Upcoming events
The BaTEG project will end as of Dec 31st, 2024. The events taking place under BaTEGS from 1 January 2025 will be listed here in due course.
- From 2 November 2024: BaTEG Winter School. CANCELLED
- 15-22-09.2024: International Film Festival: Schools in Films and Films in Schools [BaTEG Summer School].
- 25.07.2024, 10-12 am: Communication and culture shock: An online workshop to prepare pre-service teachers for their stay abroad.
- 05.07.2024 from 9 a.m.: Seminar day on everyday school life worldwide
- 24.06.2024, 16:15: BaTEG has a stall at the ZLB's ‘Discover the future of learning’ info fair.
- Intercultural skills for employees in university administration, 14/06/2024, 9-12.
- Cultural Coaching for Future Teachers, 3, 7, 21 and 28 June 2024: In this seminar, students can expand their intercultural skills and receive ECTS in school pedagogy.
- Unlocking global perspectives: As of May 13th, four Bavarian universities will be collaborating in a joint lecture an workshop series, "Lunch talk: Schools and teaching around the globe".
- Intercultural skills foradministrative staff: Interkulturelle Kompetenzen für Angestellte in der Hochschulverwaltung, 14/06/2024, 9:00-12:00.
- Cultural Coaching for Future Teachers, June 3rd, 7th, 21st., 28th, 2024.
- Guest lecture:Dalibor Kučera (Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích / Südböhmische Universität Budweis): Application of VR communication training in teacher training, 06/02/2024, 2-4pm, room LU19/02.21 and Zoom.
- BaTEG student fair, 23/11/2023 from 6pm at the ZLB.
- Young researchers' networking day of the universities of Augsburg, Bamberg, and Regensburg; in Augsburg. 23/11/2023.
- Discussion group: Internationalisation of Teacher Education, 20/11/2023, in cooperation with the project "Move it!" of TU Berlin.
- Coachings in WS 2023/24:
- Cultural Coaching for Future Teachers, 10-11/11/2023
- Interkulturelle Kompetenzen: Theorie und Praxis (mit Exkursion) – BaTEG Winter School 2023 für Lehramtsstudierende in Bamberg und Posen, 23-27/10/2023
- International BaTEG Summer School, 17-24/09/2023
- Student fair and movie night "Discover the future of learning", 19/7 from 4:30 pm in LU19
- Seminar day "School systems around the world": 7/7/2023 on Zoom
- Guest levcure: Louis Ndekha: EDUCATION FOR ALL: The Role of Religion in the Quest for Educational Equity in Malawi. Trailer(24.3 MB)
- Student fair "Im Lehramt ins Ausland": 3/7/2023 in LU19. Flyer(895.7 KB)
- Guest lectures:
Graham McGeoch, Faculdade Unida, Vitória: A Theology of the City in the Favelas of Rio de Janeiro (click here(6.8 MB) for trailer)
Maribel Montero Perez, Universität Gent: Audio-visual input in language learning, click here for further info
Inkeri Rissanen, Religious Education in Finland – Concepts and Perspectives in the Context of a pluralized world- further info
- Die Zukunft der Welt selbst gestalten?Simulationsspiel, 30/5, 9 am in KÄ7 - CANCELLED