Welcome to WIAI Student Council (Fachschaft WIAI)

Opening hours

During the winter semester 2024/2025, our members are available following the schedule below.

12 - 2 PMHenri (CitH, M.Sc.)Theresa (WI, M.Sc.),
Jochen (SoSySc, B.Sc.)
Clara (WI, B.Sc.), 
Noah (CitH, M.Sc.)
Laura (WI, M.Sc.), 
Florian (ISSS, M.Sc.)
Janne (AI, M.Sc.),
Laetitia (AI, M.Sc.)


Our meetings take place in hybrid form on Tuesdays at 7:15 PM in room WE5/02.020. You can also join online via Jitsi at wiai.de/sitzung. Our meetings are usually held in German, but feel free to join and take a look anyway :)

Instant feedback on your studies

This is your direct line to the student council. Write down what you like or what bothers you. Small things or huge problems: 

We'll take care of it.


WiFi problems?

If you have problems connecting and staying connected to the eduroam wifi please fill out the form for the ITS (see the link below).
