Prof. Dr. Valentin Werner

Obere Karolinenstraße 8, Raum 02.13
D-96049 Bamberg
An der Universität 9
D-96047 Bamberg
Akademischer Lebenslauf
Seit 2025 Außerplanmäßiger Professor an der Universität Bamberg
Seit 2022 Akademischer Oberrat a.Z. an der Universität Bamberg
2021-2022 Vertretung der Professur für Sprachdidaktik und Sprachwissenschaft des Englischen an der Philipps-Universität Marburg
2020-2021 Vertretung der Professur für Varietäten des Englischen an der Universität Leipzig
November 2020 Abschluss des Habilitationsverfahrens und Verleihung der venia legendi für Englische Sprachwissenschaft
2014-2022 Akademischer Rat a.Z. an der Universität Bamberg
April 2014 Abschluss des Promotionsverfahrens
Mai 2012 Mitglied der Bamberg Graduate School of Linguistics
2012 Certificate in Humanities Computing for Languages (mit Auszeichnung), University of Cambridge, England
September 2011-März 2012 Studienaufenthalt an der University of Cambridge, England (Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics)
2010-2014 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter und Lehrkraft für besondere Aufgaben and der Universität Bamberg
2009 M.A. sowie erste Staatsprüfung (Lehramt an Gymnasien)
2006-2009 Studium Englisch, Geschichte, Italienisch, Erziehungswissenschaften an der Universität Bamberg
2005-2006 Fremdsprachenassistent (DaF) an der Coláiste Chiaráin sowie Gaststudent an der University of Limerick, Irland
2003-2005 Grundstudium Englisch, Geschichte, Italienisch, Erziehungswissenschaften an der Universität Bamberg
Förderungen, Stipendien und Preise
Habilitationspreis des Deutschen Anglistikverbandes (2022)
Taylor & Francis Outstanding Research Monograph Award (2020) für den Sammelband Pop Culture in Language Education: Theory, Research, Practice
Projekt- und Konferenzförderung durch
- den Deutschen Akademischen Austauschdienst (DAAD)
- die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
- den Deutschen Anglistikverband
- die Forschungs- und Nachwuchskommission (FNK) der Universität Bamberg
- den Universitätsbund Bamberg
Wiederholte Reise-/Konferenzstipendien durch
- den Deutschen Akademischen Austauschdienst (DAAD)
- das Bayerische Hochschulzentrum für Mittel-, Ost- und Südosteuropa (BAYHOST)
- die Volkswagen Stiftung
- St. Catharine's College, Cambridge
- die Forschungs- und Nachwuchskommission (FNK) der Universität Bamberg
BETTER Research Sabbatical der Trimberg Research Academy
Alumnus des Max Weber-Programm (Elitenetzwerk Bayern) und von e-fellows
Aktuelle und vergangene Mitgliedschaften in Fachgesellschaften und Forschungsnetzwerken
Deutscher Anglistikverband
European Society for the Study of English
Gesellschaft für Angewandte Linguistik
International Society for the Linguistics of English
International Association for World Englishes
Learner Corpus Association
University of Cambridge Linguistic Society
AILA Forschungsnetzwerk "Applied Linguistics in Sport"
Forschungsnetzwerk "Classroom Linguistics"
Gutachtertätigkeiten und weitere Aktivitäten
- für wissenschaftliche Zeitschriften: Anglistik (Winter), Australian Review of Applied Linguistics (John Benjamins), Brno Studies in English (Masaryk University Press), Canadian Journal of Linguistics (Cambridge University Press), Corpora (Edinburgh University Press), English Language and Linguistics (Cambridge University Press), English Today (Cambridge University Press), Frontiers in Communication (Frontiers), Functions of Language (John Benjamins), Gender and Language (Equinox), International Journal of Child Care and Education Policy (Springer), International Journal of Corpus Linguistics (John Benjamins), International Journal of Language and Culture (John Benjamins), International Journal of Learner Corpus Research (John Benjamins), Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching (Taylor & Francis), Journal of English Linguistics (Sage), Journal of Germanic Linguistics (Cambridge University Press), Journal of Pragmatics (Elsevier), Languages (MDPI), Languages in Contrast (John Benjamins), Language and Literature (Sage), Language Teaching Research (Sage), Lingue e Linguaggi (Salento University Publishing), Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism (John Benjamins), Linguistics (Mouton de Gruyter), Linguistics Unlimited (unabhängige open access Zeitschrift), Open Linguistics (Mouton de Gruyter), Pedagogical Linguistics (John Benjamins), Poznan Studies in Contemporary Linguistics (Mouton de Gruyter), Soccer & Society (Taylor & Francis), Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching (unabhängige open access Zeitschrift), TESL-EJ (unabhängige open access Zeitschrift), Text & Talk (Mouton de Gruyter)
- für Buchserien und Konferenzbände: Discourse Patterns (Mouton de Gruyter), Gießener Beiträge zur Fremdsprachendidaktik (Narr), Impact: Studies in Language, Culture, and Society (John Benjamins), Language and Computers (Brill), Proceedings of the 2nd International Seminar on the Foundations of Speech (Sciendo/Mouton de Gruyter), Research in Corpus and Discourse (Bloomsbury), Routledge Advances in Translation and Interpreting Studies (Routledge), Studies in Corpus Linguistics (John Benjamins), Studies in Language Companion Series (John Benjamins), Topics in English Linguistics (Mouton de Gruyter), Varieties of English around the World (John Benjamins)
