News 02/04/2025 Practical lecture with atrain and OrgWerk I/O Psychology : Consultants present their field 01/20/2025 Award for the paper "What does leadership do to the leader? Using a pattern-oriented approach to investigate the association between daily leadership profiles and daily leader well-being" Paper by Lennart Pötz and Judith Volmer receives award from the Journal of Business and Psychology 12/13/2024 Excursion to Brose in Bamberg Students visit the Bamberg site of automotive supplier Brose as part of the lecture "Work and Organizational Psychology" 10/08/2024 New Publication: The Leader as Servant and Crisis Manager? 05/02/2024 Prize for excellent teaching goes to Karoline Schubert! Teaching Award for Innovative Assessment in the Winter Semester 2023/2024 goes to Karoline Schubert 02/21/2024 New publication on Daily Leadership Dynamics and Well-being 02/01/2024 Visiting Wieland Electric On January 24th, we visited Wieland Electric GmbH. 01/20/2024 Project "DiGiKarriereNav" started January 1st, 2024 11/09/2023 Study on the relationship between leadership behaviour and leader well-being has been published 11/06/2023 An article on causal effects in leadership research has appeared in The Leadership Quarterly 10/11/2023 Invitation to an online event on career prospects The event will provide glimpses into various areas of employment in work and organisational psychology. 04/13/2023 New publication on effective feedback and improvement of management–employee relations has been published in the international journal Organizational Dynamics! 04/13/2023 Digital health tools for improving performance and health in organisations was presented at the Technology Alliance of Upper Franconia (Technologieallianz Oberfranken, TAO) 01/27/2023 Excursion to Wieland Electric On 19th January 2023, together with students, we visited Wieland Electric GmbH. 01/26/2023 New publication on attachment styles and acceptance of feedback 12/21/2022 Merry Christmas Professor Volmer and the whole team at the Professorship of Work and Organisational Psychologie wish everybody happy tidings and a Happy New Year! We… 12/05/2022 New publication on the role of LMX on recovery from work 11/25/2022 New publication on career adaptability and self-efficacy 11/18/2022 Radio interview on work–life balance 09/16/2022 Presentations of the AO Bamberg at the 52nd Congress of the German Psychological Society (DGPs) 08/16/2022 New publication on the relationship of personality to physical proximity 08/01/2022 Practical presentation on "The Future of HR Function" by Mercer Deutschland GmbH 06/02/2022 New publication on the relationship between anticipation of free time and engagement at work by Sebastian Seibel, Judith Volmer and Antje Schmitt 05/03/2022 Presentations from AO Bamberg at the International Conference of the Societies for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) in Seattle (Gonzalez et al., 2022; Zyberaj & Volmer, 2022) 03/23/2022 "Health at work remains the focus of our research" Judith Volmer was in conversation with G+G Digital in the column "Neues aus der Uni" (German). 03/21/2022 Judith Volmer in PSI CHI "The International Honor Society in Psychology" Podcast "PsychEverywhere" 02/23/2022 Publication by Stefanie Richter-Killenberg and Judith Volmer in the Journal of Managerial Psychology on LMX and Wellbeing in Leadership 02/07/2022 Block seminar on Design Thinking with PD Dr. Oliver Kohnke (Global Director Organizational Change, SAP und Privatdozent an der Universität Mannheim) 01/07/2022 A&O Bamberg participated at the SIOP Conference 2022! 11/08/2021 New EU project "LEA: Leading Digital and Agile in Times of COVID-19" confirmed! We are pleased to announce a new 24-month third-party-supported project with the title "LEA: Leading Digital and Agile in Times of COVID-19",… 10/12/2021 SCRL homepage online The homepage for the Smart City Research Lab, in which we are participating as a part of the project "ScanGov – Health in the Workplace", is now… 09/17/2021 PsyGeaA homepage is online The homepage for the ESF project "PsyGesA – Mental Health in the Context of Work" is online: (German link). 08/02/2021 The kick-off meeting for the project "ScanGov: Health in the Workplace" in line with SmartCityBamberg to take place on 1st August 2021 08/02/2021 The kick-off meeting for the EU project "PsyGesA – Mental Health in the Context of Work: Diagnosis and Support" to take place on 1st July 2021
02/04/2025 Practical lecture with atrain and OrgWerk I/O Psychology : Consultants present their field
01/20/2025 Award for the paper "What does leadership do to the leader? Using a pattern-oriented approach to investigate the association between daily leadership profiles and daily leader well-being" Paper by Lennart Pötz and Judith Volmer receives award from the Journal of Business and Psychology
12/13/2024 Excursion to Brose in Bamberg Students visit the Bamberg site of automotive supplier Brose as part of the lecture "Work and Organizational Psychology"
05/02/2024 Prize for excellent teaching goes to Karoline Schubert! Teaching Award for Innovative Assessment in the Winter Semester 2023/2024 goes to Karoline Schubert
11/09/2023 Study on the relationship between leadership behaviour and leader well-being has been published
11/06/2023 An article on causal effects in leadership research has appeared in The Leadership Quarterly
10/11/2023 Invitation to an online event on career prospects The event will provide glimpses into various areas of employment in work and organisational psychology.
04/13/2023 New publication on effective feedback and improvement of management–employee relations has been published in the international journal Organizational Dynamics!
04/13/2023 Digital health tools for improving performance and health in organisations was presented at the Technology Alliance of Upper Franconia (Technologieallianz Oberfranken, TAO)
01/27/2023 Excursion to Wieland Electric On 19th January 2023, together with students, we visited Wieland Electric GmbH.
12/21/2022 Merry Christmas Professor Volmer and the whole team at the Professorship of Work and Organisational Psychologie wish everybody happy tidings and a Happy New Year! We…
09/16/2022 Presentations of the AO Bamberg at the 52nd Congress of the German Psychological Society (DGPs)
06/02/2022 New publication on the relationship between anticipation of free time and engagement at work by Sebastian Seibel, Judith Volmer and Antje Schmitt
05/03/2022 Presentations from AO Bamberg at the International Conference of the Societies for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) in Seattle (Gonzalez et al., 2022; Zyberaj & Volmer, 2022)
03/23/2022 "Health at work remains the focus of our research" Judith Volmer was in conversation with G+G Digital in the column "Neues aus der Uni" (German).
03/21/2022 Judith Volmer in PSI CHI "The International Honor Society in Psychology" Podcast "PsychEverywhere"
02/23/2022 Publication by Stefanie Richter-Killenberg and Judith Volmer in the Journal of Managerial Psychology on LMX and Wellbeing in Leadership
02/07/2022 Block seminar on Design Thinking with PD Dr. Oliver Kohnke (Global Director Organizational Change, SAP und Privatdozent an der Universität Mannheim)
11/08/2021 New EU project "LEA: Leading Digital and Agile in Times of COVID-19" confirmed! We are pleased to announce a new 24-month third-party-supported project with the title "LEA: Leading Digital and Agile in Times of COVID-19",…
10/12/2021 SCRL homepage online The homepage for the Smart City Research Lab, in which we are participating as a part of the project "ScanGov – Health in the Workplace", is now…
09/17/2021 PsyGeaA homepage is online The homepage for the ESF project "PsyGesA – Mental Health in the Context of Work" is online: (German link).
08/02/2021 The kick-off meeting for the project "ScanGov: Health in the Workplace" in line with SmartCityBamberg to take place on 1st August 2021
08/02/2021 The kick-off meeting for the EU project "PsyGesA – Mental Health in the Context of Work: Diagnosis and Support" to take place on 1st July 2021