Working Groups
Data- and knowledge-based approaches to individual, competence-oriented study planning

- Prof. Dr. Andreas Henrich, Chair of Media Informatics
- Michaela Ochs, M.Sc.
Development and testing of methods of explanatory interactive learning

Prof. Dr. Ute Schmid, Cognitive Systems Group (Subproject lead)
Explanatory system for feedback

- Prof. Dr. Diedrich Wolter, Professor for Hybride AI, University of Lübeck
- Tobias Schwartz, M.Sc. (University of Bamberg)
- Moritz Bayerkuhnlein (University of Bamberg)
CEUS data warehouse and controlling

- Achim Ulbrich-vom Ende, Head of the CEUS Competence and Service Centre
- Ines Häuser, M.Sc.
- Maximilian Groh, B.Sc.
- Oliver Elsner, Head of Controlling/Reporting
- Hala Georges
- Helena Strauß
Data-driven degree programme design

- Prof. Dr. Daniela Nicklas, Chair of Mobile Systems
- Dipl.-Soz. Rosemarie Fleck