- für Buchexposés und -manuskripte: Cambridge University Press, Routledge, Springer
- für Handbücher und Lexika: Handbook of English Linguistics, zweite Auflage (Wiley-Blackwell), Oxford Handbook of the German Language (Oxford University Press)
- für Stipendien und Forschungsförderung: FSR-Postdoc-Stipendien der Katholischen Universität Louvain-la-Neuve (B); COFUND Fellowships am Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg (D); Slowenische nationale Forschungsförderungsagentur ARRS (SLO); Rustaveli-DAAD Fellowships, Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (D); Georg Forster-Forschungsstipendien, Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung (D); Praeludium-Förderung, National Science Center (PL);
- als Kommissionsmitglied auf Auswahlwochenenden der Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes
Rollen bei Publikationsorganen sowie in Fach- und Berufsverbänden
- Gründungsherausgeber des Journal of Language and Pop Culture (John Benjamins)
- Mitglied des Editorial Board des International Journal of Learner Corpus Research (John Benjamins)
- Mitglied des Advisory Board des internationalen Forschungsverbunds Inter-Varietal Applied Corpus Studies
- Mitglied der Programmkomitees der Konferenzserien International Computer Archive of Modern and Medieval English, International Corpus Linguistics Conference, Inter-Varietal Applied Corpus Studies, Biennial International Conference on the Linguistics of Contemporary English
Mitglied im Zentrum für Lehrerinnen- und Lehrerbildung Bamberg
Mitglied im Zentrum für innovative Anwendungen der Informatik
Assoziierter Partner im TELL-OP Projekt
Zertifikat Hochschullehre (FBZHL Nordbayern)
Angewandte Linguistik (insb. Lernendenenglisch/Mehrsprachigkeit/Zweitspracherwerb)
Diachrone Linguistik
Interdisziplinäre Ansätze (in Kooperation mit Kommunikationswissenschaft, Fremdsprachendidaktik, Literatur-/Kulturwissenschaft, Computerlinguistik)
Linguistik und Kultur
Variationslinguistik (insb. World Englishes)
A Multimodal Sociolinguistics of Music Video Clips (2025-2026; FNK Vorbereitungsprojekt)
Englisch als Zweitsprache im Schulalter: Komplexität, Korrektheit, Flüssigkeit (2023-2026; DFG Sachbeihilfe; Co-PI mit Robert Fuchs & Anna Rosen)
Multilingual Student Translation Corpus (MUST): Kompilierung der Komponente EN>DE (2024-2025; FNK Regelprojekt)
Authentiztät und Intimität in Live Blogs über die US Presidential Debates 2020 (2023-2024; FNK Regelprojekt; Co-PI mit Hendrik Michael)
Systematicity and Variability in Intermediate L1 German Learner English (2022-2023; FNK Vorbreitungsprojekt)
Learner Corpora and Variationist Questionnaires in in the Study of English (2020-2021; DAAD Projektbezogener Personenaustausch; Co-PI mit Monika Kavalir)
Transforming European Learner Language into Learning Opportunities (2014-2017; Erasmus+ Stategic Partnership; assoziierter Partner)
Begutachtete Publikationen
Monographien, Sammelbände und Herausgaben
In Vorbereitung. The Handbook of Language and Pop Culture. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. (mit Andrew Moody & Cecelia Cutler)
In Vorbereitung. The Sociolinguistics of Pop Culture. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (mit Andrew Moody & Cecelia Cutler)
Im Erscheinen. Indexicality and Enregisterment in Pop Culture. Sonderausgabe von English Language and Linguistics (mit Andrew Moody & Cecelia Cutler)
2023. Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Language of Pop Culture. Sonderausgabe von English Text Construction. (mit Rocío Montoro)
2023. Stylistic Approaches to Pop Culture. London: Routledge. (mit Christoph Schubert)
[Rezensionen in Language and Literature; Applied Linguistics; English Language and Linguistics; Style; Anglistik]
2022. Pop Culture in Applied Linguistics: International Perspectives. Sonderausgabe von ITL - International Journal of Applied Linguistics.
2022. Perspectives on Contemporary English: Structure, Variation, Cognition. Berlin: Lang. (mit Manfred Krug, Ole Schützler & Fabian Vetter)
2021. The Replication Crisis: Implications for Linguistics. Sonderausgabe von Linguistics. (mit Lukas Sönning)
2021. Corpus Approaches to Telecinematic Language. Sonderausgabe des International Journal of Corpus Linguistics. (mit Monika Bednarek & Marcia Veirano Pinto)
2021. Pop Culture in Language Education: Theory, Research, Practice. London: Routledge. (mit Friederike Tegge)
[ausgezeichnet mit dem Taylor & Francis Outstanding Research Monograph Award]
[Rezensionen in Australian Review of Applied Linguistics; New Zealand Studies in Applied Linguistics; ITL - International Journal of Applied Linguistics; ELT Journal]
2020.Tense and Aspect in Second Language Acquisition and Learner Corpus Research. Amsterdam: Benjamins. (mit Robert Fuchs)
[Rezension in Research in Corpus Linguistics]
