WIAI computer scientists on the road
It is not only at the University of Bamberg and not only in seminars and lectures that you can discover valuable knowledge. Students and staff also get involved outside the university by attending conferences, meetings and expert discussions on topics relevant to information technology and/or women's issues. Reports from such events are available here as PDF.
Seminar "Gender Aspects in Computer Science" at the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen in WS 19/20

The Georg-August University of Göttingen became aware of the seminar "Gender Aspects in Computer Science", which had already been successfully held at WIAI for several years, and asked the WIAI Equal Opportunity Officer Ute Schmid, who offers the seminar, whether it would be possible to offer the seminar in Göttingen as well. The two students Hannah Deininger and Leonie Ackermann (Master Computing in the Humanities) had already taken part in the seminar themselves and agreed to realise the Bamberg concept at the University of Göttingen.
Here you can read the report by Hannah Deininger and Leonie Ackermann.(260.5 KB, 1 page)
Feminist Futures Festival in Essen from 12-15.9.2019
From 12-15 September, the first Feminist Futures Festival took place in the cultural heart of Essen, at the Zeche Zollverein. It was organised by the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, Konzeptwerk Neue Ökonomie and the Care Revolution Network.
16th KEG Workshop: make IT presents itself
On 26.9.2018, Bettina Finzel, in cooperation with Frederike Kallmeyer, led a working group on "Mentoring Projects in Computer Science" at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna. The working group was part of the programme of the 16th working conference of the Conference of Institutions for Women's and Gender Studies in German-speaking Countries (KEG).
Field trip to adidas AG in Herzogenaurach

The field trip of the WIAI Equal Opportunity Officers took us to adidas AG in Herzogenaurach on 5 November 2018.
talKIT 2018: „AI & Cybersecurity - Facing the Challenges of Digitalization”
From 3 to 5 May, the annual student technology forum took place in Karlsruhe, organised by students of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. During various lectures and workshops, digitalisation was highlighted in different sectors.
You can read the report here.(125.2 KB, 2 pages)
Annual Conference of the Section "Women and Computer Science" in the German Informatics Society
The annual conference of the specialist group "Women and Computer Science" in the German Informatics Society (Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.) on 21 April 2018 was devoted to the topics of data science and digital transformation. Various interesting presentations were given and discussions held in a group of around 30 female participants. The event went from 9 am to 6 pm and took place at the Fraunhofer Forum in Berlin.
You can read the report here.(485.3 KB, 2 pages)
Meet.ME 2017 in Stuttgart: " Komm, mach MINT." career kick-off
From 29 to 30 June 2017, the third Meet.ME career kick-off for women in STEM professions took place at the SWR Funkhaus. Anne Schleicher and Katharina Weitz reported on the event.
Field trip to medatixx Bamberg

On 28.10.2016, an excursion to the Bamberg-based company medatixx took place as part of the mentoring programme of the WIAI faculty. Ines Denk and Sladjana Spasenic report on the day.
GI Section Conference "Women and Computer Science
The annual GI section conference "Women and Computer Science" took place in Paderborn from 15-17 April 2016. The programme included a one-hour speed mentoring session and presentations on current research projects on the topic of "Cloud Computing". In the presence of Germany's first female computer science professor Christiane Floyd, the participants were given a guided tour of the world's largest computer museum, the Heinz-Nixdorf Museum, to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the specialist group. Bettina Finzel, ACS student, took part and reports on the day.
You can read the report here.(689.4 KB, 3 pages)
Field trip to Stadtnetz Bamberg
On 18.12.2014, a field trip to Stadtnetz Bamberg took place as part of the WIAI faculty's mentoring programme. Bettina Finzel, ACS student, reports from the day.
Field trip to the Thomann music store in Treppendorf
On 30.11.2012, a field trip to the Thomann music store in Treppendorf took place as part of the WIAI faculty's mentoring programme. Student participant Bettina Finzel reports on the day.
Field trip report as pdf(64.4 KB)
Transfer and network conference Girls`Day in Nuremberg

The federal coordination office Girls`Day - Girls' Future Day organised a transfer and network conference on 20.11.12 to which all activists from the southern half of Germany were invited. A core aspect of the conference was the development of a new technology course for girls. The girls can expect a mixture of hands-on activities and quiz games on the topics of crafts, computer science, natural sciences and technology. In a playful way, the girls are introduced to the natural science topics and the associated occupational fields.
You can find more information about the conference here(286.6 KB).
"IT Girls meets Business Technology"
A brief glimpse into the workshop hosted by McKinsey in Copenhagen, July 2012.
Report by Theresa Zeißner(68.8 KB)
MINT - Creating the Future; Symposium at the BMW Group in Munich

On 18 April 2012, the 5th MINT Day took place at the BMW Research and Innovation Centre in Munich. The focus of this symposium was education and training in MINT professions according to the motto:
"Comprehend - Participate - Progress".
The shortage of skilled workers has arrived in the German economy. Representatives from business, science and politics discussed this issue. During the dialogue, trainees and students reported on their practical experiences in the MINT sector.
"Using Experience - Shaping the Future" first nationwide MINT Mentoring Congress in Bochum

