

Goldvarb X can be downloaded for Windows or Mac OS X from this website.

Here, you can find the online manual for Windows. Unfortunately, this page was not linked until 4 October 2010, so the manual was not accessible before. Although there is a table of contents with links on top, these links do not work. You must scroll through the text to find what you are looking for. As this manual was designed for the older version of Goldvarb, you will find that the recent version's layout is quite different from the one described here and not all functions are compiled for the latest version.

This is the link to the Goldvarb Manual for Macintosh which also provides a short, ostensive example analysis. Unfortunately, however, the data set cannot be downloaded as described in the manual. One further drawback to this manual is that the vast number of cross-references requires the reader to constantly jump back and forth between chapters.

On this page, the Cedergren data set for Windows can be downloaded. The text has to be copied and pasted in a new token file.

This website was designed as an assignment for students learning how to work with Goldvarb. It provides information about Henrietta Cedegren's reasearch of Panamanian Spanish. There is also a short instruction on how to conduct a simple analysis without recoding data.

This is the accompanying homepage to Sali Tagliamonte's book Analysing Sociolinguistic Variation which mainly provides materials for doing fieldwork (Informational letter for interviewees, interview schedule with guideline questions). Furthermore, there is a binomial example analysis, an example on how to code verbs and a Scattergram.

This pdf-file features a study of learner versus non-learner patterns of stylistic variation in synchronous computer-mediated French which has been conducted by means of variable rule (VARBRUL) anaylsis.

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