Curriculum Vitae


1997 Promotion in Englischer Literaturwissenschaft (Note: magna cum laude; Thema der Dissertation Shakespeares Komödien aus der Sicht der Pragmatischen Kommunikationstheorie)

2000 bis 2006 Habilitation in Englischer Literaturwissenschaft an der Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg von (gefördert durch ein Stipendium des HSP III/HWP-Förderprogramms; Thema der Habilitationsschrift The Body in the Library and the Body on Stage – The English Crime Play in the 20th Century and Its Relationship to Detective Fiction; venia legendi: Englische Literaturwissenschaft)

Tätigkeiten an Hochschulen

Vertretung der Professur für Anglistik/ Cultural and Media Studies (W2) an der Universität Passau von SS 2014 bis SS 2015

Vertretung des Lehrstuhls für Englische Literaturwissenschaft (W3) an der Universität Würzburg von SS 2011 bis SS 2013

Vertretung der Professur für Anglistik/ Literaturwissenschaft (W3) an der Universität Duisburg-Essen im SS 2010 und WS 2010/11

Vertretung der Professur für Britische Literatur und Kultur (W2) an der Universität Regensburg im WS 2009/10

Tätigkeit als Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Lehrstuhl für Englische Literatur (Prof. Christoph Houswitschka) an der Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg vom 1.4.2007 bis 30.9.2009

Tätigkeit als Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Lehrstuhl für Englische Literatur (Prof. Klaus Peter Jochum) an der Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg im SS 1999 und WS 1999/2000

Tätigkeit als Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Lehrstuhl für Englische Literatur (Prof. Rolf Breuer) an der Universität-Gesamthochschule Paderborn von WS 1996/97 bis SS 1998


1986/87 Studium an der University of Kent at Canterbury (DAAD Anglistenprogramm)

1993/94 Tätigkeit als Fremdsprachenassistentin in Chatham, Kent

Jährliche Forschungsaufenthalte an der British Library von jeweils zwei bis sechs Wochen Dauer in den Jahren 2000 bis 2005 (teilweise finanziert mit Mitteln der Gleichstellungsbeauftragten der Fakultät Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaften der Universität Bamberg)

Courses, Publications and Lectures


Introductory seminars

Introduction to English and American Literature

Undergraduate seminars

Shakespeare's Comedies – A Stage-Centred Approach
Hamlet – Text, Criticism, Performance
Religious Poetry from Donne to Eliot
Victorian Sensational Fiction
An Introduction to Henry James
Robert Louis Stevenson
English Short Stories at the Turn of the Century
Rudyard Kipling
British Crime Fiction
"The Waste Land" and Other Poems
The Catholic Novel – Waugh and Greene
Vladimir Nabokov
Man and Animal in Contemporary British Fiction
Doris Lessing
Contemporary British Drama – the Nineties
Spies and Traitors in Recent British Drama
Tom Stoppard
The Novels and Plays of Michael Frayn
Contemporary Canadian Writers
Genre and “Auteur-Ship” in the Films of Neil Jordan

Graduate seminars

Point of View
Novels and Rewrites
Shakespeare's Comedies
Shakespeare’s Histories
Shakespeare's Tragedies
Regicide in Shakespeare’s Tragedies – Hamlet and Macbeth
Justice and Mercy in Shakespeare’s Comedies: The Merchant of Venice, Measure for Measure, The Tempest
Shakespeare on Film: Hamlet
Metaphysical Poets
Victorian Gothic
Victorian Arthuriana
Victorian Poetry
The Preraphaelites
British Colonialism in Fiction: Kipling and Conrad
The Edwardian Era – An Age of Transition
The Well-Made Play
Virginia Woolf
T. S. Eliot
The British Boarding School in Fiction and Film
Alfred Hitchcock
Film noir and Literature
The “Cambridge Footlights” and Its Influence on British Humour


The Nation's Favourite Poems
A Survey of British Drama
Short Story, Novella, Tale – A History of Short Fiction
The Works of William Shakespeare
The Victorian Period
A History of British Film
The Complete Works of William Shakespeare

Reading classes and "Übungen"

Practice of Interpretation: Poetry
Childhood and Memory in Recent British Fiction
The Private and the Political in British Film



The English Crime Play in the Twentieth Century (Palgrave Macmillan, 2015)

Shakespeares Komödien aus der Sicht der Pragmatischen Kommunikationstheorie (Münster: LIT, 1998)



"Somebody Else's Poem: Kipling's 'Wireless' and 'Dayspring Mishandled' and Their Accompanying Poems", Connotations 24.2 (2014/15) 169-86.

