[Translate to English:] xAILab Bamberg

Hike with students at the xAI Chair

Excursion - Hike through Franconia

The first excursion of the chair took place as part of the master and doctoral seminar from June 20 to 21, 2024. The hike was conducted in two daily stages, each approximately 30 km long, on the Frankenweg from Kulmbach to Weismain and from Weismain to Bad Staffelstein.

1. xAI Hike within the Doctoral- and Masterseminar

In the two-day excursion, the group consisting of a total of 15 members of staff and students at the xAI chair hiked the Frankenweg from Kulmbach via Weismain to Bad Staffelstein. The hike was conducted in two demanding daily stages of approximately 30 kilometers each. A shared dinner and the broadcast of a European Football Championship match provided a good setting for a sociable evening in Weismain.

The aim of the event was to bring together students and doctoral candidates at different career stages and to facilitate getting to know each other and exchanging experiences during a sportive activity. In addition to informal conversations about job and study experiences, and technology / AI related topics, the importance of exercise and an active daily routine was a focus of the event.

Highlights on the scenic hiking route were certainly the well-deserved Franconian meal, including a recovery Radler in Vierzehnheiligen and the Staffelberg.

The event, conducted in this form for the first time, was very well received by all participants and will hopefully be repeated next year in a similar form.