2018. The Language of Pop Culture. New York: Routledge.
[Rezension in English Today]
2018. Tense and Aspect in Second Language Acquisition and Learner Corpus Research. Sonderausgabe des International Journal of Learner Corpus Research. (mit Robert Fuchs)
2016. A Blend of MaLT: Selected Contributions from the Methods and Linguistic Theories Symposium 2015. Bamberg: University of Bamberg Press. (mit Hanna Christ, Daniel Klenovšak & Lukas Sönning)
2016. Re-Assessing the Present Perfect. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. (mit Elena Seoane & Cristina Suárez-Gómez)
[Rezensionen in English Language and Linguistics; Language Issues; English and American Studies in German]
2014. The Present Perfect in World Englishes: Charting Unity and Diversity. Bamberg: University of Bamberg Press.
Im Erscheinen. Hybrid news (in the) making: A content and corpus-based discourse analysis of political live blogs on the 2020 US presidential debates. Journalism Practice. (mit Hendrik Michael)
2024. Digital press archives for media and communication history research: From “reading rooms” to virtual research environments. Studies in Communication Sciences 24 (3), 285-301. (mit Hendrik Michael)
2024. Styling authenticity in Country music. Languages 9 (5), 168. (mit Anna Ledermann)
2024. Linguistic corpora and tools in media and journalism studies. Studies in Communication and Media 13 (3). 347-383. (mit Hendrik Michael)
2023. Mental health songs: Corpus-based analysis and implications for EFL education. English Text Construction 16 (2). 169-196. (mit Theresa Summer)
2023. English and German pop song lyrics: Towards a contrastive textology. Journal for Language Technology and Computational Linguistics 36 (1). 1-20.
2021. The replication crisis, scientific revolutions, and linguistics. Linguistics 59 (5). 1179-1206. (mit Lukas Sönning)
2021. Catchy and conversational? A register analysis of pop lyrics. Corpora 16 (2). 237-270.
2021. Text-linguistic analysis of performed language: Revisiting and remodeling Koch & Oesterreicher. Linguistics 59 (3). 541-575.
2021. A diachronic perspective on telecinematic language. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 26 (1). 38-70.
2020. “Song-advantage” or “cost of singing”? A research synthesis of classroom-based intervention studies applying lyrics-based language teaching (1972–2019). Journal of Second Language Teaching & Research 8 (1). 138-170.
2020. TV discourse, grammaticality, and language awareness. TESL-EJ 24 (3).
2019. Lyrics and language awareness. Nordic Journal of Modern Language Methodology 7 (1). 4-28.
2019. Assessing hip-hop discourse: Linguistic realness and styling. Text & Talk 39 (5). 671-698.
2018. The use of the stative progressive by school age learners of English and the importance of the variable context - myth vs. (corpus) reality. International Journal of Learner Corpus Research 4 (2). 194-223. (mit Robert Fuchs)
2017. Pop lyrics and mobile language learning: Prospects and challenges. International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning 9 (4). 33-48. (mit Maria Lehl & Jonathan Walton)
2017. Adversative pragmatic markers in learner language: A cross-sectional perspective.Corpus Pragmatics 1 (2). 135-158.
2017. The present perfect in Nigerian English. English Language and Linguistics 21 (1). 129-153. (mit Robert Fuchs)
2013. Temporal adverbials and the present perfect/past tense alternation. English World-Wide 34 (2). 202-240.
2013. The present perfect and definite temporal adverbials: Reference grammars and corpus evidence. English Language Overseas Perspectives and Enquiries 10 (1). 9-21.
2012. Love is all around: A corpus-based study of pop music lyrics. Corpora 7 (1). 19-50.
Beiträge zu Sammelbänden und Handbüchern
Im Erscheinen. A survey on songs in ELT among pre-service teachers in Germany: Experiences, attitudes, and future potential. In Theresa Summer & Ralf Gießler, eds. Digital Textualities and Spaces in ELT. Tübingen: Narr. (mit Theresa Summer, Regina Grund & Manfred Krug)
2024. Potentials of poetry and song lyrics for EFL education: An applied linguistic perspective. In Pascal Fischer & Theresa Summer, eds. Impulses for Teaching Poetry and Song Lyrics: From Shakespeare to Pop Music. Heidelberg: Winter. 107-131.
2024. Exploring the potential of live text for ELT. In Saskia Kersten & Christian Ludwig, eds. Born-digital Texts in the English Language Classroom. Bristol: Multilingual Matters. 106-121.
2024. Music and mental health in ELT: A focus on emotional self-regulation with insights from psychotherapy. In Christian Ludwig, Theresa Summer, Maria Eisenmann, Daniel Becker & Nadine Krüger, eds. Mental Health in English Language Education. Tübingen: Narr. 91-112. (mit Theresa Summer).
2024. Pop cultural media as a resource for fostering responsible world citizens. In Chris Shei & James Schnell, eds. The Routledge Handbook of Language and Mind Engineering. London: Routledge. 224-241. (mit Theresa Summer)
2023. Swear/taboo words in English rap lyrics: Linguistic analysis and implications for foreign language education. In Christian Ludwig & Theresa Summer, eds. Taboos and Controversial Issues in Foreign Language Education: Critical Language Pedagogy in Theory, Research and Practice. London: Routledge. 103-112.
