4. Magnitude Estimation and the World Wide Web: useful links

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This website, provided by the University of Waterloo in Canada, gives brief answers to the probably most frequently asked questions concerning Magnitude Estimation and Scaling in general:

Q: What is Magnitude Estimation?


Q: How can you be sure subjects understand how to perform Magnitude Estimations?


Q: What is cross-modality matching?


Q: What does data from a magnitude estimation experiment tell you?


Q: Does anyone really use scaling in the real world?





Everyone who wants to try out Magnitude Estimation is welcome to visit this homepage. People have to judge the loudness of sounds in comparison to a reference sound. This experiment is useful for people who want to see what a Magnitude Estimation experiment can look like and to familiarise themselves with the method.


This webpage is supported by the University of Edinburgh. WebExp is a program which helps to conduct psychological experiments over the World Wide Web. As such, it is helpful for linguists who already have sufficient knowledge of Magnitude Estimation and are about to start research using this method. The webpage gives an introduction to WebExp and the user can download the program free of charge.

Another asset of this homepage is that users can try out a Magnitude Estimation experiment which was created with the help of WebExp. The experiment requires users to judge line lengths at first, so that they receive some training before having to judge sentences.

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