Inaugural lecture "Artificial intelligence for humans: A triad of proof, responsibility and dialogue"

In the AI competition as part of the Higtech Agenda Bayern, the University of Bamberg was awarded seven new professorships with a focus on artificial intelligence in 2020. Three of the new professors introduce themselves and their research in a joint inaugural lecture: Prof. Dr. Christoph Benzmüller, Chair of AI System Engineering, researches hybrid methods and tools for the ethical and legal control and verification of AI systems. With a look into the past, Christoph Benzmüller presented the development of the extensive range of topics of theorem proof and showed what role the proof plays in AI. Further information at:
Prof. Dr. Christian Ledig, Chair of Explainable Machine Learning, researches and develops robust, data-efficient methods of machine learning with diverse applications in industry and healthcare. His focus is on AI support in medicine. He described how generative AI works, where mistakes occur and where opportunities lie, and draws a comparison with discriminative AI. He explained how the use of AI is carried out responsibly and which aspects must be fulfilled. During the lecture, Christian Ledig also addressed the associated challenges. It is not only important to look at the risks of AI, but also to ask ourselves: how many misdiagnoses can be avoided through responsible AI. Further information at:
Prof. Dr. Stefan Ultes, Chair of Natural Language Generation and Dialogue Systems, on the other hand, researches methods and technologies of artificial intelligence in order to make the language-based interaction between humans and machines as natural as possible. In the inaugural lecture, Stefan Ultes introduced the area of language dialogues between humans and machines. Further information at: /ds
The auditorium of the University of Bamberg was well filled with an international audience of listeners with diverse backgrounds in industry and academic research. Between the lectures, Prof. Dr. Andrea Vestrucci with small pieces on the piano. The subsequent lively exchange at a small reception brought this successful event to a close in a nice atmosphere.