"Crossing Borders – the Example of Michael Frayn's Afterlife", Anglo-German Theatrical Exchange, ed. Rudolf Weiss (Leiden und Boston: Rodopi, 2015) 149-70.

"Conservative and Countercultural Elements in Tim Burton's The Nightmare before Christmas", The Politics of Contemporary Fantasy, ed. Angela Sedlmaier, Gerold Sedlmayr, Nicole Waller, (Jefferson: MacFarland, 2014) 43-56.

"Othello – ein Drama in Schwarz und Weiß? ", Tatort Kultur – Atelier-Gespräche II, ed. Sabine Coelsch-Foisner (Salzburg: Pustet, 2013) 171-77.

"Dead Bodies on Stage", Journal of Contemporary Drama in English 1:1 (2013) 43-53.

"Sister Arts? Alfred Hitchcock und das Londoner Theater der 1920er und 1930er Jahre", in: Hitchcock und die Künste, ed. Henry Keazor (Marburg: Schüren, 2013) 67-82.

"A New Variation on the Alien Invasion Theme – Neill Blomkamp's District 9", New Directions in the European Fantastic, ed. Sabine Coelsch-Foisner und Sarah Herbe (Heidelberg: Winter, 2012) 129-37.

"Unreliable Narration and Film – Asylum, Notes on a Scandal, Atonement", in: Anglistentag 2009, ed. Jörg Helbig und Adi Wimmer (Trier: WVT, 2010) 211-223.

"The Unco Tales of Robert Louis Stevenson in German Translation", International Journal of Scottish Literature 7 (Herbst/ Winter 2010)

"Point of View in Atonement – Novel and Film", Anglistik 21:2 (2010) 83-91.

"From Screen to Stage: The Case of The 39 Steps", in: Adaptations – Performing across Media and Genres, ed. Monika Pietrzak-Franger und Eckart Voigts-Virchow (Trier: WVT, 2009) 143-58.

"Embodiments of Evil in the 'Entertainments' of Graham Greene", in: Representations of Evil in Fiction and Film, ed. Jochen Achilles und Ina Bergmann (Trier: WVT, 2009) 95-108.

"Amadeus and Narrative Unreliability", in: Mozart in Anglophone Cultures, ed. Sabine Coelsch-Foisner, Dorothea Flotow und Wolfgang Görtschacher (Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 2009) 25-36.

"Learning from Animals: T.H. White's King Arthur", in: Anglistentag 2007, ed. Klaus Stierstorfer (Trier: WVT, 2008) 85-94.

"Assumed Identity: Agatha Christie's Novels Adapted for the Stage", in Questions of Identity in Detective Fiction, ed. Linda Martz und Anita Higgie (Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2007) 191-202.  

"The 'Desire to See the Real Man behind the Author' – Looking for Autobiographical Elements in Vladimir Nabokov's Fiction", in Fiction and Autobiography – Modes and Models of Interaction, ed. Sabine Coelsch-Foisner und Wolfgang Görtschacher (Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 2006) 209-20.

"The Moon's an Arrant Thief – Self-Reflexivity in Nabokov's Pale Fire", in: Self-Reflexivity in Literature, ed. Werner Huber, Martin Middeke und Hubert Zapf (Würzburg: Königshausen und Neumann, 2005) 113-23.

"Politically Correct Shakespeare: The Treatment of Political Issues in Productions of The Merchant of Venice and The Taming of the Shrew", in Not of an Age, But for All Time: Shakespeare Across Lands and Ages, ed. Sabine Coelsch-Foisner und György Endre Szönyi (ASE, Braumüller, 2004) 213-27.

