"Broadcast your Depression? Mental Illness Narratives in YouTube Videos – Between Self-exhibition and (Self-)therapy"

Online-Präsentation von Jana Lobe am 18.07.2024

Die Bamberger Master-Studierende Jana Lobe B.A. hält im Rahmen des Digital Anthropology Lab der Uni Tübingen eine Präsentation in englischer Sprache.  

Abstract: With the hashtag #MentalHealthAwareness trending on social media, many users choose to share their private experiences of mental illness with their followers, a phenomenon recently described as "sick styles" (Schmocker 2021). What turns patients into producers, why do content creators tell intimate stories about conflicted episodes in their lives, and how does the YouTube community respond to these videos? Using mediated narrative analysis, I examined the modes of production and reception of so-called StoryTime videos about depression. This paper aims to shed light on how issues of narrative agency and identity, discourses of social media use, and community building are intertwined in the digital sphere. I look forward to discussing the methodological and ethical challenges of conducting cultural anthropological research in this area.

Über die Autorin
Jana Lobe B.A. hat in ihrer Bachelorarbeit narratologisch geforscht – jedoch im Bereich der Latinistik. In ihrer Masterarbeit in der Europäischen Ethnologie forscht sie zur Nachhaltigkeit in der gegenwärtigen Sepulkralkultur. Die Selbstdarstellung in akademischen Kurzbiographien wie dieser findet sie ebenso untersuchenswert wie beispielsweise die Bereiche Religiosität/Spiritualität, Wissenschaftsgeschichte und Arbeitskultur.

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