News 2025 Springer Nature Limited 03/11/2025 Rethinking Model Prototyping: Our Latest Paper in Scientific Reports The integration of deep learning in clinical practice remains a challenge due to the limited and heterogeneous nature of medical datasets. Our latest… xAILab Bamberg 12/17/2024 Advancing Parkinson's Research: Master’s Student Work Published in Top Nuclear Medicine Imaging Journal EJNMMI Research conducted by Aleksej Kucerenko during his Master’s thesis at our chair has been published with open access in the highly prestigious… xAILab Bamberg 12/02/2024 From Privacy to Robustness in Computer Vision at BMVC 2024 With the 35th British Machine Vision Conference in the books, time for a quick recap of our contributions to BMVC 2024 in the dynamic city of Glasgow,… BMVC 2024 10/20/2024 xAILab Bamberg presents two papers at the 35th British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC) in Glasgow xAILAB Bamberg celebrates significant success: two research papers have been accepted at this year's 35th British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC) in… xAILab Bamberg 10/18/2024 Medical Imaging Meets the Sun at this Year's MICCAI 2024 Conference in Marrakech This October, our xAILab Bamberg had the pleasure of attending the prestigious MICCAI 2024 (Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted… Imperial College London 10/16/2024 A Research Getaway at the Imperial College London The xAILab Bamberg recently took a trip to London for a symposium hosted by Prof. Dr. Bernhard Kainz, head of the Borderless AI group, which spans… Mediterranean Machine Learning Summer School 2024 10/14/2024 Extending the Summer with the Help of AI: Exploring the Mediterranean Machine Learning Summer School The Mediterranean Machine Learning Summer School (M2L), held in sunny Milan in September 2024, was a week packed with cutting-edge AI research,… MICCAI 2024 07/20/2024 xAILAB Bamberg Celebrates Double Success at MICCAI 2024 xAILAB Bamberg achieves remarkable success: Two research papers accepted at this year's 27th MICCAI Conference in October 2024. One paper will be… xAILab Bamberg 06/20/2024 Excursion - Hike through Franconia The first excursion of the chair took place as part of the master and doctoral seminar from June 20 to 21, 2024. The hike was conducted in two daily… xAILab Bamberg 06/07/2024 Student Workshop "Artificial Intelligence for Beginners": Early practice for aspiring AI expertsxAILab Bamberg 05/30/2024 xAILab Bamberg attends the 21st IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging in Athens The 21st IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI 2024), held from May 27-30, 2024, at the Megaron Athens International Conference… 05/15/2024 Prof. Ledig speaks to employees of the StMUV about opportunities and challenges posed by AI. 04/24/2024 Digital Healthcare Award for Bachelor Thesis in Berlin, April 10, 2024 Tobias Archut from the xAI Lab Bamberg receives DMEA Newcomer Award for advancing digital healthcare through his innovative bachelor thesis 03/13/2024 Paper accepted at international research conference (IEEE ISBI 2024, Athens), March 13, 2024 Teaser: Research work accepted (IEEE ISBI 2024) 03/07/2024 1st Upper Franconian AI symposium at the University of Bamberg, Feb.29, 2024 Lecture and open table discussion 02/15/2024 "AI workshop" for students at the vocational high school in Nuremberg, 09.02.2024 What is AI and how to become an AI expert 01/29/2024 Prof. Dr. Christian Ledig is ranked among the top 2% of the most-cited scientists worldwide A recent study conducted by Stanford University ranked the most frequently cited academics 12/08/2023 AI can industry - How AI is revolutionizing the economy, Nov. 30, 2023 Panel discussion and presentations from government and industry on the opportunities and solutions of AI for the economy 11/23/2023 School workshop “Artificial Intelligence for Beginners”, Nov. 16, 2023 Practice makes perfect if you want to be an AI expert soon 10/26/2023 Participation at the MICCAI 2023 conference, Oct. 08-12, 2023 poster presentation and interesing talks 10/04/2023 KI-Meetup Bamberg: Networking for Startups, companies and those who are interested in AI, Oct. 5, 2023 Prof. Christian Ledig holds lecture on AI in medicine 09/27/2023 23. Intl. Conference on Innovations for Community Service (I4CS), Sept. 11, 2023 Prof. Christian Ledig is Key Note speaker 09/27/2023 xAI meets Rotary Club Bamberg, September 