2023. "Guess who's back, back again". Stylistic development in Eminem's lyrics. In Christoph Schubert & Valentin Werner, eds. Stylistic Approaches to Pop Culture. London: Routledge. 176-204.
2022. Pop cultural linguistics. In Mark Aronoff, ed. The Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Linguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
2021. A register approach toward pop lyrics in EFL education. In Elena Seoane & Douglas Biber, eds. Corpus-based Approaches to Register Variation. Amsterdam: Benjamins. 209-234.
2021. Teaching grammar through pop culture. In Valentin Werner & Friederike Tegge, eds. Pop Culture in Language Education: Theory, Research, Practice. London: Routledge. 85-104.
2021. Learning languages through pop culture/learning about pop culture through language education. In Valentin Werner & Friederike Tegge, eds. Pop Culture in Language Education: Theory, Research, Practice. London: Routledge. 3-30. (mit Friederike Tegge)
2021. L1 influence vs. universal learning mechanisms: An SLA-driven corpus study on temporal expression. In Bert Le Bruyn & Magali Paquot, eds. Learner Corpus Research Meets Second Language Acquisition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 39-66. (mit Robert Fuchs & Sandra Götz)
2020. The use of the stative progressive by school age learners of English and the importance of the variable context - myth vs. (corpus) reality. In Robert Fuchs & Valentin Werner, eds. Tense and Aspect in Second Language Acquisition and Learner Corpus Research. Amsterdam: Benjamins. 54-82. (mit Robert Fuchs). [Neudruck von Fuchs & Werner 2018]
2020. How British is Gibraltar English? In Paloma Nuñez Pertejo, María José López-Couso, Belén Méndez-Naya & Javier Pérez-Guerra, eds. Crossing Linguistic Boundaries: Systemic, Synchronic and Diachronic Variation in English. London: Bloomsbury. 153-186. (mit Manfred Krug & Ole Schützler)
2019. Temporal adverbials in the acquisition of past-time reference: A cross-sectional study of L1 German and Cantonese learners of English. In Andrea Abel, Aivars Glaznieks, Verena Lyding & Lionel Nicholas, eds. Widening the Scope of Learner Corpus Research. Louvain-la-Neuve: Presses universitaires de Louvain. 43-70. (mit Sandra Götz & Robert Fuchs)
2019. A multimodal analysis of football live text commentaries. In Marcus Callies & Magnus Levin, eds. Corpus Approaches to the Language of Sports: Texts, Media, Modalities. London: Bloomsbury. 201-240.
2019. Pop lyrics and mobile language learning: Prospects and challenges. In Mehdi Khosrow-Pour, ed. Computer-assisted Language Learning: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications. Hershey: IGI. 342-359. (mit Maria Lehl & Jonathan Walton) [Neudruck von Werner, Lehl & Walton 2017]
2018. Linguistics and pop culture: Setting the scene(s). In Valentin Werner, ed. The Language of Pop Culture. New York: Routledge. 3-26.
2017. The present perfect as a core feature of World Englishes. In Markku Filppula, Juhani Klemola, Anna Mauranen & Svetlana Vetchinnikova, eds. Changing English: Global and Local Perspectives. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. 63-88.
2016. Patterns of linguistic globalization: Integrating typological profiles and questionnaire data. In Olga Timofeeva, Anne-Christine Gardner, Alpo Honkapohja & Sarah Chevalier, eds. New Approaches to English Linguistics: Building Bridges. Amsterdam: Benjamins. 35-66. (mit Manfred Krug & Ole Schützler)
2016. The present perfect - a re-assessment. In Valentin Werner, Elena Seoane & Cristina Suárez-Gómez, eds. Re-Assessing the Present Perfect. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. 1-20. (mit Elena Seoane & Cristina Suárez-Gómez)
2016. Rise of the undead? BE-perfects in World Englishes. In Valentin Werner, Elena Seoane & Cristina Suárez-Gómez, eds. Re-Assessing the Present Perfect. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. 259-294.
2016. The present perfect in learner Englishes: A corpus-based case study on L1 German intermediate and advanced speech and writing. In Valentin Werner, Elena Seoane & Cristina Suárez-Gómez, eds. Re-Assessing the Present Perfect. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. 297-338. (mit Robert Fuchs & Sandra Götz)
2016. Real-time online text commentaries: A cross-cultural perspective. In Christoph Schubert & Christina Sanchez-Stockhammer, eds. Variational Text Linguistics: Revisiting Register in English. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. 271-305.
2016. Overlap and divergence – aspects of the present perfect in World Englishes. In Elena Seoane & Cristina Suárez-Gómez, eds. World Englishes: New Theoretical and Methodological Considerations. Amsterdam: Benjamins. 113-142.
2023. A cross-linguistic register study of English and German pop lyrics. In Beata Trawiński, Marc Kupietz, Kristel Proost & Jörg Zinken, eds. 10. International Contrastive Corpus Linguistics Conference: Book of Abstracts. Mannheim: IDS-Verlag. 54-55.
