Editorial Staff


PD Dr. Daniel Munteanu

  • Privatdozent at the Chair of Systematic Theology (Prof. Dr. Wabel), Faculty of Human Sciences, Otto-Friedrich University of Bamberg, Germany 
  • Professor of Systematic Theology and Ethics at the Faculty of Orthodox Theology and Sciences of Education, Valahia University of Targoviste, Romania

Advisory Board


Prof. Dr. Bedford-Strohm



Prof. Dr. John Behr


Prof. Dr. Stefan Buchiu

  • Professor of Systematic Theology and
    Dean of the Theological Faculty at the University of Bucarest, Romania



Prof. Dr. Job Getcha


Prof. Dr. Theresia Hainthaler




Prof. Dr. Mihai Himcinschi, Professor of Missiology at the Faculty of Orthodox Theology of the 1st December 1918 University of Alba Iulia, Romania





Prof. Dr. John McGuckin

Nielsen Professor of Ancient and Byzantine Christian History at Union Theological Seminary, New York, USA

Director of the Sophia-Institute at Union Theological Seminary, New York

Professor of Byzantine Christian Studies, Religion Department of Columbia University, New York 


Prof. Dr. Ignatije Midic


Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Jürgen Moltmann


Dr. Athanasios N. Papathanasiou

  • Reader at the Open University from Athen, Greece
  • Editor-in-Chief of the greek theological journal "Synaxis"



Assoc. Prof. Dr. Marcus Plested

Department of Theology, Marquette University, USA



Assistant Prof. Svetaslov Ribolov


Dr. Elizabeth Theokritoff

  • Lecturer in New York (USA) and Cambridge (England)



Prof. Dr. Dr. Dr. h.c. Michael Welker

Cover Design

Bogdan Geana

Designer - New York, USA

Layout Design and Formatting


Benjamin M. Groß