"Painting and Writing in Michael Frayn's Headlong", in Anglistentag 2003, ed. Hans Sauer (Trier: WVT, 2004) 211-20.

"The Lives of Galileo: Laughton, Brenton and Hare Translate Brecht", in Drama Translation and Theatre Practice, ed. Sabine Coelsch-Foisner und Holger Klein (Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 2004) 435-53.

"Representations of the British Legal System in Twentieth-Century Popular Courtroom Drama", in In the Grip of the Law: Trials, Prisons and the Space Between, ed. Monika Fludernik und Greta Olson (Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 2004) 65-82.

"Rediscovered Country: Tom Stoppard's Austrian Plays", in Austria and Austrians: Images in World Literature, ed. Wolfgang Görtschacher und Holger Klein (Tübingen: Stauffenburg, 2003) 171-82.

"Speaking Shakespeare – The Problems of Verse in Performance", in Meter, Rhythm and Performance – Metrum, Rhythmus, Performanz, ed. Christoph Küper (Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 2002), 229-38.

"Stoppard's Wilde – Travesty and Invention", in The Importance of Reinventing Oscar, ed. Uwe Böker, Richard Corballis und Julie Hibbard (Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2002), 189-95.

"The Private Life of Robert Browning, According to Henry James", in Public and Private Voices in Victorian Poetry, ed. Sabine Coelsch-Foisner und Holger Klein (Tübingen: Stauffenburg, 2000) 79-88.

"Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Go to the Movies, or: What Happens to Hamlet", in Elizabethan Literature and Transformation, ed. Sabine Coelsch-Foisner (Tübingen: Stauffenburg, 1999), 253-61.

"Race, Religion and the Group Process: The Plays of David Edgar", in Race and Religion in Contemporary Theatre and Drama in English, ed. Bernhard Reitz (Trier: WVT, 1999), 43-54.

Shorter Contributions, Reviews, etc.

"Krimi pa scenen – krimi pa papiret" (übersetzt von Mette Garfield), Teater1 176 (2016) 36-39.

"On Poets, Poets' Critics, and Critics' Critics: A Response to Maurice Charney and Thomas Kullmann", Connotations 25.1 (2015/2016): 108-34.

Rezension von Christine Müller-Scholle, Rudyard Kipling oder die Welt als Maskenball, Kipling Journal (Dezember 2015)

"Writing Backwards—Writing Forwards: A Response to Philipp Erchinger", Connotations 21.1 (2011/12): 28-36.

Einträge zu Edgar Wallace, "Die Kriminalromane", "Biogramm" und The Gaunt Stranger in Kindlers Literaturlexikon

Rezension von Gabriela Holzmann, Schaulust und Verbrechen: Eine Geschichte des Krimis als Mediengeschichte 1850-1950, Archiv der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen 242 (1/2005) 194-196.

In Preparation

"Das Motiv des Wahnsinns in Shakespeares Tragödien und Komödien", WahnSinn in der Literatur und den Künsten, ed. Gerhard Penzkofer und Irmgard Scharold, Königshausen und Neumann.

"Ostranenie in the Detective Fiction of G. K. Chesterton"

"The Confines of the Well-Made Play in Noёl Coward’s Hay Fever"


"Das Motiv des Wahnsinns in Shakespeares Tragödien und Komödien", Ringvorlesung WahnSinn in der Literatur und den Künsten, Würzburg, Dezember 2013.

"Somebody Else's Poem: Kipling's 'Wireless' and 'Dayspring Mishandled' and Their Accompanying Poems", Tagung Poetry in Fiction, Mülheim, August 2013.

"Conservative and Countercultural Elements in Tim Burton's The Nightmare before Christmas", Tagung The Politics of Contemporary Fantasy, Würzburg, Oktober 2012.

"Dead Bodies on Stage", Tagung Bodies on Stage, Mülheim, Juni 2012.

"Othello – ein Drama in Schwarz und Weiß? ", Gastvortrag in der Reihe Atelier-Gespräche, Salzburg, März 2012.

"Sister Arts? Alfred Hitchcock und das Londoner Theater der 1920er und 1930er Jahre", Gastvortrag in der Ringvorlesung Alfred Hitchcock und die Künste, Saarbrücken, Dezember 2011.

