are you trying to solve?)
- Approach (How did you go about it)
- Results (What are your findings?)
- Conclusion (What are the implications?)
2. Introduction (general motivation for your work, context and objectives): 1-2 pages
- Context: make sure to describe where and how your work fits in
- Problem: e.g., knowledge gap, too expensive, too slow, a deficiency, superseded technology
- Strategy: the way you will address the problem
3. Fundamentals / environment and related work: 1/3
- employed hardware and software
- describe methods and techniques that build the basis of your work
- introduce any necessary mathematical notation and terminology
- review related work
4. Developed architecture / system design / algorithms / implementation: 1/3
- start with a theoretical approach
- describe the developed system/algorithm/method from a high-level point of view
- go ahead in presenting your developments in more detail
5. Measurement results / analysis / evaluation / discussion: 1/3
- whatever you have done, you must comment it, compare it to other systems, evaluate it
- usually, adequate graphs help to show the benefits of your approach
- each result/graph must be discussed! what’s the reason for this peak or why have you ovserved this effect
6. Conclusion: 1 page
- summarize again what your paper did, but now emphasize more the results, and comparisons
- write conclusions that can be drawn from the results found and the discussion presented in the paper
- open problems, future work (be very brief, explain what, but not much how)
7. References
- all papers and articles used in the thesis must be cited (and each reference must be used in the thesis!)
- a rough number is 20 references for a bachelor thesis and 30-40 for a master’s thesis
- avoid to cite web sites, in any case add date of last visit
- We highly recommend to use Endnote or BibTeX for creating the references and citings
- Further information: IEEE Rules, BibTeX
Writing style
- Avoid colloquial or emotional language
- Avoid passive voice, active voice is easier to read. There is nothing wrong saying I (or we) did it
- Avoid negative sentences: write in a positive (affirmative) voice, they are easier to understand.
- Always use vector graphics for figures (PDF, EPS, …)
- Use a spell checker to eliminate typos
No Plagiarism
- Note that any form of plagiarism is seriously punished. For a definition and the different forms of plagiarism please see e.g. the definition on Wikipedia.
- As a rule: Never copy any text literally from other sources without both clearly citing the source and explicitly quoting the text passages that are copied.
- Warning: Even if you cite the source at the beginning of a paragraph and then literally reproduce pieces of text from cited external sources without quoting the respective passages you effectively claim that the wording is your own intellectual property. Since this is a false claim you can get punished for plagiarism. This normally means your work is rejected as failed and unmarked.
Last Minute Checks
- Did I spell out the main points of the interpretation of results?
- Are all equations, figures, tables numbered?
- Do all graphs, tables, diagrams have descriptive captions?
- Are all axes and scale carefully chosen to show the relevant effects?
- Are all axes labelled? Do the labals include the measurement units?
- Are citations in the caption (if a graph is borrowed)?
Further reading
- Some Advice on Writing a Technical Report
- Die Webseite des Computer Science Research Methods and Writing Workshop der Iowa State University Sehr schöne Sammlung von Links zum Thema Forschen, Lesen, Schreiben, …
- Writing Exercises for Engineers and Scientists Eine Reihe von Frage-Antwort-Selbsttest zu einfacher und fortgeschrittener englischer Grammatik, Zeichensetzung, Wortwahl, etc., mit Diskussionen typischer Fehler.
- Advice on Research and Writing
- Computer Science Student Resource Site