6.5 Schlüter (2005)

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One main aim of Schlüter’s Rhythmic Grammar: The Influence of Rhythm on Grammatical Variation and Change in English is to shed light on the historical dimensions of how rhythm has contributed to grammatical change. At the same time, the author admits already in the introduction that this analysis is “limited by the availability of appropriate corpora” (cf. Schlüter 2005: 2). Chapter three, which is dedicated to the methodology, describes the strengths, but also elaborates on these limitations which are caused to a certain extent by the historical literature databases EEPF, ECF, NCF and EPD that Schlüter uses in her study (cf. 2005: 43-50). In the course of the chapter, these databases are introduced and compared with other corpora that Schlüter makes use of. To summarize, the book offers a broad range of various analyses based on said databases. In doing so, it demonstrates vividly how EEPF et cetera can be used in combination with other corpora like the HC or the BNC.

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