2021. Live text coverage of political events: Combining content and corpus-based discourse analysis. In Iris Hendrickx, Lieke Verheijen & Lidwien van de Wijngaert, eds. Proceedings of the 8th Conference on CMC and Social Media Corpora for the Humanities (CMC-Corpora 2021). Nijmegen: Radbound University. 66-70. (mit Hendrik Michael)
2015. Pop lyrics and language pedagogy: A corpus-linguistic approach. In Federica Formato & Andrew Hardie, eds. Corpus Linguistics 2015. Lancaster: University of Lancaster. 341-343. (mit Maria Lehl)
Weitere Publikationen
Praxismaterialien für den Fremdsprachenunterricht
2024. Which song makes you feel good? Mithilfe von Songs über Gefühle sprechen [Which song makes you feel good? Talking about feelings with the help of songs]. Der Fremdsprachliche Unterricht 192. 12-16. (mit Theresa Summer & Claudia Schnellbögl)
2022. Song lyrics: Sprachliche Besonderheiten und Einsatz im Englischunterricht [Song lyrics: Linguistic features and their use in English language teaching]. Englisch 5-10 58. 24-29. (mit Theresa Summer)
2022. Review of Lisa Jansen. English rock and pop performances: A sociolinguistic investigation of British and American language perceptions and attitudes. Journal of English Linguistics 50 (4). 418-422.
2020. Review of Anne Golden, Scott Jarvis & Kari Tenfjord (eds.). Crosslinguistic influence and distinctive patterns of language learning: Findings and insights from a learner corpus. International Journal of Learner Corpus Research 6 (1). 104-108.
2016. Review of Peter Collins (ed.). Grammatical change in English world-wide. English Language and Linguistics 20 (1). 174-182.
2013. Review of Joybrato Mukherjee & Magnus Huber (eds.). Corpus linguistics and variation in English: Theory and description. ICAME Journal 37. 246-252.
Beiträge zu Zeitschriften und Sammelbänden
Im Erscheinen. Introduction: Indexicality and enregisterment in pop culture. English Language and Linguistics. (mit Andrew Moody & Cecelia Cutler)
2025. Language and pop culture: Setting the agenda. Journal of Language and Pop Culture 1 (1). 1-17.
2023. Interdisciplinary approaches to the language of pop culture: Introduction. English Text Construction 16 (2). 109-118. (mit Rocío Montoro)
2023. Zooming in: Stylistic approaches to pop culture. In Christoph Schubert & Valentin Werner, eds. Stylistic Approaches to Pop Culture. London: Routledge. 1-19. (mit Christoph Schubert)
2022. Pop culture in applied linguistics: International perspectives. ITL - International Journal of Applied Linguistics 173 (2). 161-171.
2022. Introduction: Perspectives on structure, variation, and cognition in contemporary English. In Manfred Krug, Valentin Werner, Ole Schützler & Fabian Vetter, eds. Perspectives on Contemporary English: Structure, Variation, Cognition. Berlin: Lang. 7-11. (mit Manfred Krug, Ole Schützler & Fabian Vetter)
2021. Corpus approaches to telecinematic language. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 26 (1). 1-9. (mit Monika Bednarek & Marcia Veirano Pinto)
2020. Tense and aspect in Second Language Acquisition and learner corpus research. In Robert Fuchs & Valentin Werner, eds. Tense and Aspect in Second Language Acquisition and Learner Corpus Research. Amsterdam: Benjamins. 2-21. (mit Robert Fuchs) [Neudruck von Fuchs & Werner 2018]
2018. Tense and aspect in Second Language Acquisition and learner corpus research: Introduction to the special issue. International Journal of Learner Corpus Research 4 (2). 143-163. (mit Robert Fuchs)
2016. Introduction. In Hanna Christ, Daniel Klenovšak, Lukas Sönning & Valentin Werner, eds. A Blend of MaLT: Selected Contributions from the Methods and Linguistic Theories Symposium 2015 (Bamberger Beiträge zur Linguistik 15). Bamberg: University of Bamberg Press. vii-xiii. (mit Hanna Christ, Daniel Klenovšak & Lukas Sönning)
2024. What does it mean to be 'coded'? Linguists break down the very online use of the word. Beitrag zum Artikel auf Yahoo News.
2018. Pop culture and the English language. Interview im GotPop Podcast. Universität Göteborg.
2019. Englisch für Eltern. München: Dorling Kindersley. (mit Karl Werner)
Bamberger Materialien für das Examen in Englischer Sprachwissenschaft (BambEx 1) - Transkription (mit Lukas Sönning)
Bamberger Materialien für das Examen in Englischer Sprachwissenschaft (BambEx 2) - Morphologie (mit Lukas Sönning)
Bamberger Materialien für das Examen in Englischer Sprachwissenschaft (BambEx 3) - Satzanalyse (mit Lukas Sönning)
Workshop- und Konferenzorganisation
TEFL lecture series: What's in a (pop) song? Interdisciplinary perspectives. Bamberg. Mai 2023. (mit Theresa Summer)
The sociolinguistics of pop culture. Bamberg. März 2023. (mit Cecelia Cutler & Andrew Moody)
Stylistic approaches to pop culture. Vechta. September 2021. (mit Christoph Schubert) [Pressebericht]
Pop culture in applied linguistics and language education. AILA 2021 World Congress of Applied Linguistics: The Dynamics of Language, Communication, and Culture in a Changing World. Groningen. August 2021. (mit Friederike Tegge)
8th Biennial International Conference on the Linguistics of Contemporary English. Bamberg. September 2019. (Mitglied des Organisationsteams)
The "quantitative crisis", cumulative science, and English linguistics. ISLE 5. London. Juli 2018. (mit Lukas Sönning)
Pop culture and linguistics. ISLE 4: English in a Multilingual World: Challenges and Perspectives. Poznań. September 2016.