7, 2023 Prof. Christian Ledig held lecture about generative vs. discriminative AI in medicine 07/12/2023 Inaugural lecture "Artificial intelligence for humans: A triad of proof, responsibility and dialogue" Prof. Dr. Christian Ledig gave his inaugural lecture together with Prof. Dr. Christoph Benzmüller and Prof. Dr. Stefan Ultes 06/05/2023 AI-Walk with the IT-Cluster upper franconia, May 26, 2023 It´s easy to walk and talk 06/05/2023 Servus KI! Podcast, May 22, 2023 Prof. Dr. Christian Ledig gave an interview on „artificial intelligence in medicine“ 11. IT-Forum Oberfranken 2023, 29.03.23 in Bamberg Begin: 03/29/2023 12:30 Location: University of Bamberg Talk on „Was kann KI? Perspektiven aus der Forschung an der Universität Bamberg“ („What can AI do? Research perspectives from the University of… 03/23/2023 1. AI.BAY 2023 Establish Bavaria as a top location for AI 02/15/2023 KMUni 2023: Active exchange between industry, commerce and science of the Bamberg region Prof. Christian Ledig holds lecture about Explainable Machine Learning. 01/12/2023 Open Phd and PostDoc Positions We have open fully-funded positions for both PhD candidates and PostDocs. More information can be found here:… 09/27/2022 Deutschlandfunk - Prof. Christian Ledig im Interview zur Foto-Synthese mit KI und Die Revolution der künstlichen Bilder 09/08/2022 Über das Potential von KI-Systemen für Ärzt*innen und Patient*innen Informatiker Christian Ledig stellt sich und seine Leidenschaft für medizinische Bildanalyse vor. 07/07/2022 Deutschlandfunk - Informatiker Christian Ledig über KI als Bildgenerator 06/28/2022 Offene PostDoc und Doktoranden Stelle
2025 Springer Nature Limited 03/11/2025 Rethinking Model Prototyping: Our Latest Paper in Scientific Reports The integration of deep learning in clinical practice remains a challenge due to the limited and heterogeneous nature of medical datasets. Our latest…
xAILab Bamberg 12/17/2024 Advancing Parkinson's Research: Master’s Student Work Published in Top Nuclear Medicine Imaging Journal EJNMMI Research conducted by Aleksej Kucerenko during his Master’s thesis at our chair has been published with open access in the highly prestigious…
xAILab Bamberg 12/02/2024 From Privacy to Robustness in Computer Vision at BMVC 2024 With the 35th British Machine Vision Conference in the books, time for a quick recap of our contributions to BMVC 2024 in the dynamic city of Glasgow,…
BMVC 2024 10/20/2024 xAILab Bamberg presents two papers at the 35th British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC) in Glasgow xAILAB Bamberg celebrates significant success: two research papers have been accepted at this year's 35th British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC) in…
xAILab Bamberg 10/18/2024 Medical Imaging Meets the Sun at this Year's MICCAI 2024 Conference in Marrakech This October, our xAILab Bamberg had the pleasure of attending the prestigious MICCAI 2024 (Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted…
Imperial College London 10/16/2024 A Research Getaway at the Imperial College London The xAILab Bamberg recently took a trip to London for a symposium hosted by Prof. Dr. Bernhard Kainz, head of the Borderless AI group, which spans…
Mediterranean Machine Learning Summer School 2024 10/14/2024 Extending the Summer with the Help of AI: Exploring the Mediterranean Machine Learning Summer School The Mediterranean Machine Learning Summer School (M2L), held in sunny Milan in September 2024, was a week packed with cutting-edge AI research,…
MICCAI 2024 07/20/2024 xAILAB Bamberg Celebrates Double Success at MICCAI 2024 xAILAB Bamberg achieves remarkable success: Two research papers accepted at this year's 27th MICCAI Conference in October 2024. One paper will be…
xAILab Bamberg 06/20/2024 Excursion - Hike through Franconia The first excursion of the chair took place as part of the master and doctoral seminar from June 20 to 21, 2024. The hike was conducted in two daily…
xAILab Bamberg 06/07/2024 Student Workshop "Artificial Intelligence for Beginners": Early practice for aspiring AI experts
xAILab Bamberg 05/30/2024 xAILab Bamberg attends the 21st IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging in Athens The 21st IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI 2024), held from May 27-30, 2024, at the Megaron Athens International Conference…
05/15/2024 Prof. Ledig speaks to employees of the StMUV about opportunities and challenges posed by AI.