On 14 and 15 February 2011, the first nationwide congress for mentoring in MINT subjects took place at the Ruhr University Bochum, hosted by the business initiative "MINT Zukunft schaffen" and the event agency "UNIVERSITY PARTNERS Interchange". Under the title "Using Experience - Shaping the Future", the concept of mentoring in the subjects of mathematics, computer science, natural sciences and technology - MINT for short - was presented as an instrument for promoting young talent and discussed with regard to the economy's need for skilled workers. The mentoring programme of the WIAI faculty presented itself at the "Market of Opportunities".
Report on the MINT Mentoring Congress(2.8 MB, 9 pages)
Field trip to the Audi facility in Ingolstadt

On 25.10.2010, a field trip to the Audi facility in Ingolstadt took place as part of the WIAI faculty's mentoring programme. Student participant Franziska Broda reports on the day.
Read the report here.(34.1 KB, 1 page)
Symposium "tasteMINT"
Documentation of the symposium "tasteMINT - a potential assessment procedure for female school leavers: Exemplary Models for Introduction and Continuation " (2.9.2010)
Many higher education institutions are interested in introducing the "innovative procedure for MINT study orientation". At the symposium, all interested parties were given the opportunity to inform themselves about already existing models for long-term introduction and sustainability of tasteMINT.
Download the documentation by Sanne Grabisch as PDF(118.5 KB, 5 pages)
"Full steam ahead for MINT!" MINT Day in Munich

Documentation of the MINT Day (Creating a MINT Future) in Munich (15.4.2010)
On 15 April 2010, the second MINT Day organised by the initiative "MINT Zukunft schaffen" (Creating a MINT Future) took place at the MAN Forum in Munich in front of around 300 people interested in MINT, MINT ambassadors and pupils. With a good atmosphere at the MINT event, it became clear: something is moving in the right direction with MINT, but all those involved must remain continuously and persistently committed, win over more ambassadors and initiatives and carry out intensive "grassroots work" across all target groups.
Download the documentation by Sanne Grabisch as PDF(99.8 KB, 5 pages)
»Herausforderung Technikbildung für Mädchen - Mädchen für Berufe mit Zukunft interessieren!«

Documentation of the expert discussion in the Bavarian Parliament Munich, 22.4.2008
On 22 April 2008, another expert discussion in the series "Women-Technology-Education" took place in the Bavarian Parliament in Munich, initiated by the parliamentary fraction The Greens. Under the headline "The Challenge of Technology Education for Girls - Attracting Girls to Careers with a Future", there where lectures on "Technology - Future in Bavaria?! Technology projects for kindergarten and primary school", "Doing gender aspects in school education. Gender-sensitive didactics", "Girls' policy in career guidance" and "Insight into 20 years of practice: success factors and obstacles to promoting girls and young women in STEM subjects and professions". The event was rounded off by discussions.
Download the documentation by Sanne Grabisch as a PDF file(98.5 KB, 5 pages)
A detailed documentation of the event with the possibility to download the presentations was originally compiled by the organisers of the event, but is unfortunately now only available via an archive link.
"Women shape technology - with success! Female careers in technical professions!"

Documentation of the expert discussion in the Bavarian Parliament Munich, 29.1.2008
On 29 January 2008, an expert discussion initiated by the parliamentary fraction The Greens took place in the Bavarian Parliament in Munich on the topic "Women shape technology - with success! Female careers in technical professions!" Four speakers gave presentations on the topics "Career paths of female engineers", "Women and gender research in Graz", "Determining the status of female engineers - need for action in practice?" and "Challenges for personnel policy: accompanying female engineers' careers". Discussions rounded off the event.
Download the documentation by Sanne Grabisch as a PDF file(98.5 KB, 5 pages)
"Generation Girls' Day - a win for everyone"

On 5 December 2007, the third nationwide symposium "Generation Girls' Day - a win for all" took place in Berlin. More than 250 activists from business, politics and the public came together in the Haus der deutschen Wirtschaft. In a varied, entertaining and, for all its compactness, extremely informative programme, expert reports were supplemented by discussions with young women who have found a technical profession or study programme through Girls'Day.
Download the documentation by Sanne Grabisch as a PDF file(98.5 KB, 5 pages)
Annual Conference 2007 "Women and Computer Science"

Report on the Annual Conference of the "Women and Computer Science" Section of the German Informatics Society (GI)
On 17 and 18 November 2007, the annual conference on Women and Computer Science of the GI section on "Women and Computer Science" took place in Würzburg, which was also attended by three students from Bamberg. While the first day was characterised by discussions and lectures on the topics of "Career Planning for Women", the second day was devoted entirely to the specialist group meeting. This report describes the first day.
Download the report of the students Daniela Georgieva, Gintare Jordan and Kristina Radzeviciute as PDF file(82.9 KB, 4 pages)