Tense and aspect in learner language: Issues and advances in the use of language corpora. TaLC 2016: The 12th Teaching and Language Corpora Conference. Giessen. Juli 2016. (mit Robert Fuchs)
FJUEL 4: Forum Junge Englische Linguistik in Bayern. Bamberg. September 2014. (mit Alexandra Miroshevskaya, Ole Schützler & Lukas Sönning)
Perfect and perfectivity re-assessed through corpus studies. ICAME 35: Corpus Linguistics, Context and Culture. Nottingham. April 2014. (mit Elena Seoane & Cristina Suárez-Gómez)
Plenarvorträge und Vorträge auf Einladung
"Southern American English and authenticity in Country." Language variation and change: English dialects in pop culture. Kiel. Dezember 2024.
"Informal English through pop culture: Which kind of language do learners encounter?." The informalisation of English language learning through the media. Lecce. Februar 2024.
"Pop cultural linguistics and language education." Lecture Series English in Pop Culture. Dresden. Januar 2024.
"Cultural learning and pop culture in language education." BaTEG Summer School: (Trans)cultural Learning in Teacher Education. Bamberg. September 2023.
"Studying performed language." E-Seminar Linguistics. Athen. Mai 2023.
"Pop culture, telecinematic language, and linguistic medievalism." Lecture Series Reading, Writing & Editing Medieval English. Göttingen. Mai 2023. (mit Gabriele Knappe)
"Same same but different? A linguistic perspective on poetry and song lyrics for English language education." Research Area Culture and Language Education and Learning. Göteborg. November 2022.
"Mental illness as an intolerable taboo! The role of songs in developing mental health literacy." Symposium "Cultural Taboos" als Teil der BaTEG Summer School: Between Cultures, Conflicts, and Communication - Language Education in a Global World. Bamberg. September 2022. (mit Theresa Summer)
"Linguistic globalization across Kachruvian circles: Evidence from the lexicon in EFL, ESL and EFL varieties." 9th Biennial International Conference on the Linguistics of Contemporary English. Ljubljana. September 2022. (mit Manfred Krug)
"Lexical evidence for linguistic globalization across the circles." Hamburg Talks on Current Issues in World Englishes. Hamburg. Juli 2022.
"'Guess who's back, back again': Eminem's lyrics from a longitudinal stylistic perspective." Seminar Stylistic Approaches to Pop(ular) Culture. Augsburg. Juni 2022.
"Introduction to Learner Corpus Research for the study of Second Language Acquisition." TEFL Research Seminar. Bamberg. Mai 2022.
"A multimodal analysis of football live text commentary." Ringvorlesung Sportkommunikation. Bremen. Mai 2022.
"Potentials of poetry and song lyrics for English language education: An applied linguistic perspective." From Poetry to Song Lyrics: Analysing and Teaching Verse. Bamberg. Februar 2022.
"Exploring pop lyrics as a register: Some implications for EFL education." Englische Sprachwissenschaft und Fachdidaktik im Dialog: Chancen zur Stärkung der universitären Lehrerbildung. Freiburg. Oktober 2021.
"Using pop lyrics in EFL education." Universität Würzburg. April 2020.
"Pop culture and linguistics: Theory, description, and application." Linguistisches Kolloquium der Universität Bayreuth. Bayreuth. Mai 2018.
"Rhythm is gonna get you? Pop music and foreign language learning." Foreign Language Education and Learning in the 21st Century. Agder. April 2018.
"Pop culture and linguistics: Theory, description and application." Language, Literature and Culturality Research Profile Seminar. Göteborg. Februar 2018.
"The language of pop music lyrics." Universität Giessen. Dezember 2015.
"Large-scale questionnaire studies on varieties of English." Slovenian Linguistics Circle. Ljubljana. Mai 2014. (mit Manfred Krug)
"The language of on-line text commentaries." Erasmus teaching mobility Universität Ljubljana. Mai 2014.
"Present Perfect(s) in World Englishes." academic book fair. Ljubljana. Mai 2014.