"A New Variation on the Alien Invasion Theme – Neill Blomkamp's District 9", Tagung New Directions in the European Fantastic, Salzburg, November 2011.

"Rudyard Kipling and the Benefits of an International Education", Konferenz Rudyard Kipling – An International Writer, London, Oktober 2011.

"Exotic Scotland", Konferenz Comparisons, Interactions and Contestations within/across Cultures, Bukarest, Juni 2010.

"Unreliable Narration and Film – Asylum, Notes on a Scandal, Atonement", Anglistentag 2009, Sektion Beyond Adaptation?, Klagenfurt, 2009.

"Shakespeares The Tempest – neu gelesen", Bamberger Vorträge zum (Musik)Theater, Bamberg, 2008.

"R. L. Stevenson's Supernatural Stories in Scots in German Translations", ESSE 9, Seminar Scottish Literature in Translation, Aarhus, 2008.

"Learning from Animals: T.H. White's King Arthur", Anglistentag 2007, Sektion Man-Animal Relations in Literature, Münster, 2007.

"Metatextuality in Kipling's Short Fiction", Kipling Conference, Canterbury, 2007.

Interview mit Donna Leon, E.T.A.-Hoffmann Theater, Bamberg, 2007.

"Rebecca and the Problem of Genre", Daphne du Maurier Conference, Fowey, 2007.

"Ist Rebecca ein Krimi?", Ringvorlesung Literatur und Verbrechen der Fakultät Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft der Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg WS 2006/07, 2006.

"Amadeus and Narrative Unreliability", Mozart in Anglophone Cultures, Salzburg, 2006.

"The Abnormal Human Body in Michael Cunningham's Specimen Days", ESSE 8, Seminar The Human Body in Contemporay Literatures in English, London, 2006.

"'Cliffhangers': the Cliff as Sublime Landscape in the Early 20th-Century Neo-Gothic Thriller", ESSE 8, Seminar Gothic Sublime – Subliminal Gothic, London, 2006.

"The Post-Political Plays of David Hare", ESSE 8, Seminar Contemporary Drama and the Question of Genre, London, 2006.

"Purloined Letters – Der Literaturkritiker als Figur in der Literatur", öffentliche Antrittsvorlesung, Bamberg, 2006.

"Die Bedeutung von Mündlichkeit für die Lyrik Robert Brownings", Habilitationsvortrag, Bamberg, 2005.

"Das englische Kriminalstück im 20. Jahrhundert", Bamberger Vorträge zum (Musik)Theater, Bamberg, 2005.

"Murder from Page to Stage: The Stage Adaptation of Agatha Christie's Novels", Detective Fiction, Paris, 2005.

"The 'Desire to See the Real Man Behind the Author' – Looking for Autobiographical Elements in Nabokov's Fiction", Fiction and Autobiography, Salzburg, 2004.

"Comic Spies on Stage", ESSE 7, Seminar Spies and Informers, Zaragoza, 2004.

"Painting and Writing in Michael Frayn's Headlong", Anglistentag, Sektion Word and Image, München, 2003.

"The Lives of Galileo: Brecht, Laughton, Brenton", Drama Translation and Theatre Practice, Salzburg, 2002.

"Representations of the British Legal System in Twentieth-Century Popular Courtroom Drama", ESSE 6, Seminar Law and Literature, Strasbourg, 2002.

"Comic Communication Patterns in Twelfth Night", The Comic in Shakespeare, Canterbury, 2001.

"Rediscovered Country: Tom Stoppard's Austrian Plays", Austria and Austrians: Images in World Literature, Salzburg, 2000.

"Speaking Shakespeare – The Problems of Verse in Performance", Meter, Rhythm and Performance – Metrum, Rhythmus, Performanz, Vechta, 1999.

"The Private Life of Robert Browning, According to Henry James", Public and Private Voices in Victorian Poetry, Salzburg, 1998.

"Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Go to the Movies, or: What Happens to Hamlet", Elizabethan Literature and Transformation, Salzburg, 1997.