04/24/2024 Digital Healthcare Award for Bachelor Thesis in Berlin, April 10, 2024 Tobias Archut from the xAI Lab Bamberg receives DMEA Newcomer Award for advancing digital healthcare through his innovative bachelor thesis
03/13/2024 Paper accepted at international research conference (IEEE ISBI 2024, Athens), March 13, 2024 Teaser: Research work accepted (IEEE ISBI 2024)
03/07/2024 1st Upper Franconian AI symposium at the University of Bamberg, Feb.29, 2024 Lecture and open table discussion
02/15/2024 "AI workshop" for students at the vocational high school in Nuremberg, 09.02.2024 What is AI and how to become an AI expert
01/29/2024 Prof. Dr. Christian Ledig is ranked among the top 2% of the most-cited scientists worldwide A recent study conducted by Stanford University ranked the most frequently cited academics
12/08/2023 AI can industry - How AI is revolutionizing the economy, Nov. 30, 2023 Panel discussion and presentations from government and industry on the opportunities and solutions of AI for the economy
11/23/2023 School workshop “Artificial Intelligence for Beginners”, Nov. 16, 2023 Practice makes perfect if you want to be an AI expert soon
10/26/2023 Participation at the MICCAI 2023 conference, Oct. 08-12, 2023 poster presentation and interesing talks
10/04/2023 KI-Meetup Bamberg: Networking for Startups, companies and those who are interested in AI, Oct. 5, 2023 Prof. Christian Ledig holds lecture on AI in medicine
09/27/2023 23. Intl. Conference on Innovations for Community Service (I4CS), Sept. 11, 2023 Prof. Christian Ledig is Key Note speaker
09/27/2023 xAI meets Rotary Club Bamberg, September 7, 2023 Prof. Christian Ledig held lecture about generative vs. discriminative AI in medicine
07/12/2023 Inaugural lecture "Artificial intelligence for humans: A triad of proof, responsibility and dialogue" Prof. Dr. Christian Ledig gave his inaugural lecture together with Prof. Dr. Christoph Benzmüller and Prof. Dr. Stefan Ultes
06/05/2023 Servus KI! Podcast, May 22, 2023 Prof. Dr. Christian Ledig gave an interview on „artificial intelligence in medicine“
11. IT-Forum Oberfranken 2023, 29.03.23 in Bamberg Begin: 03/29/2023 12:30 Location: University of Bamberg Talk on „Was kann KI? Perspektiven aus der Forschung an der Universität Bamberg“ („What can AI do? Research perspectives from the University of…
02/15/2023 KMUni 2023: Active exchange between industry, commerce and science of the Bamberg region Prof. Christian Ledig holds lecture about Explainable Machine Learning.
01/12/2023 Open Phd and PostDoc Positions We have open fully-funded positions for both PhD candidates and PostDocs. More information can be found here:…
09/27/2022 Deutschlandfunk - Prof. Christian Ledig im Interview zur Foto-Synthese mit KI und Die Revolution der künstlichen Bilder
09/08/2022 Über das Potential von KI-Systemen für Ärzt*innen und Patient*innen Informatiker Christian Ledig stellt sich und seine Leidenschaft für medizinische Bildanalyse vor.