3.2 Historical literature databases

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The webpages for the historical literature databases are all located within the product catalogue of ProQuest. Accordingly, the information given about each database is very rough and only rarely exceeds the facts presented in the chapter. The links to these short descriptions can be found here: Early English Prose Fiction (EEPF), Eighteenth-Century Fiction (ECF), Nineteenth-Century Fiction (NCF), English Prose Drama (EPD), Early American Fiction (EAF), American Drama (AD). In addition to that, the provider Chadwyck-Healey, which presents similar small descriptions of each database on its own website, offers a bibliography of each database that contains a complete list of all works included in the database. However, the links to these bibliographies are, due to reasons unknown, not openly displayed on the website but are only listed by ProQuest - and only for the ECF and EAF databases. Another curiosity is that the ProQuest link to the EAF bibliography refers to "collections.chadwyck.com" which requires a log in, while the link to the bibliography of the ECF database opens a ".co.uk" address which can be accessed freely.  Thus, by opening the ECF bibliography and reducing the input line of the browser to "http://collections.chadwyck.co.uk/bibliographies/" it is possible to find the links to the bibliographies of the other databases, too. Overall, these links are as follows: EEPF, ECF, NCF, EPD, EAF, AD.

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