Network for Medieval Arts and Rituals

The Centre for Medieval Studies is part of the EU Horizon 2020 Project NetMAR (Network for Medieval Arts and Rituals).

Together with the University of Cyprus and the newly founded CeMAR (Centre for Medieval Arts & Rituals), as well as the University of Southern Denmark with her Centre for Medieval Literature the Zemas will participate in the exploration of the Middle Ages.





Research expedition to the Middle Ages

The Middle Ages are an fascinating Epoch and their exploration constitutes a research focus on the University of Bamberg.

The Multimedia report offers a short insight.

Reference library of the ZEMAS

The reference library of the ZEMAS is from now on retrievable via the Bamberger Katalog and can be found under the signature 544/*.


In consultation with  the office, all titles can be seen. The use is allowed and welcomed.


Centre for Medieval Studies (ZEMAS)

The Centre

The Centre for Medieval Studies exists since 1998 as a collaboration of four faculties of the University of Bamberg. In April 2002 the Centre was acknowledged as a central scientific institution of the University Bamberg by the Bavarian Ministry for Science, Research and Art. At the moment, 78 researchers from about 48 medieval disciplines are working together. The Centre is responsible for the interdisciplinary coordination and organisation of the activities related to the Middle Ages in research, teaching and further education. The interdisciplinary collaboration is tested and developed in lecture series, international conferences, smaller colloquia, expert talks and informal working groups. At the beginning of every semester, the Centre publishes a detailed brochure with information on all planned activities. 

The Centre for Medieval Studies uses the existing infrastructure of the University of Bamberg and the exceptional possibilities for research in Bamberg and Upper Franconia. Since winter semester 2003/04 the Centre for Medieval Studies offers the B.A./M.A. programme “Interdisciplinary Medieval Studies”.

These programmes were accredited in September 2008 by Acquin (Akkreditierungs-, Certifizierung- und Qualitätssicherungs-Institut, Bayreuth) and were reacreddited in July 2024.