Examination Board for Computer Science and Applied Computer Science

The Examination Board for Computer Science and Applied Computer Science supervises the study programmes:

Information on the members of the examination board can be found on the general website of the Faculty WIAI on examination boards.

Questions and requests to the Examination Board

Before you make an inquiry, please check if it is already answered in our FAQs!

If this is not the case, questions and requests should be addressed to Ms. Häuser as  the responsible assistant of the Examination Board.

You find information about applications to the examination board here.

For the recognition of examination or study achievements, e.g. achievements from a semester abroad or preliminary studies, see information here. Please use the forms provided for this purpose and attach all necessary documents (Learning Agreements, certificates from the other university, etc.). You will find these in the VC course of the examination board.

You can drop certificates in the mailbox of the examination board. It's loacated on ERBA (WE5) next to the office of the examination board assistent (WE5/01.079) on the left. Please adress your documents to the responsible examination board, I/AI or WI.

Information on the Examination Office

The Examination Office is responsible for the operational implementation of the examination regulations, in particular for:

  • Registration for examinations (via FlexNow) and theses,
  • Admission to examinations,
  • Determination of the examination rooms and dates,
  • Booking of examination results, announcement of marks,
  • Notification of the passing or failing of examinations,
  • Preparation of certificates, deeds and confirmations.

Visiting address of the examination office:
Kapuzinerstr. 25

Contact person at the examination office:
Bachelor's, Master's and Diploma courses of study at the Faculty of Business Information Systems and Applied Computer Science:

Mrs. Heike Schick (wiai.pruefungen(at)uni-bamberg.de)

Withdrawal from examinations

According to settled case law, the reasons given for failing to sit an examination or withdrawing from an examination must be notified immediately in writing to the Examination Office or the chairman of the Examination Committee and must be credibly substantiated.

If the withdrawal takes place during the examination, the reasons must be explained and substantiated to the respective examiner or supervisor.

In the event of illness, a medical certificate must also be submitted, which must generally be based on an examination that took place on the day of the asserted inability to take the examination (please note: the Examinations Office must be informed by telephone on the day of the examination; the certificate must be submitted no later than three days after the examination). The certificate must contain a statement of the clinical picture (diagnosis).

Legal basis:

§ 7 Abs. 2 General Examination Regulations for Bachelor and Master Programs of the Faculty WIAI, § 8 Abs. 2 General Examination Regulations for Diploma Programs in Economics, Business Information Systems and Applied Computer Science.