Checklist for the start of your studies

There is a lot to consider from all sides at the start of your studies and countless new information reaches new students. With this checklist, you can easily tick off the most urgent points and check whether you are on schedule. Although there are a few things, such as finding accommodation, that need to be tackled early on, in most cases the rule is: keep calm! You don't need to have drawn up a timetable or register for exams yet. We'll do all that calmly and together during the first semester orientation days.

From enrollment/matriculation until before the start of studies

Search for an apartment
  • Obtaining a landlord's certificate from the landlord
  • Make an appointment with the Citizens' Service
Register broadcasting feeusually for every shared flat, room in a student hall of residence and single apartment
Online registration and deregistration with the Beitragsservice
Retrieve certificate of enrollment
  • after completion of enrollment
  • register via the QIS portal with the ba number
Establish technical prerequisites
  • A laptop is almost indispensable for studying
  • a tablet for studying and taking notes during lectures is very useful, but not quite as urgent
Apply for BAföG
Planning mobility
  • Look for a used bike (e.g. via eBay classifieds) or take your bike with you when you move house
  • Book a Deutschlandticket-Upgrade at the student price to travel throughout Bavaria by bus and train
Ensure financing of studies
Clarify insurance
take part in a math pre-course
  • usually takes place 2-3 weeks before the start of the semester
  • in addition to math basics, very good opportunity to get to know fellow students
  • more information is available at your own e-mail address
find out about leisure activities in Bamberg
Set up e-mail and check it regularly
Set password for University of Bamberg account
Set up IT (WLAN, account, VPN,...)
  • there are still technology introductions during the first semester introduction days, but ideally most services should already be set up yourself
  • IT Service provides an overview of the services and corresponding instructions
    WLAN, e-mail and VPN are the most important at the beginning
Follow the university's social media


First semester induction days (week before the start of the lecture period)

take part in first semester introductory daysDuring the first semester introductory days (EETs), you will receive all the important information about the course structure, timetabling and the technology used. The EETs are rounded off with a pub crawl, city rally and much more to get to know the city of Bamberg and your fellow students
register for university sports
register for language courses
  • Early registration deadline depending on the language; more information at the Language Center
Get to know university facilities
  • visits the most important locations such as ERBA, Feki and K16/K25 (see location plan)
Revisit the structure of your own degree program
  • search for the documents relating to your own degree program and look at the module handbook, the StFPO (study and subject examination regulations) of the degree program and the APO (general examination regulations) of the WIAI faculty


Start of the lecture period

Achieve a regular daily routine use a calendar or bullet journal to establish a regular daily routine with time for regular lectures and exercises, working on assignments and preparation and follow-up work, but also free time for friends, family, hobbies and more.
Search for study groupsIt is often easier to learn together - look for other colleagues at the beginning of your studies to solve assignments together and prepare for exams
participate in social eventsIn addition to lectures and tutorials, the student council, the University of Bamberg and other university-related groups offer numerous events for every taste!
Note important dates
  • Exam registration (approx. middle of the semester)
  • Re-registration (approx. last third of the semester)