3.2 Interpretation

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As the study is a mini-project and hence supposed to give the user an example at hand, the following interpretation aims to illustrate the approach. Therefore, the focus is on striking results. Where possible, we tried to discover main trends in relation to Rohdenburg’s findings. The study cannot claim to be representative or scientifically valid as the number of informants per group differs to a noticeable degree. In addition, the distribution of age and social/educational background between the groups varies significantly, while there is not much variation of age and social background within the groups. In the following, we will first focus on the group ratings of individual experimental items in comparison. After that, we will continue similarly with the interpretation of the filler ranking. The abbreviations +p and -p respectively stand for used with reflexive pronoun and used without reflexive pronoun.

3.2.1 Individual experimental items

3.2.2 Items and fillers

3.2.3 Conclusion

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