Konferenzbeiträge (begutachtet)
"Building the Corpus of Young German Learner English: Methodological considerations and practical constraints." 2nd Classroom Linguistics SIG Meeting. Paderborn. Januar 2025. (mit Lea Bracke & Lyudmila Kruhlenko)
"Introducing the Corpus of Young German Learner English." 10th Biennial International Conference on the Linguistics of Contemporary English. Alicante. September 2024. (mit Lea Bracke, Robert Fuchs, Bethany Stoddard & Anna Rosen)
"Frequency vs. accuracy in learner Englishes: A study on tense and aspect." 7th Learner Corpus Research Conference. Tartu. September 2024. (mit Robert Fuchs)
"The Corpus of Young German Learner English." 7th Learner Corpus Research Conference. Tartu. September 2024. (mit Lea Bracke, Robert Fuchs, Bethany Stoddard & Anna Rosen)
"Introducing the Corpus of Young German Learner English." The 11th Inter-Varietal Applied Corpus Studies Biennial Conference. Cambridge. Juli 2024. (mit Lea Bracke, Robert Fuchs, Bethany Stoddard & Anna Rosen)
"Authenticity and intimacy: A corpus study on live blogs about the US presidential debates." The 11th Inter-Varietal Applied Corpus Studies Biennial Conference. Cambridge. Juli 2024. (mit Hendrik Michael & Lea Bracke)
"Introducing the Corpus of Young German Learner English." ICAME 45 - Interlocking Corpora and Register(s): Diversity and Innovation. Vigo. Juni 2024. (mit Lea Bracke, Robert Fuchs, Bethany Stoddard & Anna Rosen)
"Styling of authenticity in country music: A corpus-based perspective on styling." ICAME 45 - Interlocking Corpora and Register(s): Diversity and Innovation. Vigo. Juni 2024. (mit Anna Ledermann)
"Introducing the Corpus of Young German Learner English." 24. Norddeutsches Linguistisches Kolloquium - Von der Theorie zur Praxis: Linguistik und ihre Relevanz für die Gesellschaft. Hannover. März 2024. (mit Lea Bracke, Robert Fuchs, Bethany Stoddard & Anna Rosen)
"Authenticity and intimacy in live blogs about the US presidential debates." Approaches to Digital Discourse Analysis 4: Contemporary Societies in Digital Discourse. Klagenfurt. Oktober 2023. (mit Hendrik Michael)
"A cross-linguistic register study of English and German pop lyrics." 10th International Contrastive Linguistics Conference. Mannheim. Juli 2023.
"Mental health songs: Corpus analysis and implications for ELT." Reading Resistance: Widerstand und Kontroversität im Kontext gesellschaftlichen Wandels und gesellschaftlicher Transformation. Köln. Oktober 2022. (mit Theresa Summer)
"L2 acquisition of tense and aspect: A quasi-longitudinal learner corpus study." TaLC 2022: The 15th Teaching and Language Corpora Conference. Limerick. Juli 2022. (mit Robert Fuchs)
"Mental health songs: Corpus-based analysis and implications for EFL education." TaLC 2022: The 15th Teaching and Language Corpora Conference. Limerick. Juli 2022. (mit Theresa Summer)
"Frequency vs. accuracy in the development of tense and aspect in learner Englishes". 22. Norddeutsches Linguistisches Kolloquium. Oldenburg. April 2022. (mit Robert Fuchs)
"Live text coverage of political events: Combining content and corpus-based discourse analysis". 8th Conference on Computer-Mediated Communication and Social Media Corpora. Nijmegen. Oktober 2021. (mit Hendrik Michael)
"'Guess who's back, back again': Stylistic development in Eminem's lyrics". Stylistic Approaches to Pop Culture. Vechta. September 2021.
"Teaching grammar through pop culture: A case study using lyrics". AILA 2021 World Congress of Applied Linguistics: The Dynamics of Language, Communication, and Culture in a Changing World. Groningen. August 2021.
"Hybrid news (in the) making: A case study on live text coverage of the 2020 US presidential debates". 11th International Corpus Linguistics Conference. Limerick. Juli 2021. (mit Hendrik Michael)
"Frequency vs. accuracy: A quasi-developmental perspective on tense and aspect in learner Englishes". 11th International Corpus Linguistics Conference. Limerick. Juli 2021. (mit Robert Fuchs)
"A diachronic stylistic perspective on Eminem's lyrics". 11th International Corpus Linguistics Conference. Limerick. Juli 2021.
"Hybrid news (in the) making: A case study on the 2020 US presidential debates". ISLE 6: Evolving English and the Digital Era. Joensuu. Juni 2021. (mit Hendrik Michael)
"Exploring the potential of live text commentary for EFL education". Born-digital Texts in the Foreign Language Classroom. Berlin/Hertfortshire. Januar 2021.
"Swear/taboo words in rap: Linguistic analysis and implications for language education". Taboo Topics in Foreign Language Education. Würzburg. November 2020.
"Tense and aspect in learner English: Frequency vs. accuracy". 5th Learner Corpus Research Conference. Warschau. September 2019. (mit Robert Fuchs)
"Tense and aspect across learner Englishes: Frequency vs. accuracy". 10th International Corpus Linguistics Conference: The Future of Corpus Linguistics. Cardiff. Juli 2019. (mit Robert Fuchs)
"Live text commentary: A corpus-based multimodal analysis". 10th International Corpus Linguistics Conference: The Future of Corpus Linguistics. Cardiff. Juli 2019.
"Catchy and conversational? A multidimensional register analysis of pop lyrics". 10th International Corpus Linguistics Conference: The Future of Corpus Linguistics. Cardiff. Juli 2019.
"Lyrics and language awareness". 2nd Modern Linguistics & Didactics Conference: Grammaticality Judgements & Language Awareness. Bochum. März 2019.
"Cross-linguistic effects vs. universal learning meachanisms? A case study on temporal expression". TaLC 2018: The 13th Teaching and Language Corpora Conference. Cambridge. Juli 2018. (mit Robert Fuchs & Sandra Götz)
"Cross-linguistic effects vs. universal learning meachanisms: A corpus-based case study on temporal expression". ICAME 39: Corpus Linguistics and Changing Society. Tampere. Mai 2018. (mit Robert Fuchs & Sandra Götz)
"Acquisition of tense and aspect in learner English: A corpus-based cross-sectional perspective". 4th Learner Corpus Research Conference. Bozen. Oktober 2017. (mit Robert Fuchs)
"A multidimensional register analysis of pop lyrics". 7th Biennial International Conference on the Contemporary Linguistics of English. Vigo. September 2017.
"L1 influence vs. universal learning mechanisms: A case study on the acquisition of the English Present Perfect". Learner Corpus Based Approaches to Second Language Acquisition. Utrecht. April 2017. (mit Robert Fuchs & Sandra Götz)
"The language of rap: Linguistic realness and stylization". ISLE 4: English in a Multilingual World: Challenges and Perspectives. Poznań. September 2016.
"Obsolescence, persistence, revitalization: A case study on the BE-perfect in electronically-mediated registers of English". ISLE 4: English in a Multilingual World: Challenges and Perspectives. Poznań. September 2016.
"Exploiting a corpus of pop music lyrics for language learning". TaLC 2016: The 12th Teaching and Language Corpora Conference. Giessen. Juli 2016. (mit Maria Lehl)
"Acquisition of the present perfect by L1 German learners of English". TaLC 2016: The 12th Teaching and Language Corpora Conference. Giessen. Juli 2016. (mit Robert Fuchs & Sandra Götz)
"Pop lyrics and language pedagogy: A corpus-linguistic approach". Corpus Linguistics 2015. Lancaster. July 2015. (mt Maria Lehl)
"The present perfect in Nigerian English". IAWE 20: Asian Contexts and World Englishes. Delhi. Dezember 2014. (mit Robert Fuchs)
"Mapping lexical choices in varieties of English: Integrating typological profiles and questionnaire data." ISLE 3: Building Bridges - inter- and intradisciplinary research. Zürich. August 2014. (mit Manfred Krug & Ole Schützler)
"Overlap and divergence - aspects of the present perfect in World Englishes." Englishes Today: Theoretical and methodolocical issues. Vigo. Oktober 2013.
"Real-time on-line text commentaries: A cross-cultural perspective." Register Revisited: New Perspectives on Functional Text Variety in English. Vechta. Juni 2013.
"The present perfect as a core feature of World Englishes." Changing English: Contacts & Variation. Helsinki. Juni 2013.
"Overlap and divergence - aspects of the present perfect in World Englishes." Englishes in a multilingual world: New dynamics of variation, contact and change. Freiburg. April 2013.
"Temporal adverbials and present perfect/past tense alteration across Englishes." ICAME 33: Corpora at the centre and crossroads of English linguistics. Leuven. Juni 2012. (ausgezeichnet mit der "Stig Johansson Bursary")
"Temporal adverbials and present perfect/preterit tense alternation". SDAS: The Changes in Epochal Paradigms and the Opportunities They Offer for English Studies. Ljubljana. Mai 2012.
"The present perfect in World Englishes - overlap or divergence?". The Pragmatics of Aspect in Varieties of English. Innsbruck. April 2012.
"Alternation of past time reference in World Englishes (focus on the present perfect)". ICAME 32: Trends and Traditions in English Corpus Linguistics. Oslo. Juni 2011.
"Love is all around. The language of pop music." Language in the Media 4. Limerick. Juni 2011.
"Alternation of past time reference in World Englishes - focus on the present perfect". Schnittstellen - 1. Diskussionsforum Linguistik Bayern. Bamberg. März 2011.
Weitere Konferenz- und Workshopbeiträge
"Stylistic approaches to pop culture." Stylistic Approaches to Pop Culture. Vechta. September 2021. (mit Christoph Schubert)
"A multidimensional analysis of pop lyrics." FJUEL 7. Eichstätt. September 2017.
"The grammar of pop: A project sketch." FJUEL 5. Bayreuth. September 2015.
"Explorative Datenanalyse mit Phenogrammen." Methodenwerkstatt der Bamberg Graduate School of Linguistics. Bamberg. Mai 2015.
"The Present Perfect in World Englishes: Unity and diversity." FJUEL 3. Regensburg. September 2013.
American English: Synchronic and diachronic aspects
Applied linguistics
Early Modern English
Englische Sprachgeschichte
English and German in contrast
English in Germany and German learner English
English Linguistics Research Seminar
Englishes around the World
Introduction to English linguistics
Introduction to Teaching English as a Foreign Language
Language variation and change
Linguistics and real life: Applied linguistics
Linguistics for the classroom
Media linguistics: Exploring the language of journalism
Morphology and syntax
Postcolonial Englishes
Sprachwissenschaftliche Übung für Examenskandidaten (Repetitorium)
Sprachwissenschaftliche Werkstatt
The language of pop culture
The sociolinguistics of North American English
Translation and translation studies
Übersetzung Englisch-Deutsch I - Grundstudium
Übersetzung Englisch-Deutsch II - Fortgeschrittene/Examenskandidaten
Varieties of English
Watching TV and movies with a linguist
What’s in a (pop) song? Linguistics meets language education
World Englishes
Siehe UnivIS für aktuelle Lehrveranstaltungen
Sonstige Kurse und Workshops
Zitieren und bibliographieren mit Zotero (Kooperationsveranstaltung mit der BOS Bamberg)
Pop lyrics and language teaching (Lehrerfortbildung)